149 research outputs found

    Razina motiviranosti zaposlenih u poduzećima drvnoprerađivačke industrije u odnosu prema zaposlenima u drugim proizvodnim poduzećima u Slovačkoj

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    This paper is focused on the area of motivation and motivational programs for employees in the wood industry and in other manufacturing enterprises (engineering, food, chemical and textile). The main objective of this paper is to compare the motivation of employees within manufacturing companies of various categories. We analyzed the current state of motivation of employees within manufacturing companies throughout Slovakia. The analysis was made of 21 enterprises with 2 576 employees in different job positions. The order of importance was made for 30 selected motivational factors in wood industry and other manufacturing enterprises. The evaluation of statistical correlation between the two compared groups was made by use of the Spearman correlation coefficient, by which statistical dependence was defined between the category of workers and the category of technical-economic employees. The results show fundamental difference of the importance of motivational factors within technical and marketing staff of woodworking companies and other manufacturing companies. In the category of workers, diversity of the importance of motivational factors is less signifi cant. Our analysis showed that in a long period of time all employees keep their motivation at a constant level.Rad je usmjeren na motivaciju i motivacijske programe zaposlenika u drvnoj industriji i drugim proizvodnim poduzećima (strojogradnji, proizvodnji hrane, kemijskoj i tekstilnoj industriji). Osnovni cilj rada bio je usporediti motiviranost zaposlenika u različitim proizvodnim poduzećima. Analizirano je trenutačno stanje motiviranosti zaposlenika u više proizvodnih poduzeća na području Slovačke. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 21 poduzeće s ukupno 2 576 zaposlenika na različitim radnim mjestima. Za 30 odabranih motivacijskih činitelja određen je redoslijed važnosti u drvnoprerađivačkoj industriji i drugim proizvodnim poduzećima. Ocjena statističke povezanosti dviju uspoređenih skupina poduzeća napravljena je primjenom Spearmanova koeficijenta korelacije za dvije skupine zaposlenika – skupinu radnika i skupinu tehničko-ekonomskog osoblja. Rezultati su pokazali bitnu razliku glede motivacijskih činitelja važnih za tehničko-ekonomsko osoblje drvnoindustrijskih poduzeća u odnosu prema drugim proizvodnim poduzećima. U skupini radnika, različitost važnosti motivacijskih činitelja manje je naglašena. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata i promatrajući dulje razdoblje, može se zaključiti da radnici zadržavaju jednaku razinu motiviranosti

    Upotreba kontribucijske marže u sustavu troškova u proizvodnji dijelova strojeva za obradu drva

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    The aim of this paper is to propose optimization of costing method for planning a production-sales programme of the chosen engineering enterprise dealing with the production of components for wood working machines. This engineering company uses the calculation pattern methodology in the comprehensive cost accounting system. All costs components are absorbed by individual outputs in this cost calculation. The results of this calculation are not available for decision-making tasks. In order to solve the decision tasks relating to output assortment optimization, it is necessary to show separately variable costs influenced by changes in production volume and fixed costs not influenced by changes in production volume. For these reasons we propose a specific application of retrograde costing as a necessary condition for effective system of decision-making on the basis of contribution margin calculation. The contribution margin/standard hour is the criteria for the calculation in a critical place of production and this is very important information for developing an optimal production-sales programme.Cilj rada je predložiti metodu optimizacije troškova za potrebe planiranja proizvodno-prodajnog programa u tvrtki za proizvodnju dijelova za strojeve za obradu drva. Za kompletan obračun troškova tvrtka se koristi standardnim modelom obračuna, s nepotpunim troškovima. Pri obračunu troškova svi su elementi troška uključeni kao pojedinačne izlazne veličine. Rezultati takve kalkulacije ne mogu se upotrijebiti za donošenje odluka. Posebno je važno pri konačnoj optimizaciji zasebno prikazati varijabilne (mijenjaju se pod utjecajem promjene količine proizvodnje) i fiksne troškove koji se ne mijenjaju s promjenom opsega proizvodnje. Zbog navedenoga u radu se predlaže primjena aplikacije retrogradnog (unazadnog) obračuna troškova na temelju izračuna kontribucijske marže, što je nužan postupak za učinkovito donošenje odluka. Kriterij za izračun na kritičnome mjestu proizvodnje jest kontribucijska marža/norma sat, što je vrlo važan parametar za optimalan proizvodno-prodajni program

    Differences in Employee Motivation in Slovakia and Czech Republic

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    The aim of the chapter is to compare the level of employee motivation in enterprises in Slovak and the Czech Republic. Sampling unit consists of 4444 respondents from Slovakia and 2312 from the Czech Republic. Following our outcomes, we can state that the most important motivation factors are mostly identical in both countries; however, there is a slight difference in the order of their importance. Motivation factors relating to financial reward are the most important for employees in the Czech Republic. Basic salary is a motivation factor important mainly for women in Slovakia. Demands of Czech respondents are higher in motivation factors relating to interpersonal relationships. In general, we can state that, in terms of gender, needs of women are more exacting than those of men. Dependence between two categorical variables was verified using Pearson’s chi-square statistics. We found out that despite big similarities in the order of importance of individual motivation factors, there are significant differences between selected motivational needs of employees in individual countries

    Gender Motivation Differences of Czech and Chinese Employees

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    The aim of the article is to identify significant differences in motivational preferences of employees of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) by comparing their membership to the region and gender. The paper presents the partial outcomes of research on the level of motivation and the preferences of employees in the Czech Republic and the Beijing municipality administration of the People’s Republic of China. The survey was carried out in 2017 using a questionnaire. The questionnaires were distributed in small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in various areas of business. The sample included the entire territory of the Czech Republic (CR) and the Beijing municipality administration in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). A total of 2,673 respondents participated in the survey, of which 899 were respondents in the Beijing municipality administration and 1,774 respondents from the Czech Republic. Descriptive statistics was used to characterize the sampling unit. The other methods used to evaluate data in the article were the Student two-sample t-test, F test, and ANOVA. The differences in motivational preferences of employees revealed by the study can be used as a basis for creating appropriate incentive programs for multinational business teams

    Direction of the Corporate Culture in Slovak and German Transport Companies from a Top Managers' Perspective

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    The objective of the paper is to compare the level of corporate culture in Slovakia and Germany. Top managers of large transport companies were asked to participate in our research. Following the analysis, hierarchy corporate culture, with dominant features such as keeping within rules, regulations, was preferred in Slovak companies. Top Slovak managers asked for following this trend in the future. Clan corporate culture was the most used at present time as well as most preferred in following 5 years in Germany. Top German managers focused on employee's needs and employee's development. Our recommendation for top German managers is to remain in this trend. For top Slovak managers we propose to change their perception and to consider employees as a key factor. Employees are owners of new creative ideas through which enterprises can build their competitive advantage

    Education and gender-based differences in employee motivation

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    The main purpose of this article is to show dependencies between education and gender based on selected motivation factors. In order to obtain relevant data, the questionnaire method was used. In the years 2013–2016, 26,416 respondents participated. Descriptive statistics was used for data processing; the relationship between two categorical variables was verified by the chi-quadrate test and Tukey’s HSD test. The results of the research proved the hypotheses; i.e. that there are significant differences in motivation factors among Slovak employees related to their gender and education. The most significant motivation factors included basic salary, job security and a good working team. The paper presents an original verifiable methodology that can be used in research of a similar focus in other European countries. The research results point to the potential of various alternatives for business managers responsible for preparing incentive motivation programmes related to the analysed factors

    Informacijski sustav upravljanja proizvodnjom u preradi drva i proizvodnji namještaja

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    Introduction of a production management information system is one of the ways that could help the management to increase its efficiency. It should enable the monitoring of the whole business of a firm through co-ordination in the process of collecting and using information.Jedan od načina koji bi menadžmentu trebao pomoći da uspješno realizira proizvodni proces jest informacijski sustav kontrolinga. Spomenuti bi sustav trebao omogućiti praćenje cjelokupnog poslovanja tvrtke uz pomoć koordinacija u procesu prikupljanja i korištenja informacijama

    Informacijski sustav upravljanja proizvodnjom u preradi drva i proizvodnji namještaja

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    Introduction of a production management information system is one of the ways that could help the management to increase its efficiency. It should enable the monitoring of the whole business of a firm through co-ordination in the process of collecting and using information.Jedan od načina koji bi menadžmentu trebao pomoći da uspješno realizira proizvodni proces jest informacijski sustav kontrolinga. Spomenuti bi sustav trebao omogućiti praćenje cjelokupnog poslovanja tvrtke uz pomoć koordinacija u procesu prikupljanja i korištenja informacijama

    Kvalitativni pokazatelji zadovoljstva uposlenika kompanije i njihova razvoja u promatranome vremenskom razdoblju

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    One of the most challenging and, at the same time, the most important skills of experienced managers of these days is the ability to motivate their employees to meet the required job performance in the workplace. At the present time, employee motivation is an atmosphere that meets the interests and needs of employees in the company, stimulates and infl uences their work performance in order to meet the needs of the organisation as well as their personal needs. This paper deals with the changes in employee motivation in the Slovak furniture manufacturing company and determines which changes in motivation programme should be made in the company in future.Jedan od najvažnijih izazova i istodobno, jedna od najvažnijih vještina iskusnih menadžera u današnjem trenutku jest sposobnost motiviranja uposlenika za postizanje očekivanih radnih rezultata u poslu koji obavljaju. Danas motivacija uposlenika označava atmosferu koja povezuje interese i potrebe uposlenika u poduzeću, stimulira ih i potječe na učinkovitiji rad kako bi se dosegnule potrebe organizacije u kojoj rade i njihove osobne potrebe. Članak prikazuje promjene u motivaciji uposlenika u poduzećima za proizvodnju namještaja u Slovačkoj i predlaže potrebne promjene u motivacijskim programima unutar Poduzeća u budućnosti

    SPME-GC technika alkalmazása élelmiszer-technológiai kutatásokban

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    Az illékony komponensek vizsgálata számos tudományterületen fontos feladat. Ez különösen igaz az élelmiszertudomány esetében, ahol sok esetben ezeknek a vegyületeknek nemcsak mint kémiai markerekként van jelentősége, hanem részt vesznek az illat, mint érzékszervi tulajdonság kialakításában is. Az illékony vegyületek gázkromatográfiás vizsgálata hosszú múltra tekint vissza, ugyanakkor a rutinszerűen használható, oldószermentes, bonyolult mintaelőkészítést nem igénylő gázkromatográfiás technika csak az utóbbi néhány évtizedben vált elérhetővé. Az SPME (szilárd fázisú mikroextrakció) technikát az 1980-a évek végén mutatták be, mára azonban a gázkromatográfiás gyakorlatban alkalmazott, alternatív mintaelőkészítési móddá vált. A technika kellően érzékeny, jó reprodukálhatóságot biztosító, költséghatékony és egy lépésben valósítja meg az extrakciót, a koncentrálást és mintainjektálást. Az SPME technika sikeres alkalmazására mind több példa mutatkozik. Közleményünkben a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Élelmiszertudományi Kar Hűtő- és Állatitermék Technológiai Tanszékén végzett olyan kutatások eredményeiből mutatunk be néhány példát, ahol az élelmiszer-előállítási, -feldolgozási technológiák fejlesztésében az élelmiszerek illékony komponensei vizsgálatának nagy jelentősége van