75 research outputs found


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    Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is known to have less brain metastasis, but the reasons are not well established. Herein, we report the case of an 82-year-old man with recurrent cerebral hemorrhage of unknown cause ; upon brain biopsy, SCC was diagnosed infiltrating peripheral blood vessels of the brain and that it was state of micro-metastasis. It is possible that the blood-brain barrier blocked the infiltration of SCC into the brain parenchyma, and it did not form a mass in the brain parenchyma. In addition, because it did not form a mass, it could not be diagnosed as a metastatic brain tumor by contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging or contrast-enhanced computed tomography. Among cases of recurrent cerebral hemorrhage of unknown cause in a short period, there may be cases of vascular infiltration without crossing the blood-brain barrier. Thus, if similar cases of recurrent cerebral hemorrhage of unknown cause is observed, it is necessary to distinguish metastatic brain tumors even if there is no evidence of suspected tumor on contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging scan

    The Atomic and Electronic structure of 0{\deg} and 60{\deg} grain boundaries in MoS2

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    We have investigated atomic and electronic structure of grain boundaries in monolayer MoS2, where relative angles between two different grains are 0 and 60 degree. The grain boundaries with specific relative angle have been formed with chemical vapor deposition growth on graphite and hexagonal boron nitride flakes; van der Waals interlayer interaction between MoS2 and the flakes restricts the relative angle. Through scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy measurements, we have found that the perfectly stitched structure between two different grains of MoS2 was realized in the case of the 0 degree grain boundary. We also found that even with the perfectly stitched structure, valence band maximum and conduction band minimum shows significant blue shift, which probably arise from lattice strain at the boundary

    A New Constraint on the Lyα\alpha Fraction of UV Very Bright Galaxies at Redshift 7

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    We study the extent to which very bright (-23.0 < MUV < -21.75) Lyman-break selected galaxies at redshifts z~7 display detectable Lya emission. To explore this issue, we have obtained follow-up optical spectroscopy of 9 z~7 galaxies from a parent sample of 24 z~7 galaxy candidates selected from the 1.65 sq.deg COSMOS-UltraVISTA and SXDS-UDS survey fields using the latest near-infrared public survey data, and new ultra-deep Subaru z'-band imaging (which we also present and describe in this paper). Our spectroscopy has yielded only one possible detection of Lya at z=7.168 with a rest-frame equivalent width EW_0 = 3.7 (+1.7/-1.1) Angstrom. The relative weakness of this line, combined with our failure to detect Lya emission from the other spectroscopic targets allows us to place a new upper limit on the prevalence of strong Lya emission at these redshifts. For conservative calculation and to facilitate comparison with previous studies at lower redshifts, we derive a 1-sigma upper limit on the fraction of UV bright galaxies at z~7 that display EW_0 > 50 Angstrom, which we estimate to be < 0.23. This result may indicate a weak trend where the fraction of strong Lya emitters ceases to rise, and possibly falls between z~6 and z~7. Our results also leave open the possibility that strong Lya may still be more prevalent in the brightest galaxies in the reionization era than their fainter counterparts. A larger spectroscopic sample of galaxies is required to derive a more reliable constraint on the neutral hydrogen fraction at z~7 based on the Lya fraction in the bright galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Observation of biexcitonic emission at extremely low power density in tungsten disulfide atomic layers grown on hexagonal boron nitride

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    Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) including WS2, MoS2, WSe2 and WS2, are two-dimensional semiconductors with direct bandgap, providing an excellent field for exploration of many-body effects in 2-dimensions (2D) through optical measurements. To fully explore the physics of TMDCs, the prerequisite is preparation of high-quality samples to observe their intrinsic properties. For this purpose, we have focused on high-quality samples, WS2 grown by chemical vapor deposition method with hexagonal boron nitride as substrates. We observed sharp exciton emissions, whose linewidth is typically 22~23 meV, in photoluminescence spectra at room temperature, which result clearly demonstrates the high-quality of the current samples. We found that biexcitons formed with extremely low-excitation power (240 W/cm^2) at 80 K, and this should originate from the minimal amount of localization centers in the present high-quality samples. The results clearly demonstrate that the present samples can provide an excellent field, where one can observe various excitonic states, offering possibility of exploring optical physics in 2D and finding new condensates

    The Subaru Deep Field Project: Lymanα\alpha Emitters at Redshift of 6.6

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    We present new results of a deep optical imaging survey using a narrowband filter (NB921NB921) centered at λ=\lambda = 9196 \AA ~ together with BB, VV, RR, ii^\prime, and zz^\prime broadband filters in the sky area of the Subaru Deep Field which has been promoted as one of legacy programs of the 8.2m Subaru Telescope. We obtained a photometric sample of 58 Lyα\alpha emitter candidates at zz \approx 6.5 -- 6.6 among 180\sim 180 strong NB921NB921-excess (zNB921>1.0z^\prime - NB921 > 1.0) objects together with a color criterion of iz>1.3i^\prime - z^\prime > 1.3. We then obtained optical spectra of 20 objects in our NB921NB921-excess sample and identified at least nine Lyα\alpha emitters at z6.5z \sim 6.5 -- 6.6 including the two emitters reported by Kodaira et al. (2003). Since our Lyα\alpha emitter candidates are free from strong amplification of gravitational lensing, we are able to discuss their observational properties from a statistical point of view. Based on these new results, we obtain a lower limit of the star formation rate density of ρSFR5.5×104\rho_{\rm SFR} \simeq 5.5 \times 10^{-4} h0.7h_{0.7} MM_\odot yr1^{-1} Mpc3^{-3} at z6.6z \approx 6.6, being consistent with our previous estimate. We discuss the nature of star-formation activity in galaxies beyond z=6z=6.Comment: 49 pages, 16 figures, PASJ, Vol. 57, No. 1, in pres

    The Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS). IV. Evolution of Lya Emitters from z=3.1 to 5.7 in the 1 deg^2 Field: Luminosity Functions and AGN

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    We present luminosity functions (LFs) and various properties of Lya emitters (LAEs) at z=3.1, 3.7, and 5.7, in a 1 deg^2 sky of the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS) Field. We obtain a photometric sample of 858 LAE candidates based on deep Subaru/Suprime-Cam imaging data, and a spectroscopic sample of 84 confirmed LAEs from Subaru/FOCAS and VLT/VIMOS spectroscopy in a survey volume of ~10^6 Mpc^3 with a limiting Lya luminosity of ~3x10^42 erg/s. We derive the LFs of Lya and UV-continuum (~1500 \AA) for each redshift, taking into account the statistical error and the field-to-field variation. We find that the apparent Lya LF shows no significant evolution between z=3.1 and 5.7 within factors of 1.8 and 2.7 in L* and phi*, respectively. On the other hand, the UV LF of LAEs increases from z=3.1 to 5.7, indicating that galaxies with Lya emission are more common at earlier epochs. We identify six LAEs with AGN activities from our spectra combined with VLA, Spitzer, and XMM-Newton data. Among the photometrically selected LAEs at z=3.1 and 3.7, only ~1 % show AGN activities, while the brightest LAEs with logL(Lya) >~ 43.4-43.6 erg/s appear to always host AGNs. Our LAEs are bluer in UV-continuum color than dropout galaxies, suggesting lower extinction and/or younger stellar populations. Our stacking analyses provide upper limits to the radio luminosity and the f(HeII)/f(Lya) line fraction, and constrain the hidden star formation (+low-luminosity AGN) and the primordial population in LAEs.Comment: 75 pages, 27 figures; ApJS in press. High resolution version at http://www.ociw.edu/~ouchi/work/astroph/sxds_LAEs/ouchi_SXDSLAE_ApJS.pd