100 research outputs found

    Malignant degeneration of cystic teratoma of the ovary: two cases report

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    The malignant degeneration of mature ovarian teratomas is a rare phenomenon. Case reported two cases of squamous cell carcinoma developed on mature teratoma of the ovary in patients aged 54 and 41 who were seen for chronic pelvic pain. Their pelvic ultrasound showed cystic double-component images with sizes of 103 and 95 mm respectively suggestive of dermoid cysts, and the anatomopathological study of the pieces of adnexectomy confirmed the diagnosis. Although no clinical, radiological or biological signs are specific, ovarian dermal cyst degeneration is suspected in the presence of a large dermoid cyst in a postmenopausal or peri-menopausal woman. The careful anatomo-pathological study of the cyst in this case makes it possible to pose the diagnosis of certainty. A rare complication of the dermoid cyst, its prognosis is pejorative and depends mainly on its clinical stage at the time of diagnosis and the quality of its surgical treatment which must be as radical as possible

    Primary breast lymphoma: a case report

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    Primary breast lymphoma is a primary degeneration of the breast lymphoid tissue. Study aim to describe primary breast lymphoma; its clinical presentations, histological particularities and management methods. A 33 years-old patient with no medical history underwent a breast surgery. Its anatomo-pathological study, supplemented by immunohistochemistry, showed a primary breast lymphoma. The extension assessment was negative. The patient underwent chemotherapy with regression of the tumor. Breast lymphomas are rare conditions. Its clinical symptomatology is polymorphic and the imaging aspects are non-specific. It should be evoked in front of any breast tumor in order to avoid heavy breast surgery since the basic treatment is based on chemotherapy

    Ovarian cystadenofibromas: a three cases report

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    Ovarian cystadenofibromas is a benign ovarian tumor that typically affects women in their fifth decade. Its risk factors remain unknown. This case study report 3 cases of ovarian cystadenofibromas treated in our department. The patients are aged 21, 28 and 50 years-old. The clinical pictures were polymorphic but the pelvic ultrasound of the case patients showed cystic ovarian masses suspected of malignancy. Two patients underwent laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy, and the third one, aged 50, underwent laparoscopic adnexectomy. The anatomopathological study showed benign ovarian cystadenofibromas. The operating follow ups were simple. It represents a relatively rare tumor whose macroscopic aspect evokes ovarian cancer wrongly leading to an aggressive surgical attitude

    Optimum traffic allocation in bundled energy-efficient ethernet links

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    The energy demands of Ethernet links have been an active focus of research in the recent years. This work has enabled a new generation of energy-efficient Ethernet (EEE) interfaces able to adapt their power consumption to the actual traffic demands, thus yielding significant energy savings. With the energy consumption of single network connections being a solved problem, in this paper, we focus on the energy demands of link aggregates that are commonly used to increase the capacity of a network connection. We build on known energy models of single EEE links to derive the energy demands of the whole aggregate as a function on how the traffic load is spread among its powered links. We then provide a practical method to share the load that minimizes overall energy consumption with controlled packet delay and prove that it is valid for a wide range of EEE links. Finally, we validate our method with both synthetic and real traffic traces captured in Internet backbones.Xunta de Galici

    Les Ethmoidites Aigues Exteriorisees De L\'enfant Etude De 11 Observations

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    Les ethmoïdites sont les sinusites les plus fréquentes chez l\'enfant de moins de 3 ans. La gravité de cette affection est liée à l\'extériorisation orbito-oculaire et endocrânienne de l\'infection. But : Analyser les caractéristiques clinico- radiologiques et thérapeutiques de cette affection. Patients et méthodes : Il s\'agit d\'une étude rétrospective portant sur 11 enfants hospitalisés pour ethmoïdite aigue, dans le service de pédiatrie du CHU Farhat Hached de Sousse, durant une période de 6 ans. Résultats : L\'âge moyen de nos patients était de 4 ans et 1/2, ils se répartissaient en 8 filles et 3 garçons. Le délai de consultation était de trois jours en moyenne. La fièvre et l\'oedème palpébral étaient deux critères constants chez tous nos patients. L\'atteinte était unilatérale dans neuf cas, et bilatérale dans deux cas. La TDM éthmoïdo-orbitaire et cérébrale, réalisée pour tous les patients, nous a permis de confirmer le diagnostic et de préciser l\'extension locorégionale. Une cellulite préseptale, une cellulite orbitaire, un abcès sous périosté étaient retrouvées, dans trois cas et une collection orbitaire dans les deux autres. Une bithérapie (céfotaxime-fosfomycine) était prescrite de première intention chez 10 patients. La metronidazole a été associée dans 3 cas Un drainage chirurgical était réalisé chez quatre patients. L\'évolution était favorable dans tous les cas. Conclusion : contenu de la gravité et les germes rencontrés dans cette affection, l\'antibiothérapie de première intention doit être large, précoce et intensive. Le recours au drainage est impératif en cas de collection orbitaire.Acute ethmoiditis are bacterial infections of ethmoid sinuses, which may spread to the orbital or the endocranial spaces.They are the most frequent among bacterial sinusitis before 3 years. Population and methods:Our study is retrospective, it included all children hospitalized in our pediatric unit from 2000 to 2006 for an acute ethmoiditis. We analyzed clinical and radiological presentations, and discussed therapeutic modalities used to treat this pathology. Results:Over this 6-years period, 11 children (mean age 4.5 years) where hospitalized for acute ethmoïdites.They were 3 boy and 8 girls. All patients presented with high fever and palpabral oedems. Etmoïditis was unilateral in 9 Children and bilateral in two. Ethmoïdio-orbital CT scan confirmed acute ethmoïdis, the cerebral one assessed intra-cranial diffusion. The acute ethmoidis was complicated with, preseptal cellulites in three cases, orbital cellulitis in three cases, subperiostal abscess in three others and orbital collection in two patients. Most children received an association of cefotaxisme and fosfomycemie for a mean duration of 13 days. Metronidazole was associated to the previous antibiotherapy in three cases. Four patients, required surgical treatment in addition to antibiotherapy.All children saw favorable out come. Conclusion:It is always difficult to found the bacteria responsible for an acute ethmoiditis. The first antibiotic therapy must be chosen to be effective in the most frequently responsible bacteria tacking in consideration the potentiel severity of this sinusitis. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 16 2006: pp. 22-2

    Mucormycose Otocerebrale: À Propos D\'un Cas

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    La mucormycose est une affection mycosique rare mais souvent fatale, survenant sur des terrains débilités. Elle est due à la prolifération de champignons cosmopolites de la famille de mucorales. Elle entraîne des lésions délabrantes et extensives des parties molles avec risque de thromboses vasculaires. Observation : nous rapportons l\'observation d\'une petite fille, âgée de 3 ans , issue d\'un mariage consanguin, hypotrophe, hospitalisée pour otite externe évoluant depuis 3 semaines. La patiente a bénéficié d\'une antromastoidectomie et a été mise sous antibiotiques. Devant une aggravation de l\'état local, avec extension de la nécrose et destruction du conduit auditif externe, une infection mycosique est fortement suspectée, sur un terrain particulier de déficit immunitaire probable. L\'examen parasitologique d\'un prélèvement local a mis en évidence la présence de filaments mycéliens dont la culture a isolé un Rhizopus oryzae, confirmé aussi par l\'étude anatomopathologique. L\'exploration de l\'immunité a mis en évidence un déficit de l\'immunitaire céllulaire.Un traitement par amphotéricine B était mal toléré (choc anaphylactique), l\'évolution spontanée était rapidement défavorable avec une extension locorégionale importante et une thrombophlébite du sinus latéral homolatéral, aboutissement au décés. Conclusion : la localisation oto cérebrale de la mucormycose est exeptionnelle, on doit y penser devant une otite externe maligne sur un terrain particulier. La prise en charge doit être urgente afin d\'augmenter les chances de survie.Mucormycosis is a relatively rare, potentially life-threatening, fungal infection. It occurs predominately in immunocompromised hosts. Vascular invasion, thrombosis and rapid ischemic necrosis of infected tissue are the most characteristic features of this pathology. Early diagnosis and consequently effective treatment are needed to save life in this fatal condition. Report: We report a case of otocerebral mucormycosis occurring in an hypotrophic 3-years old girl suffering from language retardation and chronic diarrhea. Immune system\'s exploration revealed a profound cell-mediated immunity defect. The diagnosis was suspected because of the rapidly extensive necrosis of the external ear conduct, the existence of lateral sinus thrombosis and the resistance to an aggressive antibiotic therapy.The diagnosis was confirmed by identifying Rhizopus oryzae by pathological examination of the necrotic tissue. Treatment by intravenous amphotericin B was certainly lately begun and unfortunately complicated by anaphylactic shock. Because no alternative drug was possible, such as liposomal amphotericin B, the girl rapidly died. Conclusion: Otocerebral mucormycosis is extremely rare.It must be considered when ear lesions are necrotic and rapidly extensive mainly in patients with predisposing conditions. Successful treatment requires tissue excision and early injection of amphotericin B, preferably in its liposomal presentation. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 16 2006: pp. 42-4

    Distributed energy efficient channel allocation in underlay multicast D2D communications

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    In this paper, we address the optimization of the energy efficiency of underlay multicast device-to-device (D2MD) communications on cellular networks. In particular, we maximize the energy efficiency of both the global network and the individual users considering various fairness factors such as maximum power and minimum rate constraints. For this, we employ a canonical mixed-integer non-linear formulation of the joint power control and resource allocation problem. To cope with its NP-hard nature, we propose a two-stage semi-distributed solution. In the first stage, we find a stable, yet sub-optimal, channel allocation for D2MD groups using a cooperative coalitional game framework that allows co-channel transmission over a set of shared resource blocks and/or transmission over several different channels per D2MD group. In the second stage, a central entity determines the optimal transmission power for each user in the system via fractional programming. We performed extensive simulations to analyze the resulting energy efficiency and attainable transmission rates. The results show that the performance of our semi-distributed approach is very close to that obtained with a pure optimal centralized one.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. GO2EDGERED2018-102563-TAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. TEC2017-85587-RAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RED2018-102563-