119 research outputs found

    Nova špiljska vrsta roda Bryaxis (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) s otoka Mljeta

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    Bryaxis krilei sp. nov., a new cavernicolous species of the tribe Bythinini from the island of Mljet, Croatia is described and illustrated, and the systematic position of the species is discussed.U radu se opisuje nova špiljska vrsta tribusa Bythinini, Bryaxis krilei sp. nov., s otoka Mljeta te se raspravlja o njenom položaju u sistematici

    Lathrobium joncooteri, novo ime za Lathrobium cooteri Stevanović, Hlaváč & Pavićević (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae)

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    A new name, Lathrobium joncooteri, is proposed for Lathrobium cooteri Stevanović, Hlaváč & Pavićević, 2008, a primary homonym of L. cooteri Watanabe 1999.Novo ime, Lathrobium joncooteri, predlaže se za vrstu Lathrobium cooteri Stevanović, Hlaváč & Pavićević, 2008, primarni homonim vrste L. cooteri Watanabe 1999

    Endogejski i špiljski Coleoptera Balkana. XXII. Dvije nove vrste roda Paramaurops Jeannel, 1948 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae) iz Hrvatske

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    Two new species of the subterranean and anophthalmous genus Paramaurops Jeannel, 1948 are described and illustrated: P. alenkirini sp. n. and P. struyvei sp. n. from Croatia. The distribution of all Croatian records of the genus is given in the map.U radu su opisane dvije nove vrste podzemnih i slijepih kornjaša roda Paramaurops Jeannel, 1948: P. alenkirini sp. n. i P. struyvei sp. n. iz Hrvatske. Ilustrirani su muški kopulatorni organi obje vrste. Distribucija svih zapisa ovog roda u Hrvatskoj prikazana je na karti

    Tepelné vlastnosti vybraných vzoriek syrov

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    The thermophysical parameters of selected cheeses (processed cheese and half hard cheese) are presented in the article. Cheese is a generic term for a diversegroup of milk-based food products. Cheese is produced throughout the world in wide-ranging flavors, textures, and forms. Cheese goes during processing through the thermal and mechanical manipulation, so thermal properties are one of the most important. Knowledge about thermal parameters of cheeses could be used in the process of quality evaluation. Based on the presented facts thermal properties of selected cheeses which are produced by Slovak producers were measured. Theoretical part of article contains description of cheese and description of plane source method which was used for thermal parameters detection. Thermophysical parameters as thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and volume specific heat were measured during the temperature stabilisation. The results are presented as relations of thermophysical parameters to the temperature in temperature range from 13.5°C to 24°C. Every point of graphic relation was obtained as arithmetic average from measured values for the same temperature. Obtained results were statistically processed. Presented graphical relations were chosen according to the results of statistical evaluation and also according to the coefficients of determination for every relation. The results of thermal parameters are in good agreement with values measured by other authors for similar types of cheeses.Článok sa zaoberá vybranými tepelnými vlastnosťami syrov (taveného syra a polotvrdého syra). Syr je všeobecný pojem používaný pre rôznorodé skupiny mliečnych potravín. Syry sa vyrábajú po celom svete v rôznych príchutiach, textúrach a formách. V priebehu spracovania syry prechádzajú tepelnou a mechanickou manipuláciou a preto tepelné vlastnosti sú u syrov jednými z najdôležitejších. Poznatky o tepelných vlastnostiach syrov môžu byť využité pri procese hodnotenia ich kvality. Na základe prezentovaných faktov boli realizované merania termofyzikálnych parametrov vybraných syrov vyrobených slovenskými výrobcami. V teoretickej časti článku je uvedená všeobecná charakteristika syra a popis metódy plošného zdroja, ktorá bola použitá pri experimentoch. V rámci merania boli zisťované: tepelná vodivosť, teplotná vodivosť a objemová tepelná kapacity v priebehu teplotnej stabilizácie. Výsledky meraní sú prezentované ako závislosti termofyzikálnych parametrov od teploty, v teplotnom intervale od 13,5°C do 24°C. Každý bod prezentovaných grafických závislostí je aritmetickým priemerom 50-tich nameraných hodnôt pre jednu teplotu. Získané výsledky boli štatisticky spracované a prezentované závislosti boli vybrané na základe štatistického vyhodnotenia výsledkov a tiež na základe hodnôt koeficientov determinácie pre každú grafickú závislosť. Výsledky meraní termofyzikálnych parametrov sú v dobrej zhode s meraniami prezentovanými inými autormi pre podobné druhy syrov

    A new species of the genus Colilodion Besuchet, 1991 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) from Mindanao, the Philippines

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    Hlaváč, Peter, Vondráček, Dominik, Mohagan, Alma B. (2018): A new species of the genus Colilodion Besuchet, 1991 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) from Mindanao, the Philippines. Zootaxa 4370 (5): 562-568, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4370.5.

    Thermal properties of selected bee products

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    Knowledge of bee products’ physical properties has a decisive importance for the monitoring of their quality. Thermophysical parameters are very important properties. Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of selected bee products (honey, bee pollen and perga) were measured by two different methods. For identification of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity transient methods were used: Hot Wire (HW) and Dynamic Plane Source (DPS) method with an instrument Isomet 2104. The principle of measuring process is based on the analysis of timetemperature relation. In the first series of measurements thermal conductivity and diffusivity at constant laboratory temperature of 20 °C were measured. The second series was focused on identification of the changes in the thermophysical parameters during temperature stabilisation in the temperature range of 5–25 °C. For samples with constant temperature standard deviations and probable errors in % were calculated. For relations of thermal parameters to temperature graphical dependencies were obtained. Two different thermophysical methods were used for improvement of data reliability and data statistics

    Forest leaf litter beetles of Taiwan: first DNA barcodes and first insight into the fauna

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    We report the publication of 953 DNA barcodes of forest leaf litter beetles from central Taiwan, in total representing 334 spe- cies of 36 beetle families. This is the first bulk of data from the Taiwanese Leaf Litter beetles project focused on uncovering the under-explored diversity of leaf litter beetles across Taiwan. Based on these data, we provide the first records of the following taxa for Taiwan: family Sphindidae (genus Aspidiphorus Ziegler, 1821); tribes Trichonychini, Ctenistini, and Bythinoplectini (all Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae); genera Gyrelon Hinton, 1942, Thyroderus Sharp, 1885, Cautomus Sharp, 1885 (all Cerylonidae), Dermatohomoeus Hlisnikovský, 1963 (Leiodidae), Paraploderus Herman, 1970 (Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae), Thinocharis Kraatz, 1859 (Staphylinidae: Paederinae), Cephennodes Reitter, 1884, Napoconnus Franz, 1957 (both Staphylinidae: Scydmaeninae), Bicava Belon, 1884 (Latridiidae), Otibazo Morimoto, 1961, Seleuca Pascoe, 1871 and Acallinus Morimoto, 1962 (all Curculioni- dae); species Oodes (Lachnocrepis) japonicus (Bates, 1873) (Carabidae: Licininae), Drusilla obliqua (Bernhauer, 1916) (Staphylin- idae: Aleocharinae) and Coccotrypes advena Blandford, 1894 (Curculionidae: Scolytinae). The records of Anapleus Horn, 1873 (Histeridae) and Batraxis Reitter, 1882 (Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) have been confirmed. The male of Sivacrypticus taiwanicus Kaszab, 1964 (Archeocrypticidae) is described for the first time. Gyrelon jenpani Hu, Fikáček & Matsumoto, sp. nov. (Cerylon- idae) is described, illustrated, and compared with related species. DNA barcodes associated larvae of 42 species with adults, we are concisely illustrating some of these: Oodes japonicus, Perigona cf. nigriceps Dejean, 1831 (both Carabidae), Ptilodactyla sp. (Ptilodactylidae), Maltypus ryukyuanus Wittmer, 1970 (Cantharidae), Drusilla obliqua, Myrmecocephalus brevisulcus (Pace, 2008), Diochus sp., Mimopinophilus sp. (all Staphylinidae), Stelidota multiguttata Reitter, 1877, Lasiodites inaequalis (Grouvelle, 1914) (both Nitidulidae), Lagria scutellaris Pic, 1910, and Anaedus spinicornis Kaszab, 1973 (both Tenebrionidae). We also report the first cases of Rickettsia infections in Scydmaeninae and Pselaphinae. All data (sequences, metadata, and voucher photos) are made public in BOLD database and in a Zenodo Archive

    Xenomussardia Celis 1975

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    Xenomussardia Célis, 1975: 655 Diagnosis. Length 1.8 mm, head distinctly shorter than pronotum, eyes large, strongly prominent, rostrum triangular, pronotum longer than wide, with basal fovea and median longitudinal sulcus which is interrupted by basal fovea, elytra long, lacking foveae and striae, considerably longer than pronotum and abdomen, with deep, median depression in posterior half, posterior corners elevated, midlegs modified in males, abdomen with deep transverse basal impression and two lateral transverse rectangular projections. Antennae with antennomeres I −II minuscule, III −V elongate, subequal, terminal antennomere twice as long as V, truncate at apex. Species included. Xenomussardia besucheti Célis, 1975: 656. Distribution. Zimbabwe.Published as part of Hlaváč, Peter, 2016, Mataranka bilyi, a new peculiar genus and species of Clavigeritae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) from Australia, pp. 126-134 in Zootaxa 4072 (1) on page 132, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4072.1.6, http://zenodo.org/record/27066

    Mataranka Hlaváč, 2016, gen. nov.

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    Mataranka gen. nov. (Figs. 1−3) Type species: Mataranka bilyi sp. nov. Present designation. Diagnosis. Medium-sized Clavigerine of the subtribe Clavigerodina with antennae composed of 6 antennomeres, two terminal antennomeres enlarged and strongly modified, this is most probably sexual character of males, trichomes weakly defined and located only on fused paratergites, male lacking any sexual characters on midlegs. Description. Body (Fig. 1) reddish-brown, antennae and legs slightly lighter. Head widest across eyes, rostrum strongly projecting, about as long as half length of head, anterior margin straight, posterior part wider, eyes large, prominent, hemispherical. Head capsule with short sparse setation, clearly separated by occipital constriction from neck region which is dorsally entirely retracted into pronotum. Antennae long, with six antennomeres, scape small, hardly visible dorsally, II −IV subequal, V and VI strongly modified. Ventral part of head with strong, uneven microsculpture, with two posterior tentorial pits and median triangular depression. Pronotum about as long as wide, widest in posterior portion, surface rugose, with well-defined median antebasal fovea, slightly shorter than head. Mesoventrite short, with strongly elevated, sharp mesoventral carina; almost whole surface of metaventrite with elongate, dense, almost evenly parallel furrows, disc of metaventrite with large, deep depression, hind corners of metaventral depression in front of metacoxae with sharp horn-like processes, posterior metaventral process wide, slightly concave, with shagreened surface. First visible sternite (III) about half as long as second (IV), with tuft of golden setae medially, third visible sternite (V) slightly longer than first (III). Elytra about 1.4 times as long as pronotum, lacking basal foveae, with well-defined, entire discal and sutural striae, surface unevenly striated with sparse setation, posterior margin with longer, gold setae. Posterior angles rounded. Abdomen with composite tergite (IV −VI) with deep, median, basal impression interrupted by short but prominent median keel, disc of composite tergite strongly convex, unevenly longitudinaly striated with sparse uneven setae. Paratergites of composite tergite well-developed, fused, bearing very small trichomes. Legs simple, slender, lacking modification, with sparse long setae. Aedeagus (Figs. 2−3) symmetric, parameres fused to median lobe, with bifurcate sclerite, basal bulb robust, distinctly longer and well-delimited from small pointed apical lobe, dorsal diaphragm large, oval. Sexual dimorphism. Female unknown. Differential diagnosis. The new genus differs from all other members of the subtribe Clavigerodina by the combination of following characters: 1) the antennae with 6 antennomeres, the two terminal antennomeres strongly modified in male, 2) the composite tergite of abdomen with a deep, basal impression interrupted by a median keel, 3) the middle legs simple, lacking spines or any other modifications. Distribution. Australia (Northern Territory). Etymology. The name of the new genus refers to Mataranka, the locality where the new species was collected. Gender feminine.Published as part of Hlaváč, Peter, 2016, Mataranka bilyi, a new peculiar genus and species of Clavigeritae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) from Australia, pp. 126-134 in Zootaxa 4072 (1) on page 127, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4072.1.6, http://zenodo.org/record/27066

    Endogean and cavernicolous Coleoptera of the Balkans. XII. New species of Paramaurops Jeannel, 1948 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) from Macedonia

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    Hlaváč, Peter (2013): Endogean and cavernicolous Coleoptera of the Balkans. XII. New species of Paramaurops Jeannel, 1948 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) from Macedonia. Zootaxa 3745 (3): 397-399, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3745.3.