76 research outputs found

    Stochastic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in space dimensions dā‰„2d\ge 2

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    Interplay of kinematic and magnetic forcing in a model of a conducting fluid with randomly driven magnetohydrodynamic equations has been studied in space dimensions dā‰„2d\ge 2 by means of the renormalization group. A perturbative expansion scheme, parameters of which are the deviation of the spatial dimension from two and the deviation of the exponent of the powerlike correlation function of random forcing from its critical value, has been used in one-loop approximation. Additional divergences have been taken into account which arise at two dimensions and have been inconsistently treated in earlier investigations of the model. It is shown that in spite of the additional divergences the kinetic fixed point associated with the Kolmogorov scaling regime remains stable for all space dimensions dā‰„2d\ge 2 for rapidly enough falling off correlations of the magnetic forcing. A scaling regime driven by thermal fluctuations of the velocity field has been identified and analyzed. The absence of a scaling regime near two dimensions driven by the fluctuations of the magnetic field has been confirmed. A new renormalization scheme has been put forward and numerically investigated to interpolate between the Ļµ\epsilon expansion and the double expansion.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Functional Methods in Stochastic Systems

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    Field-theoretic construction of functional representations of solutions of stochastic differential equations and master equations is reviewed. A generic expression for the generating function of Green functions of stochastic systems is put forward. Relation of ambiguities in stochastic differential equations and in the functional representations is discussed. Ordinary differential equations for expectation values and correlation functions are inferred with the aid of a variational approach.Comment: Plenary talk presented at Mathematical Modeling and Computational Science. International Conference, MMCP 2011, Star\'a Lesn\'a, Slovakia, July 4-8, 201

    Study of Anomalous Kinetics of The Annihilation Reaction A+A->0

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    Using the perturbative renormalization group, we study the influence of a random velocity field on the kinetics of the single-species annihilation reaction A+A->0 at and below its critical dimension d_c=2. We use the second-quantization formalism of Doi to bring the stochastic problem to a field-theoretic form. We investigate the reaction in the vicinity of the space dimension d=2 using a two-parameter expansion in Ļµ\epsilon and Ī”\Delta, where Ļµ\epsilon is the deviation from the Kolmogorov scaling parameter and Ī”\Delta is the deviation from the space dimension d=2. We evaluate all the necessary quantities, including fixed points with their regions of stability, up to the second order of the perturbation theory.Comment: Presented in the Third International Conference "Models in QFT: In Memory of A.N. Vasiliev" St. Petersburg - Petrodvorez, October 201

    Operator Approach to the Master Equation for the One-Step Process

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    Presentation of the probability as an intrinsic property of the nature leads researchers to switch from deterministic to stochastic description of the phenomena. The procedure of stochastization of one-step process was formulated. It allows to write down the master equation based on the type of of the kinetic equations and assumptions about the nature of the process. The kinetics of the interaction has recently attracted attention because it often occurs in the physical, chemical, technical, biological, environmental, economic, and sociological systems. However, there are no general methods for the direct study of this equation. Leaving in the expansion terms up to the second order we can get the Fokker-Planck equation, and thus the Langevin equation. It should be clearly understood that these equations are approximate recording of the master equation. However, this does not eliminate the need for the study of the master equation. Moreover, the power series produced during the master equation decomposition may be divergent (for example, in spatial models). This makes it impossible to apply the classical perturbation theory. It is proposed to use quantum field perturbation theory for the statistical systems (the so-called Doi method). This work is a methodological material that describes the principles of master equation solution based on quantum field perturbation theory methods. The characteristic property of the work is that it is intelligible for non-specialists in quantum field theory. As an example the Verhulst model is used because of its simplicity and clarity (the first order equation is independent of the spatial variables, however, contains non-linearity). We show the full equivalence of the operator and combinatorial methods of obtaining and study of the one-step process master equation.Comment: in Russian; in Englis

    Advection of a passive scalar field by turbulent compressible fluid: renormalization group analysis near d=4d = 4

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    The field theoretic renormalization group (RG) and the operator product expansion (OPE) are applied to the model of a density field advected by a random turbulent velocity field. The latter is governed by the stochastic Navier-Stokes equation for a compressible fluid. The model is considered near the special space dimension d=4d = 4. It is shown that various correlation functions of the scalar field exhibit anomalous scaling behaviour in the inertial-convective range. The scaling properties in the RG+OPE approach are related to fixed points of the renormalization group equations. In comparison with physically interesting case d=3d = 3, at d=4d = 4 additional Green function has divergences which affect the existence and stability of fixed points. From calculations it follows that a new regime arises there and then by continuity moves into d=3d = 3. The corresponding anomalous exponents are identified with scaling dimensions of certain composite fields and can be systematically calculated as series in yy (the exponent, connected with random force) and Ļµ=4āˆ’d\epsilon=4-d. All calculations are performed in the leading one-loop approximation.Comment: 11pages, 6 figures, LATEX2e. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1611.00327; text overlap with arXiv:1611.0130

    Two-Loop Calculation of the Anomalous Exponents in the Kazantsev--Kraichnan Model of Magnetic Hydrodynamics

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    The problem of anomalous scaling in magnetohydrodynamics turbulence is considered within the framework of the kinematic approximation, in the presence of a large-scale background magnetic field. Field theoretic renormalization group methods are applied to the Kazantsev-Kraichnan model of a passive vector advected by the Gaussian velocity field with zero mean and correlation function āˆĪ“(tāˆ’tā€²)/kd+Ļµ\propto \delta(t-t')/k^{d+\epsilon}. Inertial-range anomalous scaling for the tensor pair correlators is established as a consequence of the existence in the corresponding operator product expansions of certain "dangerous" composite operators, whose negative critical dimensions determine the anomalous exponents. The main technical result is the calculation of the anomalous exponents in the order Ļµ2\epsilon^2 of the Ļµ\epsilon expansion (two-loop approximation).Comment: Presented in the Conference "Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics" (Stara Lesna, Slovakia, July 2011
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