35 research outputs found

    Anomalous Kinetics of a Multi-Species Reaction-Diffusion System: Effect of Random Velocity Fluctuations

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    Reaction-diffusion systems, which consist of the reacting particles subject to diffusion process, constitute one of the common examples of non-linear statistical systems. In low space dimensions d2d \leq 2 the usual description by means of kinetic rate equations is not sufficient and the effect of density fluctuations has to be properly taken into account. Our aim here is to analyze a particular multi-species reaction-diffusion system characterized by reactions A+A(,A),\textit{A} +\textit{A} \rightarrow (\emptyset, A), A+BA\textit{A} +\textit{B} \rightarrow \textit{A} at and below its critical dimension dc=2d_c = 2. In particular, we investigate effect of thermal fluctuations on the reaction kinetics, which are generated by means of random velocity field modelled by a stochastic Navier-Stokes equations. Main theoretical tool employed is field-theoretic perturbative renormalization group. The analysis is performed to the first order of the perturbation scheme (one-loop approximation).Comment: Some misprints in text and notation have been fixed compared to the original versio

    Symmetry Breaking in Stochastic Dynamics and Turbulence

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    Symmetries play paramount roles in dynamics of physical systems. All theories of quantum physics and microworld including the fundamental Standard Model are constructed on the basis of symmetry principles. In classical physics, the importance and weight of these principles are the same as in quantum physics: dynamics of complex nonlinear statistical systems is straightforwardly dictated by their symmetry or its breaking, as we demonstrate on the example of developed (magneto)hydrodynamic turbulence and the related theoretical models. To simplify the problem, unbounded models are commonly used. However, turbulence is a mesoscopic phenomenon and the size of the system must be taken into account. It turns out that influence of outer length of turbulence is significant and can lead to intermittency. More precisely, we analyze the connection of phenomena such as behavior of statistical correlations of observable quantities, anomalous scaling, and generation of magnetic field by hydrodynamic fluctuations with symmetries such as Galilean symmetry, isotropy, spatial parity and their violation and finite size of the system

    Field-theoretic analysis of directed percolation: Three-loop approximation

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    The directed bond percolation is a paradigmatic model in nonequilibrium statistical physics. It captures essential physical information on the nature of continuous phase transition between active and absorbing states. In this paper, we study this model by means of the field-theoretic formulation with a subsequent renormalization group analysis. We calculate all critical exponents needed for the quantitative description of the corresponding universality class to the third order in perturbation theory. Using dimensional regularization with minimal subtraction scheme, we carry out perturbative calculations in a formally small parameter ε\varepsilon, where ε=4d\varepsilon=4-d is a deviation from the upper critical dimension dc=4d_c=4. We use a nontrivial combination of analytical and numerical tools in order to determine ultraviolet divergent parts of Feynman diagrams

    GPU-Accelerated Population Annealing Algorithm: Frustrated Ising Antiferromagnet on the Stacked Triangular Lattice

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    The population annealing algorithm is a novel approach to study systems with rough free-energy landscapes, such as spin glasses. It combines the power of simulated annealing, Boltzmann weighted differential reproduction and sequential Monte Carlo process to bring the population of replicas to the equilibrium even in the low-temperature region. Moreover, it provides a very good estimate of the free energy. The fact that population annealing algorithm is performed over a large number of replicas with many spin updates, makes it a good candidate for massive parallelism. We chose the GPU programming using a CUDA implementation to create a highly optimized simulation. It has been previously shown for the frustrated Ising antiferromagnet on the stacked triangular lattice with a ferromagnetic interlayer coupling, that standard Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations fail to equilibrate at low temperatures due to the effect of kinetic freezing of the ferromagnetically ordered chains. We applied the population annealing to study the case with the isotropic intra- and interlayer antiferromagnetic coupling (J2/|J1| = −1). The reached ground states correspond to non-magnetic degenerate states, where chains are antiferromagnetically ordered, but there is no long-range ordering between them, which is analogical with Wannier phase of the 2D triangular Ising antiferromagnet