9 research outputs found

    Secure Text Message Compression and Embedding in Blue Channel of Color Image

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    Steganography is the method ofcommunicating secrete information hidden in thecover object, that may be text, image, audio,video, and protocol for the purpose of hidden theexistence of secret messages. In this proposedsystem, cover object is image because it is themost popular carrier on the Internet. In thissystem, it has contain four parts: first, the inputmessage is resized using message conversionalgorithm, in second, the message is compressedbased on the index-based compression algorithm,in third, the compress message is encrypted byusing random-based transposition cipher formessage encryption and finally, the cipher textmessage is hidden in blue channel of LSB of coverimage. This system provides sufficient complexityand only key are required for embedding process,but not for encryption

    Classifying the Fields of Subjects Using Case-Based Reasoning

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    Today text classification is a necessity due the very large amount of text documents that we have to deal with daily. Text classification is a task of assigning a text document into classes. In this thesis, the system will be implemented to classify the fields of subjects using case-based reasoning. This system includes two phases, training phase and classification phase. In these two phases, the system will perform the preprocessing step such as tokenize the document into individual word, remove the stop words and stemming the words as their root words (features). In training phase, the system uses Term-frequency –Inverse Document Frequency (TF/IDF) method to calculate the weight of terms (words) in the document. This weight is statistical measure which is used to evaluate how important a word in a collected document. In classification phase, the system uses the K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (K-NN) to classify the new document as the appropriate fields. K-NN algorithm will retrieve the similar case in the case base by applying Euclidean distance measure. Thus, the system will classify the new document as the appropriate fields based on the retrieve case

    Encryption and Decryption by using RC5 And DES Algorithms for Data File

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    Today, it is important that information is sentconfidentially over the network without fear ofhackers or unauthorized access to it. Cryptographywas created as a technique for securing the secrecyof communication and many different methods havebeen developed to encrypt and decrypt data inorder to keep the message secret. The proposedcryptographic system is reconfigurable for thenumber of block bits and the number ofcryptographic rounds. In this system, many filestypes can encrypt and decrypt by using RC5 andDES algorithm. The secret key of DES istransformed into 16 sub keys and consequentlyDES takes 16 rounds to perform an encryption. ForRC5 algorithm, rounds key is more than 16. Butthis system uses just only 16 rounds. In this systemshows the tables and has included different time forDES and RC5

    Design and Simulation of Down Conversion Mixer for Front-end Portion of Satellite Receiver

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    In this paper, design and simulation of receiver analogue front-end portion (downconversion mixer) of satellite ground station is presented. The receiver chain is designed to down convert and band pass filtering required for the front-end portion. In this design, the Radio Frequency (RF) and Local Oscillator (LO) frequencies are filtered at 20GHz and 19.5GHz which offers an Intermediate Frequency (IF) of 500MHz. The output IF value can meet the requirements of ultra-wide band receiver analogue front-end portion. The conversion gain for the proposed mixer design is evaluated. The simulation results show input signals and output signal of the mixer

    Analyzing publishing trends in information literacy literature: A bibliometric study

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    The main objective of this study was to explore scholarly communication trends in the field of information literacy. A total of 1989 records from Scopus bibliographic database, published from 2003 to 2012, were analyzed. The Scopus database was preferred over the Web of Science as it provided considerably more hits for the phrase ‘information literacy’. Other possible synonyms for the concept of information literacy were ignored to minimize the retrieval of irrelevant documents. MS Excel as well as specific Scopus analytical tools were used for data analysis. Some areas covered in the data analysis included: annual growth in information literacy publications, preferred journals for publishing information literacy articles, most prolific authors, top countries producing information literacy literature, and publication distribution by subject. It was found that the number of information literacy publications have increased steadily during the last ten years. It was also revealed that a majority of information literacy publication were written by authors from North America and the United Kingdom.Published versio

    Patients' access to and acceptance of community-based hepatitis C testing and treatment in Myanmar: A mixed-method study.

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    Hepatitis C (HCV) infection elimination in low- and middle-income countries requires decentralised HCV services to increase testing and linkage to care. The CT2 Study investigated patients' views of access to and acceptance of two community-based HCV care models in Myanmar using a mixed-methods approach. Point-of-care HCV testing and general practitioner-initiated HCV treatment were provided at two community clinics in Yangon, Myanmar-the Burnet Institute's (BI) clinic focused on people who inject drugs (PWID), and the Myanmar Liver Foundation's (MLF) clinic focused on people with liver-related diseases. Study staff administered quantitative questionnaires to 633 participants receiving anti-HCV antibody testing. Purposive sampling was used to recruit 29 participants receiving direct-acting antiviral treatment for qualitative interviews. Among participants completing quantitative questionnaires, almost all reported the clinic location was convenient (447/463, 97%), waiting time was acceptable (455/463, 98%), and HCV antibody and RNA testing methods were acceptable (617/632, 98% and 592/605, 97% respectively). Nearly all participants were satisfied with their clinic's services (444/463, 96%) and preferred same-day test results (589/632, 93%). BI clinic participants were more confident that they understood HCV antibody and RNA results; MLF clinic participants were more comfortable disclosing their risk behaviour to staff and had slightly higher satisfaction with the overall care, privacy and secure storage of their information. In qualitative interviews, participants reported that flexible appointment scheduling, short wait times and rapid return of results increased the clinic's accessibility. The simplified point-of-care testing and treatment procedures and supportive healthcare providers contributed to participants' acceptance of the HCV care model. This decentralised community-based HCV testing and treatment model was highly accessible and acceptable to CT2 participants. Prioritizing patient-centred care, rapid provision of results, flexible appointments and convenient clinic locations can promote accessible and acceptable services which may in turn help accelerate progress in reaching HCV elimination targets

    Preliminary monitoring of concentration of particulate matter (PM2.5) in seven townships of Yangon City, Myanmar

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    Abstract Background Airborne particulate pollution is more critical in the developing world than in the developed countries in which industrialization and urbanization are rapidly increased. Yangon, a second capital of Myanmar, is a highly congested and densely populated city. Yet, there is limited study which assesses particulate matter (PM2.5) in Yangon currently. Few previous local studies were performed to assess particulate air pollution but most results were concerned PM10 alone using fixed monitoring. Therefore, the present study aimed to assess distribution of PM2.5 in different townships of Yangon, Myanmar. This is the first study to quantify the regional distribution of PM2.5 in Yangon City. Methods The concentration of PM2.5 was measured using Pocket PM2.5 Sensor (Yaguchi Electric Co., Ltd., Miyagi, Japan) three times (7:00 h, 13:00 h, 19:00 h) for 15 min per day for 5 days from January 25th to 29th in seven townships. Detailed information of eight tracks for PM2.5 pollution status in different areas with different conditions within Kamayut Township were also collected. Results The results showed that in all townships, the highest PM2.5 concentrations in the morning followed by the evening and the lowest concentrations in the afternoon were observed. Among the seven townships, Hlaingtharyar Township had the highest concentrations (164 ± 52 μg/m3) in the morning and (100 ± 35 μg/m3) in the evening. Data from eight tracks in Kamayut Township also indicated that PM2.5 concentrations varied between different areas and conditions of the same township at the same time. Conclusion Myanmar is one of the few countries that still have to establish national air quality standards. The results obtained from this study are useful for the better understanding of the nature of air pollution linked to PM2.5. Moreover, the sensor which was used in this study can provide real-time exposure, and this could give more accurate exposure data of the population especially those subpopulations that are highly exposed than fixed station monitoring