22 research outputs found

    Experimental Method for Measuring Dust Load on Surfaces in Rooms

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    A Laboratory Method for Experimental Study on Transportation of Particles in a Ventilated Room

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    Special issue on emissions from naturally ventilated livestock buildings [Editorial]

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    The idea of this Special Issue was initiated during a technical session entitled 'Emission from naturally ventilated buildings' at the World Congress of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR) in Quebec in June 2010. During this Quebec meeting, participants agreed to review the challenges associated with emission measurement from naturally ventilated livestock buildings and the future research needs

    Progress in Research into Ammonia and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Animal Production Facilities

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    Rosana G. Moreira, Editor-in-Chief; Texas A&M UniversityThis is a paper from International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR, Commission Internationale du Genie Rural) E-Journal Volume 6 (2004): S. Pedersen, G. Monteny, H. Xin, and H. Takai. Progress in Research into Ammonia and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Animal Production Facilities. (August 2004)

    A Comparison between Temperature-Controlled Laminar Airflow Device and a Room Air-Cleaner in Reducing Exposure to Particles While Asleep

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    People spend approximately one third of their life sleeping. Exposure to pollutants in the sleep environment often leads to a variety of adverse health effects, such as development and exacerbation of asthma. Avoiding exposure to these pollutants by providing a sufficient air quality in the sleep environment might be a feasible method to alleviate these health symptoms. We performed full-scale laboratory measurements using a thermal manikin positioned on an experimental bed. Three ventilation settings were tested: with no filtration system operated, use of portable air cleaner and use of a temperature-controlled laminar airflow (TLA) device. The first part of the experiment investigated the air-flow characteristics in the breathing zone. In the second part, particle removal efficiency was estimated. Measured in the breathing zone, the room air cleaner demonstrated high turbulence intensity, high velocity and turbulence diffusivity level, with a particle reduction rate of 52% compared to baseline after 30 minutes. The TLA device delivered a laminar airflow to the breathing zone with a reduction rate of 99.5%. During a periodical duvet lifting mimicking a subject's movement in bed, the particle concentration was significantly lower with the TLA device compared to the room air cleaner. The TLA device provided a barrier which significantly reduced the introduction of airborne particles into the breathing zone. Further studies should be conducted for the understanding of the transport of resuspended particles between the duvet and the laying body

    Progress in Research into Ammonia and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Animal Production Facilities

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    On 1-4 June 2003, the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (DIAS) hosted the International Symposium on Gaseous and Odour Emissions from Animal Production Facilities. This symposium can be considered a follow-up of the first special symposium on gaseous and odour emissions, held in 1997 in Vinkeloord, the Netherlands (Voermans and Monteny, 1997). The organizers of the 2003 symposium were Section II (Buildings) of the Commission International du Genie Rurale (CIGR), the European Association of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng), and the Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF). A total of 93 participants from 22 nations got together to share the latest advancement in research and development into the important issues of gaseous emissions from animal production facilities, including odour. They presented 40 papers and 22 posters on various issues concerning gaseous emissions from animal production facilities. This paper describes the major progress in the field of ammonia, methane and nitrous oxide emissions from livestock production. Statements, data and findings are referred to between parentheses (author – page number of the symposium proceedings).This article is from Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Development VI (August 2004). </p

    Location of anemometer sensors for the ACS for three tested ventilation settings.

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    <p>Location of anemometer sensors for the ACS for three tested ventilation settings.</p

    The airflow velocity vectors determined under the TLA cooled air supply nozzle.

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    <p>Displayed are measured positions: 23 cm above the nose tip (X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0.23m), 8 cm above the nose tip (X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0.08m), right and left side of the face (X = 0, Y = ±0.2, Z = 0.08) and (X = 0, Y = ±0.3, Z = 0.08m).</p

    Variations of particle concentrations in the breathing zone when air cleaner (setting B) and TLA device (setting C) was used and duvet was lifted periodically.

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    <p>Variations of particle concentrations in the breathing zone when air cleaner (setting B) and TLA device (setting C) was used and duvet was lifted periodically.</p