5 research outputs found

    Surface Modification of Cellulose from Sugarcane Bagasse Using Soybean Oil to Increase the Hydrophobicity

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    Cellulose fibers from sugarcane bagasse were bleached and modified by soybean oil in order to increase the hydrophobicity. The modified cellulose prepared by mising cellulose fibers with soybean oil in various quantity and ethanol as a solvent. the process was mixed using ultrasonic for 3 minutes and than was dried using oven at 110 oC for 60 minutes. Identification of the infrared spectrum confirmed that cellulose modified by 0,35 g and 0,5 g soybean oil generates signals carbonyl functional group at wavenumber 1750 cm-1. The XRD patterns indicated that degree of crystalinity from modified cellulose did not change significantly. In addition, the wettability test showed that the modified cellulose hard to dispersed in water solvent

    Surface Modification of Cellulose from Sugarcane Bagasse Using Soybean Oil to Increase the Hydrophobicity

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    Cellulose fibers from sugarcane bagasse were bleached and modified by soybean oil in order to increase the hydrophobicity. The modified cellulose prepared by mising cellulose fibers with soybean oil in various quantity and ethanol as a solvent. the process was mixed using ultrasonic for 3 minutes and than was dried using oven at 110 oC for 60 minutes. Identification of the infrared spectrum confirmed that cellulose modified by 0,35 g and 0,5 g soybean oil generates signals carbonyl functional group at wavenumber 1750 cm-1. The XRD patterns indicated that degree of crystalinity from modified cellulose did not change significantly. In addition, the wettability test showed that the modified cellulose hard to dispersed in water solvent

    [Al-Tabari's Character in The Knowledge of Qiraat and His View of Al-Ahruf Al-Sab’ah] Ketokohan Al-Tabari dalam Ilmu Qiraat dan Pandangan Beliau Terhadap Al-Ahruf Al-Sab’ah

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    Imam al-Tabari's expertise in the science of qiraat can be seen in some of his views on the issues of qiraat and his style of debate on the error of qiraat in his interpretation of Jami 'al-Bayan' an Ta'wil Ay al-Qur'an. The debate of qiraat scholars on al-ahruf al-Sab'ah has been done by several scholars through the books of Ulum al-Quran and Ilmu Qiraat. However, when listing the opinions of these figures, al-Tabari's views were not discussed in depth while he had great character as al-Qurra 'as well as being famous as an al-Mufassir. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationship between Imam al-Tabari and the science of qiraat and the science of tafsir al-Qur’an. It also aims to study al-Tabari's expertise in the science of qiraat as well as analyze his views on the main issue in the science of qiraat which the meaning of al-Ahruf is al-Sab'ah. This information is collected and analyzed by discussing al-Tabari's views in this qiraat knowledge debate, then making a conclusion and conclusion on his views. All data were analyzed using inductive and deductive methods. The results of the study show that al-Tabari's expertise in the science of qiraat cannot be denied by anyone. However, his view in the chapter of al-Ahruf al-Sab'ah is seen to contradict the view of the majority of scholars by saying that the reading error among the qurra 'does not exclude the writing of Mushaf ‘Uthmani based on only one letter from al-Ahruf al-Sab'ah. While the remaining six letters have been dropped and it is not obligatory to do good deeds with it based on the ijma ’of the companions on the writing of the ‘Uthmani mushaf. Kepakaran Imam al-Tabari dalam ilmu qiraat dapat dilihat pada beberapa pandangan beliau terhadap isu-isu qiraat dan gaya perbahasan beliau terhadap khilaf qiraat dalam tafsirnya Jami’ al-Bayan ‘an Ta’wil Ay al-Qur’an. Perbahasan ulama qiraat tentang al-ahruf al-Sab’ah telah dilakukan oleh beberapa pengkaji melalui kitab-kitab Ulum al-Quran dan Ilmu Qiraat. Namun ketika menyenaraikan pendapat-pendapat tokoh-tokoh tersebut pandangan al-Tabari tidak dibahaskan secara mendalam sedangkan beliau mempunyai ketokohan yang hebat sebagai al-Qurra’ disamping masyhur sebagai seorang al-Mufassir. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki perkaitan di antara Imam al-Tabari dengan ilmu qiraat dan ilmu tafsir al-Qur’an. Ia juga bertujuan mengkaji kepakaran al-Tabari dalam ilmu qiraat serta menganalisis pandangan beliau terhadap isu pokok dalam ilmu qiraat iaitu maksud al-Ahruf al-Sab’ah. Maklumat  ini dikumpul dan dianalisis dengan membahaskan pandangan al-Tabari dalam perbahasan ilmu qiraat ini, seterusnya membuat satu rumusan dan kesimpulan terhadap pandangan beliau. Kesemua data dianalisis menggunakan metode induktif dan deduktif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa kepakaran al-Tabari dalm ilmu qiraat tidak dapat dinafikan oleh sesiapa. Namun pandangan beliau dalam bab al-Ahruf al-Sab’ah dilihat menyalahi pandangan majoriti ulama dengan mengatakan bahawa khilaf bacaan di kalangan qurra’ tidak terkeluar dari penulisan Mushaf ‘Uthmani berdasarkan satu huruf sahaja daripada al-Ahruf al-Sab’ah. Manakala baki enam huruf lagi telah digugurkan dan tidak diwajibkan beramal dengannya berdasarkan ijma’para sahabat terhadap penulisan mushaf ‘Uthmani.   &nbsp

    Gotong Royong in The Millennial Era

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