1,178 research outputs found

    Quantum fields and "Big Rip" expansion singularities

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    The effects of quantized conformally invariant massless fields on the evolution of cosmological models containing a ``Big Rip'' future expansion singularity are examined. Quantized scalar, spinor, and vector fields are found to strengthen the accelerating expansion of such models as they approach the expansion singularity.Comment: 7 pages; REVTeX

    Renormalization of the charged scalar field in curved space

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    The DeWitt-Schwinger proper time point-splitting procedure is applied to a massive complex scalar field with arbitrary curvature coupling interacting with a classical electromagnetic field in a general curved spacetime. The scalar field current is found to have a linear divergence. The presence of the external background gauge field is found to modify the stress-energy tensor results of Christensen for the neutral scalar field by adding terms of the form (eF)2(eF)^2 to the logarithmic counterterms. These results are shown to be expected from an analysis of the degree of divergence of scalar quantum electrodynamics.Comment: 24 pages REVTe

    Inflation driven by causal heat flux

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    We find a simple inflationary solution in an inhomogeneous spacetime with heat flux. The heat flux obeys a causal transport equation, and counteracts the inflationary decrease of energy density. At late times, the heat flux tends to zero and the fluid approaches the equation of state p=ρp=-\rho.Comment: Latex 5 pages; to appear Gen. Rel. Gra

    Astrophysical Bounds on Global Strings

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    Global topological defects produce nonzero stress-energy throughout spacetime, and as a result can have observable gravitational influence on surrounding matter. Gravitational effects of global strings are used to place bounds on their cosmic abundance. The minimum separation between global strings is estimated by considering the defects' contribution to the cosmological energy density. More rigorous constraints on the abundance of global strings are constructed by examining the tidal forces such defects will have on observable astrophysical systems. The small number of observed tidally disrupted systems indicates there can be very few of these objects in the observable universe.Comment: 14 pages, REVTe

    Temperature Evolution Law of Imperfect Relativistic Fluids

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    The first-order general relativistic theory of a generic dissipative (heat-conducting, viscous, particle-creating) fluid is rediscussed from a unified covariant frame-independent point of view. By generalizing some previous works in the literature, we derive a formula for the temperature variation rate, which is valid both in Eckart's (particle) and in the Landau-Lifshitz (energy) frames. Particular attention is paid to the case of gravitational particle creation and its possible cross-effect with the bulk viscosity mechanism.Comment: 14 pages, no figure, revte

    Semiclassical Methods for Hawking Radiation from a Vaidya Black Hole

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    We derive the general form of Hawking temperature for Vaidya black hole in the tunneling pictures. This kind of black hole is regarded as the description of a more realistic one since it's time dependent decreasing mass due to the evaporation process. Clearly, the temperature would be time dependent as our findings. We use the semiclassical methods, namely radial null geodesic and complex paths methods. Both methods are found to give the same results. Then, we discuss the possible form of corresponding entropy.Comment: REVTeX 4, 11 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in IJMPA; v2: eq.5 is correcte

    Cosmic Censorship: The Role of Quantum Gravity

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    The cosmic censorship hypothesis introduced by Penrose thirty years ago is still one of the most important open questions in {\it classical} general relativity. In this essay we put forward the idea that cosmic censorship is intrinsically a {\it quantum gravity} phenomena. To that end we construct a gedanken experiment in which cosmic censorship is violated within the purely {\it classical} framework of general relativity. We prove, however, that {\it quantum} effects restore the validity of the conjecture. This suggests that classical general relativity is inconsistent and that cosmic censorship might be enforced only by a quantum theory of gravity.Comment: 7 pages. This essay received the Second Prize from the Gravity Research Foundation 200

    Exact inhomogeneous cosmologies whose source is a radiation-matter mixture with consistent thermodynamics

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    We derive a new class of exact solutions of Einstein's equations providing a physically plausible hydrodynamical description of cosmological matter in the radiative era (106K>T>103K10^6 K > T > 10^3 K), between nucleosynthesis and decoupling. The solutions are characterized by the Lema\^{\i}tre-Tolman -Bondi metric with a viscous fluid source, subjected to the following conditions: (a) the equilibrium state variables satisfy the equation of state of a mixture of an ultra-relativistic and a non-relativistic ideal gases, where the internal energy of the latter has been neglected, (b) the particle numbers of the mixture components are independently conserved, (c) the viscous stress is consistent with the transport equation and entropy balance law of Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics, with the coefficient of shear viscosity provided by Kinetic Theory for the `radiative gas' model. The fulfilment of (a), (b) and (c) restricts initial conditions in terms of an initial value function, Δi(s)\Delta_i^{(s)}, related to the average of spatial gradients of the fluctuations of photon entropy per baryon in the initial hypersurface. Constraints on the observed anisotropy of the microwave cosmic radiation and the condition that decoupling occurs at T=TD4×103T=T_{_D}\approx 4\times 10^3 K yield an estimated value: Δi(s)108|\Delta_i^{(s)}|\approx 10^{-8} which can be associated with a bound on promordial entropy fluctuations. The Jeans mass at decoupling is of the same order of magnitude as that of baryon dominated perturbation models (1016M\approx 10^{16} M_\odot)Comment: LaTeX with revtex (PRD macros). Contains 9 figures (ps). To be published in Physics Review