27 research outputs found

    Art, Aesthetic, and Photography

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    The Evolution and Culture of Digital Contemporary Photography : A Literature Review

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    Today's development is more faced with patterns and tendencies to be more subjective, experimental, emotional, interpretive, and even capable of determining the character. Similarly, in general, digital photography shows the angle of the expansion of democracy to photography today. Nevertheless, after the industrial revolution, there was a change in the meaning of art that triggered photography's art. In the meantime, the appearance of this exciting work is livelier and more widespread through social media sites and is known by the nickname "Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). Today's development and culture are the primary sources of current sharing when these mobile phone pictures become part of the critical image. Simultaneously, the objects through the angle of photographic change, especially the development of currents and the conventional transition to digital technology. Today's original and cultural definitions see from the cultural aspects that have an interrelationship between the direction of value by Kluchorn and Strodbeck and the measure in human problems by Inkeles


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    This paper aims to review the current situation on how Photography has completely changed the way we see and engage with the world. The shift from analogue to digital Photography significantly impacted how an analogue photographer perceives the photo process. In the age of these diverse prosumers, the distinction between artists, media professionals, and amateurs may still denote varying degrees of craftsmanship. However, it no longer indicates the inherent technical or aesthetic quality of the results or the likely size of an audience. The impacts give the impression that the aesthetics and attention of Photography provided revolution change in the society of arts and Photography. From this perspective, Photography has first been chemical, then optical and now computational. The changing identities of Photography herein are not simply ontological transformations but also errant modes of perceiving the medium

    Peranan Topeng Sagu Melanau untuk Kaul di Sarawak, Borneo

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    Terdapat banyak acara yang dijalankan dalam Kaul Melanau. Selain daripada menjadi satu ritual untuk pembersihan melalui pemberian kepada Ipok, Kaul juga boleh dilihat sebagai satu seni persembahan bagi etnik Melanau. Kajian seni persembahan Melanau banyak memberi fokus kepada perubatan seperti bebayoh dan juga tarian seladai. Kajian mengenai objek budaya pula banyak melibatkan dakan ataupun belum. Melanau mempunyai persembahan bertopeng dibuat daripada pokok rumbia yang digunakan untuk pelbagai tujuan. Dalam kajian ini, topeng tersebut dinamakan topeng sagu Melanau. Fungsi budaya berdasarkan kepada tradisi dan kesan moderniti dibincangkan dalam kajian ini. Ini dibuat untuk melihat perbandingan antara fungsi asal bertopeng, perubahan konsep bertopeng, dan juga penyesuaian budaya bertopeng ini dalam kebudayaan moden. Untuk menjalankan kajian ini, kajian lapangan telah dibuat di Mukah sebelum Pesta Kaul dan juga semasa Pesta Kaul. Dapat dikenalpasti bahawa terdapat perubahan fungsi penggunaan topeng ini dalam dunia moden kerana faktor penyesuaian

    Seni Persembahan Topeng Sagu Melanau dalam Kaul Serahang Kakan di Sarawak

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    Masyarakat Melanau mempunyai satu budaya bertopeng semasa persembahan Serahang Kakan yang diperbuat daripada pokok rumbia. Dalam kajian ini, topeng tersebut dinamakan topeng sagu Melanau. Pemakai topeng akan menjadi subjek utama dalam Serahang Kakan dan seterusnya menjadikan Kaul sebagai satu aktiviti kebudayaan yang menarik dalam masyarakat Melanau. Proses penghasilan topeng, fungsi, dan nilai estetik budaya ini akan dibincangkan dalam kajian ini bagi melihat tinjauan awal seni persembahan ini yang jarang diberi perhatian oleh kebanyakan pengkaji kebudayaan Melanau. Sorotan kajian lepas dan beberapa siri kajian lapangan telah dibuat di Mukah untuk mendapatkan maklumat berkaitan. Kajian mendapati bahawa keunikan material pembuatan topeng; pokok rumbia telah menjadikan topeng sagu Melanau ini mempunyai bentuk dan fungsi tersendiri dalam persembahan Serahang Kakan


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    This article describes the process of digitizing traditional methods of Bario salt extraction based on documentation and experiences during a field trip to Pa'Umor, Bario, Sarawak. The process of making salt is described in an orderly manner, beginning with the extraction of the salt water, and ending with the packing process. Bario salt is extracted from a salt spring by boiling the brine in a large pot until the salt forms a gray layer, and then collecting the salt from the bottom. This process is still practiced today. However, the production of Bario salt is not widely known because it is a lengthy and laborious process. Moreover, the conventional methods of information transfer are no longer relevant to current technological developments. Therefore, through an interdisciplinary and visual experience approach, all images are recorded in a digital documentation using the latest digital tools and then analyzed through the art of formalism. The result is a short video production and digital interactive poster called ID-Poster that uses the augmented reality application. It is hoped that this article will provide new ideas and visual insights that can help in promoting rural tourism

    Visual Ethnography and its Applications in Ethnographic Painting

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    This paper argued that Visual Ethnography could be used as an alternative in the production of Visual Arts. The researcher suggested that various Visual Arts composition could be engaged in enhancing the quality of Visual Ethnography images and be part of the Ethnographic Painting. The discussion was established from the biography of the cultural object of Pagan Melanau, bilum. Then, the relationship between Social Science and Visual Arts were observable within the context of academic research after the analysis process was clarified. The approach was enlightened through the visual studies and production of two paintings in establishing the employed method

    Bilum: A Cultural Object of the Pagan Melanau

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    Bilum is among the endangered cultural objects and is used as a healing tool by the Pagan Melanau community, especially in Mukah and Dalat, Sarawak. Yet despite its central role in the community only relatively recently that researchers started taking serious notice of it with studies dating back to the 1960’s and 1970’s. Thus, this study provides an overview of the study on bilum in the Melanau community and its current state particularly with regard to its ritual practice and production. The discussion includes the general types of bilum, the bilum’s carver, spirit, ritual practices and production methods of the bilum. The findings were obtained through visual ethnographic methods to assess the effectiveness of visual analysis in ethnographic research and study the relationship between behavior and visual observation at the study site. The study concludes with the evolution of bilum over time and its impact on the Melanau community in the modern world