157 research outputs found

    Renormalization group for the probability distribution of magnetic impurities in a random-field ϕ4\phi^4 model

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    Extending the usual Ginzburg-Landau theory for the random-field Ising model, the possibility of dimensional reduction is reconsidered. A renormalization group for the probability distribution of magnetic impurities is applied. New parameters corresponding to the extra ϕ4\phi^4 coupling constants in the replica Hamiltonian are introduced. Although they do not affect the critical phenomena near the upper critical dimension, they can when dimensions are lowered.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, revte

    Inhibition of Angiogenic Factor Production from Murine Mast Cells by an Antiallergic Agent (Epinastine Hydrochloride) In Vitro

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    Angiogenesis is an important event both in the development of allergic inflammatory responses and in the pathophysiology of tissue remodeling in allergic diseases. In the present study, therefore, we examined the influence of antihistamines on angiogenesis through the choice of epinastine hydrochloride (EP) and murine mast cells in vitro. Mast cells (5 × 105 cells/mL) presensitized with murine IgE specific for ovalbumin (OVA) were stimulated with 10 ng/mL OVA in the presence of various concentrations of EP for 4 hours. The levels of angiogenesis factors, keratinocyte-derived chemokine (KC), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in culture supernatants, were examined by ELISA. We also examined mRNA expression for the angiogenesis factors by RT-PCR. EP significantly inhibited the production of KC, TNF, and VEGF induced by IgE-dependent mechanism at more than 25 ng/mL. Semiquantitative analysis using RT-PCR showed that EP also significantly reduced mRNA expressions for KC, TNF, and VEGF. These results strongly suggest that EP suppresses angiogenesis factor production through the inhibition of mRNA expression in mast cells and results in favorable modification of clinical conditions of allergic diseases

    Replica Method for Wide Correlators in Gaussian Orthogonal, Unitary And Symplectic Random Matrix Ensembles

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    We calculate connected correlators in Gaussian orthogonal, unitary and symplectic random matrix ensembles by the replica method in the 1/N-expansion. We obtain averaged one-point Green's functions up to the next-to-leading order O(1/N) and wide two-level correlators up to the first nontrivial order O(1/N^2) and wide three-level correlators up to the first nontrivial order O(1/N4)O(1/N^4) by carefully treating fluctuations in saddle-point evaluation.Comment: LaTeX 21 pages, a new result on wide three-level correlators adde

    An asymptotic formula for marginal running coupling constants and universality of loglog corrections

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    Given a two-loop beta function for multiple marginal coupling constants, we derive an asymptotic formula for the running coupling constants driven to an infrared fixed point. It can play an important role in universal loglog corrections to physical quantities.Comment: 16 pages; typos fixed, one appendix removed for quick access to the main result; to be published in J. Phys.

    NGC 7582: The Prototype Narrow-Line X-ray Galaxy

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    NGC 7582 is a candidate prototype of the Narrow Line X-ray Galaxies (NLXGs) found in deep X-ray surveys. An ASCA observation shows the hard (> 3 keV) X-ray continuum of NGC 7582 drops 40% in ~6 ks, implying an AGN, while the soft band (< 3 keV) does not drop in concert with the hard continuum, requiring a separate component. The X-ray spectrum of NGC 7582 also shows a clear 0.5-2 keV soft (kT = 0.8 (+0.9,-0.3) keV or Gamma = 2.4 +/- 0.6; L(X) = 6 x 10**40 ergs s**-1) low--energy component, in addition to a heavily absorbed [N(H) = (6 +/- 2)\times 10**22 cm**-2 ] and variable 2-10 keV power law [Gamma = 0.7 (+0.3,-0.4); L(X) = (1.7-2.3) x 10**42 ergs s**-1]. This is one of the flattest 2-10 keV slopes in any AGN observed with ASCA. (The ROSAT HRI image of NGC 7582 further suggests extent to the SE.) These observations make it clear that the hard X-ray emission of NGC 7582, the most "narrow-line" of the NLXGs, is associated with an AGN. The strong suggestion is that all NLXGs are obscured AGNs, as hypothesized to explain the X-ray background spectral paradox. The separate soft X-ray component makes NGC 7582 (and by extension other NLXGs) detectable as a ROSAT source.Comment: text: Latex2e 10 pages, including 1 table, and 2 postscript figures via psfi

    The hardest X-ray source in the ASCA Large Sky Survey: Discovery of a new type 2 Seyfert

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    We present results of ASCA deep exposure observations of the hardest X-ray source discovered in the ASCA Large Sky Survey (LSS) project, designated as AX J131501+3141. We extract its accurate X-ray spectrum, taking account of the contamination from a nearby soft source (AX J131502+3142), separated only by 1'. AX J131501+3141 exhibits a large absorption of NH = (6 +4 -2)x 10^22 H/cm^2 with a photon index \Gamma = 1.5 +0.7 -0.6. The 2--10 keV flux was about 5 x 10^-13 erg/s/cm^2 and was time variable by a factor of 30% in 0.5 year. From the highly absorbed X-ray spectrum and the time variability, as well as the results of the optical follow-up observations (Akiyama et al. 1998, astro-ph/9801173), we conclude that AX J131501+3141 is a type 2 Seyfert galaxy. Discovery of such a low flux and highly absorbed X-ray source could have a significant impact on the origin of the cosmic X-ray background.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, requires AAS Latex macro v4.0, to appear in The Astrophysical Journal, text and figures also available at http://www-cr.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp/member/sakano/work/paper/index-e.htm

    The Suzaku Observation of the Nucleus of the Radio-Loud Active Galaxy Centaurus A: Constraints on Abundances of the Accreting Material

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    A Suzaku observation of the nucleus of the radio-loud AGN Centaurus A in 2005 has yielded a broadband spectrum spanning 0.3 to 250 keV. The net exposure times after screening were: 70 ks per X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS) camera, 60.8 ks for the Hard X-ray Detector (HXD) PIN, and 17.1 ks for the HXD-GSO. The hard X-rays are fit by two power-laws of the same slope, absorbed by columns of 1.5 and 7 * 10^{23} cm^{-2} respectively. The spectrum is consistent with previous suggestions that the power-law components are X-ray emission from the sub-pc VLBI jet and from Bondi accretion at the core, but it is also consistent with a partial covering interpretation. The soft band is dominated by thermal emission from the diffuse plasma and is fit well by a two-temperature VAPEC model, plus a third power-law component to account for scattered nuclear emission, jet emission, and emission from X-ray Binaries and other point sources. Narrow fluorescent emission lines from Fe, Si, S, Ar, Ca and Ni are detected. The Fe K alpha line width yields a 200 light-day lower limit on the distance from the black hole to the line-emitting gas. Fe, Ca, and S K-shell absorption edges are detected. Elemental abundances are constrained via absorption edge depths and strengths of the fluorescent and diffuse plasma emission lines. The high metallicity ([Fe/H]=+0.1) of the circumnuclear material suggests that it could not have originated in the relatively metal-poor outer halo unless enrichment by local star formation has occurred. Relative abundances are consistent with enrichment from Type II and Ia supernovae.Comment: Accepted for publication to ApJ. 22 pages, 11 figures (3 color). Uses emulateapj5.sty. Grammatical errors corrected; some references update

    Living donor liver transplantation from a donor previously treated with interferon for hepatitis C virus: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Selecting a marginal donor in liver transplantation (LT) remains controversial but is necessary because of the small number of available donors.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 46-year-old Japanese woman was a candidate to donate her liver to her brother, who had decompensated liver cirrhosis of unknown origin. Eight years before the donation, she had a mild liver dysfunction that was diagnosed as a hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection (serotype 2). She had received anti-viral therapy with interferon α-2b three times weekly for 24 weeks and had a sustained viral response (SVR). A biopsy of her liver before the donation showed normal findings without any active hepatitis, and her serum was negative for HCV-RNA. Only 67 patients have undergone LT from a cadaveric donor in Japan. The family in this case decided to have living donor LT. A careful selection for the liver graft donation was made; however, since she was the only candidate, we approved her as a living donor. She was discharged nine days after the liver donation. Her liver function recovered immediately. A computed tomography scan showed sufficient liver regeneration one year later. Her brother also had good liver function after LT and had no HCV infection 48 months after surgery and no <it>de novo </it>malignancy. Neither of the siblings has developed an HCV infection.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A patient with SVR status after interferon therapy might be considered a candidate for living donor LT but only if there are no other possibilities of LT for the recipient. A careful follow-up of the donor after donation is needed. The recipient also must have a very close follow-up because it is difficult to predict what might happen to the graft with post-transplant immunosuppression.</p

    A two-domain elevator mechanism for sodium/proton antiport

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    Sodium/proton (Na+/H+) antiporters, located at the plasma membrane in every cell, are vital for cell homeostasis1. In humans, their dysfunction has been linked to diseases, such as hypertension, heart failure and epilepsy, and they are well-established drug targets2. The best understood model system for Na+/H+ antiport is NhaA from Escherichia coli1, 3, for which both electron microscopy and crystal structures are available4, 5, 6. NhaA is made up of two distinct domains: a core domain and a dimerization domain. In the NhaA crystal structure a cavity is located between the two domains, providing access to the ion-binding site from the inward-facing surface of the protein1, 4. Like many Na+/H+ antiporters, the activity of NhaA is regulated by pH, only becoming active above pH 6.5, at which point a conformational change is thought to occur7. The only reported NhaA crystal structure so far is of the low pH inactivated form4. Here we describe the active-state structure of a Na+/H+ antiporter, NapA from Thermus thermophilus, at 3 Å resolution, solved from crystals grown at pH 7.8. In the NapA structure, the core and dimerization domains are in different positions to those seen in NhaA, and a negatively charged cavity has now opened to the outside. The extracellular cavity allows access to a strictly conserved aspartate residue thought to coordinate ion binding1, 8, 9 directly, a role supported here by molecular dynamics simulations. To alternate access to this ion-binding site, however, requires a surprisingly large rotation of the core domain, some 20° against the dimerization interface. We conclude that despite their fast transport rates of up to 1,500 ions per second3, Na+/H+ antiporters operate by a two-domain rocking bundle model, revealing themes relevant to secondary-active transporters in general