17 research outputs found

    The Stark Glass Jar

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    Ampliación de la potestad sancionadora del Organismo Supervisor de las Contrataciones del Estado, actuación contra funcionarios públicos del Perú

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    La investigación tuvo como propósito determinar la viabilidad de implementar la potestad sancionadora del OSCE contra funcionarios y servidores públicos, que realicen actuaciones irregulares pasibles de sanción y que contravengan la normatividad relacionada a las contrataciones del estado; para ello se realizó una investigación básica bajo el enfoque de un diseño cualitativo de teoría fundamentada. Para la realización de nuestra investigación se contó con la participación de cuatro, conocedores de la materia: Doctor Ricardo Salazar Chávez, Cristian Soriano Castro, Mario Arteaga Zegarra y Ana Gisella del Carmen Torres Balarezo, actual responsable de la Oficina Desconcentrada OSCE – Chiclayo. Se utilizó como instrumentos de investigación, la recolección de datos, la observación y se utilizó la entrevista, la misma que fue aplicada a los participantes. Luego de analizar toda la información obtenida, se llegó a la conclusión que legislativamente no existe impedimento para poder otorgar potestad sancionadora al OSCE en contra de funcionarios y servidores públicos que infrinjan la normativa de contrataciones del Estado; pero, dicha potestad no debe contravenir con la naturaleza misma de la institución, ni colisionar con las facultades asignadas por nuestro ordenamiento jurídico a otras instituciones

    Freedom's Voice: Marquis De Condorcet French Revolutionary Pamphleteer 1789-1794

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    Few events in modern history have aroused as much passion and idealism as the French Revolution. Angry crowds marching through the streets of Paris to the tune of the "Marseillaise", orators passionately expounding on liberty, peasants plundering the noble's mansion, and the guillotine sending thousands of French men and women to their deaths are all visions conjured up by the Revolution. These are indeed very real elements of this epic historical event. But there is another element, much more staid. Beneath all the passion, excitement and often times, hysteria, were sane, rational ideas that had been fermenting in the minds of men throughout the 18th century in the intellectual phenomenon known as the Enlightenment. Libertè, Egalitè, and Fraternitè were the ideals that served as planks in the revolutionary platform. These ideals gave the Revolution its voice, its impetus, its raison d'être

    The Stark Glass Jar

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    Development of media for the isolation and selection of Helicobacter pylori

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    Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality control issues may be present in this document. Please report any quality issues you encounter to [email protected], referencing the URI of the item.Includes bibliographical references.Issued also on microfiche from Lange Micrographics.Media formulations for the selection and isolation of Helicobacter pylon were examined. Skirrow's medium, a selective medium, was developed to isolate Campylobacter, and has occasionally been used for selection of H. pylon (Skirrow, 1977). One drawback commonly associated with Skirrow's medium is fecal flora overgrowth. Initial experiments conducted used Skirrow's medium formulations and additional modified versions. Experimentation with Skirrow's medium led to further investigations of a selective media for H. pylori. Several aspects of the media and their effects on growth of H. pylori were considered: presence of sulfites and sulfates, presence and absence of urea, effect of volatile fatty acids, antibiotic combinations, and effect of pH. Several media supplements and antibiotics were found to actually inhibit growth of H. pylori, such as ferrous sulfate, sodium metabisulfite, cephalothin, vancomycin, and novobiocin. Although H. pylori typically colonizes a site of low pH, the organism was sensitive to low pH in laboratory experiments. This is exemplified by the fact that growth of H. pylori was inhibited at pH 4.0, but was supported at pH 6.8. However, at pH 6.8, ground beef flora also flourished. After H. pylori was exposed to volatile fatty acid concentrations similar to that found in the gastrointestinal tract, it was determined that H. pylori will grow in the presence of volatile fatty acids, but varying the concentrations of them does not significantly effect growth rates of H. pylori. Although H. pylori requires urea for survival in the gastric epithelium, results of experiments indicate urea is not necessary for growth under the conditions of the study

    Environmental Health Education in a Pandemic: Lessons and Opportunities

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the universal importance of and need for environmental health. As a result of the pandemic, institutions of higher education have faced unprecedented changes. Decisions to keep students, faculty, and staff healthy did not come without unintended consequences as traditional means of teaching and learning were disrupted. Like faculty, students were thrust into the virtual classroom with little to no time to prepare and reported that the mid-semester transition negatively affected the overall quality of courses, which were viewed as less engaging and less instilling of learning (Garris & Fleck, 2020)

    Student Recruitment and Engagement in the COVID-19 Era

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    There is no denying that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on virtually every facet of our lives. In particular, higher education has suffered a significant blow. Across the U.S., universities and academic institutions made tough decisions to keep their students, faculty, and staff safe in the face of COVID-19. Some completely shut their doors, some offered alternative delivery methods, and most shifted completely to online instruction. While many shifted online, it is important to note that faculty were forced to simply move content online and were not afforded the opportunity to research or learn effective online pedagogy (Crawford et al., 2020

    Improving outcomes in congestive heart failure

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    Mentoring: What Is Your Role?

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