44 research outputs found

    Phosphatase-dead myotubularin ameliorates X-linked centronuclear myopathy phenotypes in mice

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    Myotubularin MTM1 is a phosphoinositide (PPIn) 3-phosphatase mutated in X-linked centronuclear myopathy (XLCNM; myotubular myopathy). We investigated the involvement of MTM1 enzymatic activity on XLCNM phenotypes. Exogenous expression of human MTM1 in yeast resulted in vacuolar enlargement, as a consequence of its phosphatase activity. Expression of mutants from patients with different clinical progression and determination of PtdIns3P and PtdIns5P cellular levels confirmed the link between vacuolar morphology and MTM1 phosphatase activity, and showed that some disease mutants retain phosphatase activity. Viral gene transfer of phosphatase-dead myotubularin mutants (MTM1(C375S) and MTM1(S376N)) significantly improved most histological signs of XLCNM displayed by a Mtm1-null mouse, at similar levels as wild-type MTM1. Moreover, the MTM1(C375S) mutant improved muscle performance and restored the localization of nuclei, triad alignment, and the desmin intermediate filament network, while it did not normalize PtdIns3P levels, supporting phosphatase-independent roles of MTM1 in maintaining normal muscle performance and organelle positioning in skeletal muscle. Among the different XLCNM signs investigated, we identified only triad shape and fiber size distribution as being partially dependent on MTM1 phosphatase activity. In conclusion, this work uncovers MTM1 roles in the structural organization of muscle fibers that are independent of its enzymatic activity. This underlines that removal of enzymes should be used with care to conclude on the physiological importance of their activity

    Interaction Utrophine / bêta-dystroglycan dans le muscle et le système nerveux périphérique de la souris déficiente en dystrophine

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    L'analyse des différentes interactions entre les membres du complexe associés à la dystrophine (DGC) a été le centre de plusieurs études biochimiques. Le bêta-dystroglycan prend une place primordiale au sein de ce complexe du fait de son rôle de protéine d'ancrage de la dystrophine et/ou de l'utrophine. De part son homologie structurale avec la dystrophine, l'utrophine est exprimée dans le muscle des patients DMD et de la souris modèle de cette pathologie, la souris mdx. De plus en plus d'observations soulignent l'implication du bêta-dystroglycan dans des évènements de signalisation. Comme l'organisation du complexe DGC, ces évènements sont perturbés dans le muscle déficient en dystrophine. L'interaction entre le bêta-dystroglycan et l'utrophine est une association clé au niveau du sarcolemme de la fibre dystrophique. Nos travaux sont centrés sur ce couple et en particulier sur différents processus et évènements qui influencent la stabilité de cette association. A la lumière de nos résultats, confronté aux données de la littérature, nous avons montré que l'interaction entre l'utrophine et le bêta-dystroglycan est fragilisée dans le muscle dystrophique. L'existence de l'isoform court de l'utrophine Up71 dans le diaphragme de la souris mdx ainsi que dans le nerf périphérique provoque une compétition vis-à-vis de l'ancrage au bêta-dystroglycan. D'autre part, l'affinité de l'utrophine pour le bêta-dystroglycan est également fragilisée suite à l'activation du clivage du bêta-dystroglycan dans le muscle et le nerf de la souris mdx par les métalloprotéinases. L'activation de ces protéases est le résultat d'un enchaînement de plusieurs cascades impliquant principalement certaines protéines de la cascade des MAP kinases et des protéines pro-inflammatoires. Des analyses structurales de l'association utrophine/ bêta-dystroglycan, nous ont permis de mettre en évidence l'implication directe du motif ZZ de la région riche en cystéine de l'utrophine dans l'interaction avec le bêta-dystroglycan et souligne que la fragilité de l'association l'utrophine/ bêta-dystroglycan pourrait être aussi le résultat d'une différence de la régulation de ce motif dans le muscle dystrophique.MONTPELLIER-BU Pharmacie (341722105) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Myotubularine et desmine

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    Shaping Striated Muscles with Ubiquitin Proteasome System in Health and Disease

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    International audienceFor long-lived contractile cells, such as striated muscle cells, maintaining proteome integrity is a challenging task. These cells require hundreds of components that must be properly synthesized, folded, and incorporated into the basic contractile unit, the sarcomere. Muscle protein quality control in cells is mainly guaranteed by the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS), the lysosome-autophagy system, and various molecular chaperones. Recent studies establish the concept of dedicated UPS in the regulation of sarcomere assembly during development and in adult life to maintain the intricate and interwoven organization of protein complexes in muscle. Failure of sarcomere protein quality control often represents the basis of severe myopathies and cardiomyopathies in human, further highlighting its importance in producing and maintaining the contractile machinery of muscle cells in shape

    alpha7B integrin changes in mdx mouse muscles after L-arginine administration.

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    Muscle fibers attach to laminin in the basal lamina using two mechanisms, i.e., dystrophin with its associated proteins and alpha7beta1 integrin. In humans, gene-mutation defects in one member of these complexes result in muscular dystrophies. This study revealed changes after L-arginine treatment of utrophin-associated proteins and the alpha7B integrin subunit in mdx mouse, a dystrophin-deficient animal model. In the two studied muscles (cardiac muscle and diaphragm), the alpha7B integrin subunit was increased in 5-week-old treated mice. Interestingly, the diaphragm histopathological appearance was significantly improved by L-arginine administration. These results highlight a possible way to compensate for dystrophin deficiency via alpha7beta1 integrin

    Ventilation during air breathing and in response to hypercapnia in 5 and 16 month-old mdx and C57 mice.

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    Previous studies have shown a blunted ventilatory response to hypercapnia in mdx mice older than 7 months. We test the hypothesis that in the mdx mice ventilatory response changes with age, concomitantly with the increased functional impairment of the respiratory muscles. We thus studied the ventilatory response to CO(2) in 5 and 16 month-old mdx and C57BL10 mice (n = 8 for each group). Respiratory rate (RR), tidal volume (VT), and minute ventilation (VE) were measured, using whole-body plethysmography, during air breathing and in response to hypercapnia (3, 5 and 8% CO(2)). The ventilatory protocol was completed by histological analysis of the diaphragm and intercostals muscles. During air breathing, the 16 month-old mdx mice showed higher RR and, during hypercapnia (at 8% CO(2) breathing), significantly lower RR (226 +/- 26 vs. 270 +/- 21 breaths/min) and VE (1.81 +/- 0.35 vs. 3.96 +/- 0.59 ml min(-1) g(-1)) (P < 0.001) in comparison to C57BL10 controls. On the other hand, 5 month-old C57BL10 and mdx mice did not present any difference in their ventilatory response to air breathing and to hypercapnia. In conclusion, this study shows similar ventilation during air breathing and in response to hypercapnia in the 5 month-old mdx and control mice, in spite of significant pathological structural changes in the respiratory muscles of the mdx mice. However in the 16 month-old mdx mice we observed altered ventilation under air and blunted ventilation response to hypercapnia compared to age-matched control mice. Ventilatory response to hypercapnia thus changes with age in mdx mice, in line with the increased histological damage of their respiratory muscles

    Biochemical Properties of Gastrokine-1 Purified from Chicken Gizzard Smooth Muscle.

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    International audienceThe potential role and function of gastrokine-1 (GNK1) in smooth muscle cells is investigated in this work by first establishing a preparative protocol to obtain this native protein from freshly dissected chicken gizzard. Some unexpected biochemical properties of gastrokine-1 were deduced by producing specific polyclonal antibody against the purified protein. We focused on the F-actin interaction with gastrokine-1 and the potential role and function in smooth muscle contractile properties. BACKGROUND: GNK1 is thought to provide mucosal protection in the superficial gastric epithelium. However, the actual role of gastrokine-1 with regards to its known decreased expression in gastric cancer is still unknown. Recently, trefoil factors (TFF) were reported to have important roles in gastric epithelial regeneration and cell turnover, and could be involved in GNK1 interactions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role and function of GNK1 in smooth muscle cells. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: From fresh chicken gizzard smooth muscle, an original purification procedure was used to purify a heat soluble 20 kDa protein that was sequenced and found to correspond to the gastrokine-1 protein sequence containing one BRICHOS domain and at least two or possibly three transmembrane regions. The purified protein was used to produce polyclonal antibody and highlighted the smooth muscle cell distribution and F-actin association of GNK1 through a few different methods. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Altogether our data illustrate a broader distribution of gastrokine-1 in smooth muscle than only in the gastrointestinal epithelium, and the specific interaction with F-actin highlights and suggests a new role and function of GNK1 within smooth muscle cells. A potential role via TFF interaction in cell-cell adhesion and assembly of actin stress fibres is discussed