376 research outputs found

    Structural design loads on temporary spatial structures

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    p. 782-789In this paper, the issue of design load on reduction in the structural design of temporary spatial structures is discussed using risk analysis tools. In chapter 2, actions due to loads are classified into two categories from the viewpoint of occurrence prediction. In addition, it will be shown that, when assuming target levels for design loads in structural design of spatial structures, both ordinary economic loss and loss of priceless possessions including human life have to be considered. Chapter 3 shows that; 1) reduction of design loads has economic advantage and leads to better cost performance in the range of shorter working years, 2) on the other hand, risk to priceless possessions and human lives in TSS are far bigger than that in ordinary spatial structures, and in order to reduce the risk to those in TSS, occurrence probability of safety limit load for TSS has to be reduced to the same level as for ordinary structures. In chapter 4, introduction of the safety control system is investigated for reducing structural design loads.Okada, H. (2010). Structural design loads on temporary spatial structures. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/694

    Improvement of resistance against hydrogen embrittlement by controlling carbon segregation at prior austenite grain boundary in 3Mn-0.2C martensitic steels

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    This study challenged to improve the resistance against hydrogen embrittlement by increasing the concentration of carbon segregated at prior austenite grain boundary (PAGB), XPAGB, in low-carbon martensitic steels. The specimens with/without carbon segregation treatment (Non-seg and Seg specimens, respectively) had almost the same microstructure, other than higher XPAGB in the Seg specimen. While the uncharged Non-seg and Seg specimens exhibited similar mechanical properties, the maximum stress of the hydrogen-charged specimen was much higher in the Seg specimen than that in the Non-seg specimen even when diffusible hydrogen contents were almost the same. In addition, the fraction of intergranular fracture surface was much smaller in the Seg specimen. Based on these results, we conclude that the segregated carbon suppressed the accumulation of hydrogen around PAGB by site competition and increased cohesive energy of PAGB, leading to the significantly improved resistance against hydrogen-related intergranular fracture

    The development of agoraphobia is associated with the symptoms and location of a patient's first panic attack

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The place where a patient experiences his/her first panic attack (FPA) may be related to their agoraphobia later in life. However, no investigations have been done into the clinical features according to the place where the FPA was experienced. In particular, there is an absence of detailed research examining patients who experienced their FPA at home. In this study, patients were classified by the location of their FPA and the differences in their clinical features were explored (e.g., symptoms of FPA, frequency of agoraphobia, and severity of FPA).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The subjects comprised 830 panic disorder patients who were classified into 5 groups based on the place of their FPA (home, school/office, driving a car, in a public transportation vehicle, outside of home), The clinical features of these patients were investigated. Additionally, for panic disorder patients with agoraphobia at their initial clinic visit, the clinical features of patients who experienced their FPA at home were compared to those who experienced their attack elsewhere.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In comparison of the FPAs of the 5 groups, significant differences were seen among the 7 descriptors (sex ratio, drinking status, smoking status, severity of the panic attack, depression score, ratio of agoraphobia, and degree of avoidance behavior) and 4 symptoms (sweating, chest pain, feeling dizzy, and fear of dying). The driving and public transportation group patients showed a higher incidence of co-morbid agoraphobia than did the other groups. Additionally, for panic disorder patients with co-morbid agoraphobia, the at-home group had a higher frequency of fear of dying compared to the patients in the outside-of-home group and felt more severe distress elicited by their FPA.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of this study suggest that the clinical features of panic disorder patients vary according to the place of their FPA. The at-home group patients experienced "fear of dying" more frequently and felt more distress during their FPA than did the subjects in the other groups. These results indicate that patients experiencing their FPA at home should be treated with a focus on the fear and distress elicited by the attack.</p

    Precise Three-Dimensional Morphology of the Male Anterior Anorectum Reconstructed From Large Serial Histologic Sections: A Cadaveric Study

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    BACKGROUND: Deep anatomic knowledge of the male anterior anorectum is important to avoid urethral injury and rectal perforation in intersphincteric resection or abdominoperineal resection for very low rectal cancer. However, its structure is difficult to understand, because the anorectum, muscles, and urogenital organs are complicatedly and 3-dimensionally arranged. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to revisit the anatomic information of the male anterior anorectum for intersphincteric resection and abdominoperineal resection with a focus on the spatial muscular morphology. DESIGN: This was a descriptive cadaveric study. SETTINGS: The study was conducted at Ehime and Kyoto universities. PATIENTS: Tissue specimens from 9 male cadavers were included. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Specimens around the anterior anorectum were serially sectioned in the horizontal, sagittal, or frontal plane; large semiserial histologic sections were created at 250-μm intervals. The series were stained with Elastica van Gieson, and some sections from the series were studied by immunohistochemistry to detect smooth and striated muscles. Two series were digitalized and reconstructed 3-dimensionally. RESULTS: Two regions without a clear anatomic border were elucidated: 1) the anterior region of the external anal sphincter, where the external anal sphincter, bulbospongiosus muscle, and superficial transverse perineal muscle were intertwined; and 2) the rectourethralis muscle, where the smooth muscle of the longitudinal muscle continuously extended to the posteroinferior area of the urethra, which became closest to the anorectum at the prostatic apex level. A tight connection between the striated and smooth muscles was identified at the anterior part of the upper external anal sphincter and anterolateral part of the puborectalis muscle level. LIMITATIONS: This study involved a small sample size of elderly cadavers. CONCLUSIONS: This study clarified the precise spatial relationship between smooth and striated muscles. The detailed anatomic findings will contribute more accurate step-by-step anterior dissection in intersphincteric resection and abdominoperineal resection, especially with the transanal approach, which can magnify the muscle fiber direction and contraction of striated muscle by electrostimulation. MORFOLOGÍA TRIDIMENSIONAL PRECISA DEL ANORRECTO ANTERIOR MASCULINO RECONSTRUIDO A TRAVÉS DE SECCIONES MAYORES HISTOLÓGICAS EN SERIE: UN ESTUDIO CADAVÉRICO: El conocimiento anatómico amplio del anorrecto anterior masculino es importante para evitar lesiones de uretra y perforación de recto en la resección interesfinterica o la resección abdominoperineal para cáncer de recto bajo. Sin embargo, su estructura es difícil de entender porque el anorrecto, los músculos y los órganos urogenitales están aliñados en forma complexa tridimensional. OBJETIVO: Revisar de nuevo el conocimiento anatómico del anorrecto anterior masculino relevante a la resección interesfinterica y la resección abdominoperineal con un enfoque en la morfología muscular espacial. DISEÑO:: Estudio descriptivo cadavérico. ENTORNO: Ehime y la Universidad de Kyoto. SUJETOS: Tejido especímenes de nueve cadáveres masculinos. PUNTOS FINALES DE VALORACIÓN:: Las muestras alrededor del anorrecto anterior se seccionaron en serie en planos horizontal, sagital y coronal. Se crearon mayores secciones histológicas en serie a intervalos de 250 μm. Los especímenes fueron teñidos con Elástica van Gieson, y algunas secciones de la serie se estudiaron mediante inmunohistoquímica para detectar músculos lisos y estriados. Dos series fueron digitalizadas y reconstruidas tridimensionalmente. RESULTADOS: Se demostraron dos regiones sin un borde anatómico definido: (i) la región anterior del esfínter anal externo, donde se entrelazaron el esfínter anal externo, el músculo bulbospongoso y el músculo perineal transverso superficial; y (ii) músculo rectouretral, donde el músculo liso del músculo longitudinal se extiende continuamente a la zona posteroinferior de la uretra, que se acerca más al anorrecto a nivel del ápice prostático. La conexión estrecha entre los músculos estriados y lisos se identificó en la parte anterior del esfínter anal externo superior y la parte anterolateral del nivel del músculo puborrectal. LIMITACIÓN:: Este estudio incluyó una muestra pequeña de cadáveres ancianos. CONCLUSIÓN:: Este estudio aclaró la relación espacial precisa entre los músculos lisos y estriados. Los hallazgos anatómicos detallados ayudarán para una disección anterior paso a paso más precisa en la resección interesfintérica y la resección abdominoperineal, especialmente con el abordaje transanal, que puede magnificar la dirección de las fibras musculares y la contracción del músculo estriado utilizando electroestimulación

    Therapeutic regimen of l-arginine for MELAS: 9-year, prospective, multicenter, clinical research

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    ObjectiveTo examine the efficacy and safety of the therapeutic regimen using oral and intravenous l-arginine for pediatric and adult patients with mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS).MethodsIn the presence and absence of an ictus of stroke-like episodes within 6 h prior to efficacy assessment, we correspondingly conducted the systematic administration of oral and intravenous l-arginine to 15 and 10 patients with MELAS in two, 2-year, prospective, multicenter clinical trials at 10 medical institutions in Japan. Subsequently, patients were followed up for 7 years. The primary endpoint in the clinical trial of oral l-arginine was the MELAS scale, while that for intravenous l-arginine was the improvement rates of headache and nausea/vomiting at 2 h after completion of the initial intravenous administration. The relationships between the ictuses of stroke-like episodes and plasma arginine concentrations were examined.ResultsOral l-arginine extended the interictal phase (p = 0.0625) and decreased the incidence and severity of ictuses. Intravenous l-arginine improved the rates of four major symptoms—headache, nausea/vomiting, impaired consciousness, and visual disturbance. The maximal plasma arginine concentration was 167 μmol/L when an ictus developed. Neither death nor bedriddenness occurred during the 2-year clinical trials, and the latter did not develop during the 7-year follow-up despite the progressively neurodegenerative and eventually life-threatening nature of MELAS. No treatment-related adverse events occurred, and the formulations of l-arginine were well tolerated.ConclusionsThe systematic administration of oral and intravenous l-arginine may be therapeutically beneficial and clinically useful for patients with MELAS

    Postnatal lethality and chondrodysplasia in mice lacking both chondroitin sulfate N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-1 and -2

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    Chondroitin sulfate (CS) is a sulfated glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chain. In cartilage, CS plays important roles as the main component of the extracellular matrix (ECM), existing as side chains of the major cartilage proteoglycan, aggrecan. Six glycosyltransferases are known to coordinately synthesize the backbone structure of CS; however, their in vivo synthetic mechanism remains unknown. Previous studies have suggested that two glycosyltransferases, Csgalnact1 (t1) and Csgalnact2 (t2), are critical for initiation of CS synthesis in vitro. Indeed, t1 single knockout mice (t1 KO) exhibit slight dwarfism and a reduction in CS content in cartilage compared with wild-type (WT) mice. To reveal the synergetic roles of t1 and t2 in CS synthesis in vivo, we generated systemic single and double knockout (DKO) mice and cartilage-specific t1 and t2 double knockout (Col2-DKO) mice. DKO mice exhibited postnatal lethality, whereas t2 KO mice showed normal size and skeletal development. Col2-DKO mice survived to adulthood and showed severe dwarfism compared with t1 KO mice. Histological analysis of epiphyseal cartilage from Col2-DKO mice revealed disrupted endochondral ossification, characterized by drastic GAG reduction in the ECM. Moreover, DKO cartilage had reduced chondrocyte proliferation and an increased number of apoptotic chondrocytes compared with WT cartilage. Conversely, primary chondrocyte cultures from Col2-DKO knee cartilage had the same proliferation rate as WT chondrocytes and low GAG expression levels, indicating that the chondrocytes themselves had an intact proliferative ability. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of E18.5 cartilage showed that the expression levels of Col2a1 and Ptch1 transcripts tended to decrease in DKO compared with those in WT mice. The CS content in DKO cartilage was decreased compared with that in t1 KO cartilage but was not completely absent. These results suggest that aberrant ECM caused by CS reduction disrupted endochondral ossification. Overall, we propose that both t1 and t2 are necessary for CS synthesis and normal chondrocyte differentiation but are not sufficient for all CS synthesis in cartilage

    MAFB is dispensable for the fetal testis morphogenesis and the maintenance of spermatogenesis in adult mice

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    The transcription factor MAFB is an important regulator of the development and differentiation of various organs and tissues. Previous studies have shown that MAFB is expressed in embryonic and adult mouse testes and is expected to act as the downstream target of retinoic acid (RA) to initiate spermatogenesis. However, its exact localization and function remain unclear. Here, we localized MAFB expression in embryonic and adult testes and analyzed its gene function using Mafb-deficient mice. We found that MAFB and c-MAF are the only large MAF transcription factors expressed in testes, while MAFA and NRL are not. MAFB was localized in Leydig and Sertoli cells at embryonic day (E) 18.5 but in Leydig cells, Sertoli cells, and pachytene spermatocytes in adults. Mafb-deficient testes at E18.5 showed fully formed seminiferous tubules with no abnormal structure or differences in testicular somatic cell numbers compared with those of control wild-type mice. Additionally, the expression levels of genes related to development and function of testicular cells were unchanged between genotypes. In adults, the expression of MAFB in Sertoli cells was shown to be stage specific and induced by RA. By generating Mafbfl/fl CAG-CreER™ (Mafb-cKO) mice, in which Cre recombinase was activated upon tamoxifen treatment, we found that the neonatal cKO mice died shortly upon Mafb deletion, but adult cKO mice were alive upon deletion. Adult cKO mice were fertile, and spermatogenesis maintenance was normal, as indicated by histological analysis, hormone levels, and germ cell stage-specific markers. Moreover, there were no differences in the proportion of seminiferous stages between cKO mice and controls. However, RNA-Seq analysis of cKO Sertoli cells revealed that the down-regulated genes were related to immune function and phagocytosis activity but not spermatogenesis. In conclusion, we found that MAFB is dispensable for fetal testis morphogenesis and spermatogenesis maintenance in adult mice, despite the significant gene expression in different cell types, but MAFB might be critical for phagocytosis activity of Sertoli cells