521 research outputs found


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    PCODE: an efficient and reliable collective communication protocol for unreliable broadcast domain

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    Existing programming environments for clusters are typically built on top of a point-to-point communication layer (send and receive) over local area networks (LANs) and, as a result, suffer from poor performance in the collective communication part. For example, a broadcast that is implemented using a TCP/IP protocol (which is a point-to-point protocol) over a LAN is obviously inefficient as it is not utilizing the fact that the LAN is a broadcast medium. We have observed that the main difference between a distributed computing paradigm and a message passing parallel computing paradigm is that, in a distributed environment the activity of every processor is independent while in a parallel environment the collection of the user-communication layers in the processors can be modeled as a single global program. We have formalized the requirements by defining the notion of a correct global program. This notion provides a precise specification of the interface between the transport layer and the user-communication layer. We have developed PCODE, a new communication protocol that is driven by a global program and proved its correctness. We have implemented the PCODE protocol on a collection of IBM RS/6000 workstations and on a collection of Silicon Graphics Indigo workstations, both communicating via UDP broadcast. The experimental results we obtained indicate that the performance advantage of PCODE over the current point-to-point approach (TCP) can be as high as an order of magnitude on a cluster of 16 workstations

    Lessons learned in deploying software estimation technology and tools

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    Developing a software product involves estimating various project parameters. This is typically done in the planning stages of the project when there is much uncertainty and very little information. Coming up with accurate estimates of effort, cost, schedule, and reliability is a critical problem faced by all software project managers. The use of estimation models and commercially available tools in conjunction with the best bottom-up estimates of software-development experts enhances the ability of a product development group to derive reasonable estimates of important project parameters. This paper describes the experience of the IBM Software Solutions (SWS) Toronto Laboratory in selecting software estimation models and tools and deploying their use to the laboratory's product development groups. It introduces the SLIM and COSTAR products, the software estimation tools selected for deployment to the product areas, and discusses the rationale for their selection. The paper also describes the mechanisms used for technology injection and tool deployment, and concludes with a discussion of important lessons learned in the technology and tool insertion process
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