93 research outputs found

    The Territorial Availability and Diffusion of Broadband in Finland: Lessons From Finnish Broadband Policy

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    Most countries dispose towards the development of the information society (IS). Due to increased political interest, there has also been a growing need to collect and compile IS statistics for informed decision-making. Thus, various indicators have been collected and different indices developed to measure IS, to monitor its development and to compare countries in terms of IS performance. Although there is no unambiguous definition of what IS is actually composed of, the availability and use of information and communications technology (ICT) is seen to be an established part of it. This article examines the case of one IS indicator: the measurement of the availability of broadband in Finland from the year 2001 to 2004. The focus is on the overall sensibility of the indicators approach, the evolution of territorial differences at different spatial scales, and the effectiveness of the broadband policy in Finland in years 2001-2004. The analysis shows that the indicators of the availability of broadband might be misleading for purposes of policy formulation and monitoring. The results also indicate that the Finnish broadband policy has resulted in regional differences and spatially uneven impacts in terms of availability. This article is an outgrowth of the ESPON project ñ€ƓIdentification of Spatially Relevant aspects of the Information Societyñ€.

    Measuring the Information Society in Europe: From Definitions to Description

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    Information Society (IS) indicators describe the level of information society development achieved in a particular society in quantitative terms. They can serve a range of purposes related to providing a view of the society’s state: for example, following the evolution of IS or benchmarking IS with other territories. By considering changes over time, IS indicators also comprise a critical tool in the monitoring, evaluation and improvement of IS policy. Inevitably, the primary benefit of indicators lies in this capacity to guide policy-makers into proactive thinking i.e. to focus their attention on future priorities. The aims of this article are to examine how the evolution of the information society has been measured, and to relate European territories with each other by these measures. Constructing a comprehensive set of IS indicators requires a sound definition of the Information Society to establish meaningful benchmarks and to measure change. The task becomes complicated as it seems that IS is more or less ‘undefined’ at the moment. This means that IS is what one wants it to be: countries held as ñ€Ɠinformation societiesñ€ are those countries, which people think of being such – and not defined by, for example, achieving a level measured by some quantitative IS-related indicators. Tentative results show that despite this lack of a clear and single definition of Information Society (IS) one can derive some conclusions about what IS consists of by taking a look at previous IS projects having collected IS indicators. They indicate three different levels of IS. These levels range from the narrow technological and the intermediate techno-economic definitions to the broad, all-inclusive IS definition. The indicators used to measure IS can also be grouped by a lifecycle model. While there seems to be a lack of available consistent territorial data on IS, there is plenty of data available on the national level. Using this data and background variables the European state of IS is analyzed from a territorial perspective. This article is an outgrowth of the ESPON project ñ€ƓIdentification of Spatially Relevant aspects of the Information Societyñ€.

    Pienet ketut Herran viinitarhassa : Katarismi Lauragaisin kylissÀ 1200-1245

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    Tutkimus kÀsittelee keskiajan suurinta harhaoppia katarismia Toulousin hiippakunnassa 1200-luvun ensimmÀisellÀ puoliskolla. Tarkempi tutkimusalue on Lauragaisin maaseutu Toulousin ja Carcassonnen vÀlissÀ. Alue oli EtelÀ-Ranskan katarismin sydÀnaluetta. Tutkimus kÀy lÀpi katarismin historian vuosina 1200 1245. Tuolloin se muuttui julkisesti siedetystÀ uskosta salassa harjoitettavaksi harhaopiksi. ErityisessÀ tarkkailussa ovat Lauragaisin kylÀt ja niiden asukkaiden suhde katarismiin. Tutkimus selvittÀÀ miten kiellettyihin kataarien tapaamisiin osallistuttiin Lauragaisissa ja kuinka suuri osa alueen vÀestöstÀ uskoi katarismiin. Tutkimus pohjautuu pitkÀlti Bernard de Caux n vuosien 1245 1246 inkvisition kuulustelujen rekisteriin, joka sisÀltÀÀ 5 471 lauragaisilaisen inkvisitiotunnustusen. Tarkempaan tarkasteluun on valittu seitsemÀn kylÀÀ ja niiden 1 069 inkvisitiotunnustusta. Niiden sisÀltÀmÀt tiedot on syötetty tutkimuksen apuna toimivaan relaatiotietokantaan. Kylien asukkaiden kuulusteluja on verrattu keskenÀÀn tietokannan avulla. Kuulustelujen perusteella on rekonstruoitu kataarien tapaamisia vuosina 1195 1245. LisÀksi tutkitaan tarkemmin katarismin toiminnan kannalta tÀrkeitÀ mekanismeja Saint-Martin-Lalanden kylÀssÀ. Tutkimuksen mukaan katarismi vetosi kaikkiin yhteiskuntaluokkiin kuuluneisiin ihmisiin. SukusiteillÀ ja Lauragaisin kylien asukkaiden keskinÀisellÀ solidaarisuudella oli suuri merkitys katarismin sÀilymisessÀ, kun harhaoppi yritettiin tukahduttaa. Inkvisitiot onnistuivat murtamaan kylien sisÀisen solidaarisuuden 1240-luvulla. Tutkimuksen keskeisin tulos on arvion esittÀminen katarismiin uskoneiden maallikoiden lukumÀÀrÀstÀ. Noin kymmenesosa Lauragaisin aikuisvÀestöstÀ oli aktiivisia kataariuskovia. Jopa kaksi viidesosaa alueen asukkaista oli jossain elÀmÀnsÀ vaiheessa osallistunut kataarien kiellettyihin uskonnollisiin tilaisuuksiin. Katarismiin uskoneiden ja siihen kosketuksissa olleiden ihmisten mÀÀrÀ on keskeinen tieto, kun arvioidaan katolisen kirkon harhaopin vastaisia toimia. Katarismin tuhoamiseksi julistettiin 20 vuotta kestÀnyt ristiretki. Inkvisitiolta kului sen jÀlkeen vielÀ 90 vuotta katarismin tuhoamiseen. Katarismi oli merkittÀvÀ harhaoppi, koska se vetosi kiellettynÀkin huomattavaan osaan Lauragaisin vÀestöstÀ

    Fine-grained Patterns of the Digital Divide: Differences of Broadband Access within Finland

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    Access to the Internet plays a central role in the development of an information society. However, because of the required telecommunications infrastructure is very expensive to build, and telecommunications services are also relatively expensive, there is no sufficient demand for a market-based provision of relevant telecommunication infrastructures in many areas. As a result, some citizens and organisations are left without an (up-to-date) access to the Internet. This gap between social groups with and without access to the Internet, which is also often linked with a lack of motivation to use it, is referred to as Digital Divide. Several governments have implemented programmes aimed at diminishing this Divide, by means of providing access to the Internet in regions where the market does not provide it, and by enhancing the citizens? ?information society? skills and motivation. There are a variety of technologies available for connecting to the Internet. The traditional narrowband means include modem and ISDN. For faster connections in terms of data transfer rate, various broadband technologies have been introduced. Actually, these broadband connections, which usually offer a fixed pricing scheme, are often seen as the embodiment of an information society. Lately, also mobile connections have become a feasible in creating an access to the Internet, as their speed has increased to the level of the traditional modem connection, and their data transfer prices have been reduced. The aim of this paper is to explore spatial patterns and differences in internet access in Finland. Availability of all possible technologies (traditional, broadband and mobile) are investigated in detail. The findings are compared with demographic characteristics of the relevant regions. Not surprisingly, the tentative results support the view that regions with higher population densities have a better access to the Internet. With regard to the debate on the Digital Divide, it is especially interesting to observe that variations in access to the Internet do not follow administrative borders, but are much more fine-grained. Clearly, this has implications for effective and righteous information society policies, and for an evaluation of the effectiveness of such policies. The paper in an outgrowth of the project ?Telecommunications Services and Networks and Territorial Cohesion? funded from the European Spatial Planning Observation Network (ESPON) programme (see www.espon.lu). Key words: internet access, digital divide, telecommunications infrastructure, spatial differences, ESPON

    Broadband strategies in thin milieux: comparing nordic experiences

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    Broadband infrastructures with a high transmission capacity are seen as a key precondition for the development of an information society, and therefore, their supply and availability have become important issues in public policies. The paper analyses the policy strategies applied in Finland and Sweden for promoting territorial rollout of broadband infrastructures. The experiences of these two countries can be seen to be of scientific interest and political relevance especially for the following two reasons: Both countries have been forerunners in the development of information society in general, and telecommunications in particular. Secondly, these two countries are sparsely populated, which is a most relevant conditioning factor in the rollout of broadband infrastructures characterised by nodal features. Despite the above-mentioned similarities of the two countries, they have applied quite different strategies in the rollout of broadband. In Sweden, the public sector has taken a more interventionist role than in Finland. This implies the question whether and how this difference can be seen in the territoriality of broadband supply. The paper attempts to answer this question, and provide conclusions for effective policy strategies. The paper is an outgrowth of the ESPON (European Spatial Planning Observation Network) project 1.2.2 “Telecommunications Services and Networks: Territorial Trends and Basic Supply of Infrastructure for Territorial Cohesion” (see: http://www.espon.lu).

    Laajakaista kaikkien ulottuville?

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    Whole-exome sequencing identifies novel candidate predisposition genes for familial polycythemia vera

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    Background: Polycythemia vera (PV), characterized by massive production of erythrocytes, is one of the myeloproliferative neoplasms. Most patients carry a somatic gain-of-function mutation in JAK2, c.1849G > T (p.Val617Phe), leading to constitutive activation of JAK-STAT signaling pathway. Familial clustering is also observed occasionally, but high-penetrance predisposition genes to PV have remained unidentified. Results: We studied the predisposition to PV by exome sequencing (three cases) in a Finnish PV family with four patients. The 12 shared variants (maximum allowed minor allele frequency G (p.Phe418Leu) in ZXDC, c.1931C > G (p.Pro644Arg) in ATN1, and c.701G > A (p.Arg234Gln) in LRRC3. We also observed a rare, predicted benign germline variant c.2912C > G (p.Ala971Gly) in BCORL1 in all four patients. Somatic mutations in BCORL1 have been reported in myeloid malignancies. We further screened the variants in eight PV patients in six other Finnish families, but no other carriers were found. Conclusions: Exome sequencing provides a powerful tool for the identification of novel variants, and understanding the familial predisposition of diseases. This is the first report on Finnish familial PV cases, and we identified three novel candidate variants that may predispose to the disease.Peer reviewe

    Opioid Release after High-Intensity Interval Training in Healthy Human Subjects

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    Central opioidergic mechanisms may modulate the positive effects of physical exercise such as mood elevation and stress reduction. How exercise intensity and concomitant effective changes affect central opioidergic responses is unknown. We studied the effects of acute physical exercise on the cerebral Ό-opioid receptors (MOR) of 22 healthy recreationally active males using positron emission tomography (PET) and the MOR-selective radioligand [11C]carfentanil. MOR binding was measured in three conditions on separate days: after a 60-min aerobic moderate-intensity exercise session, after a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session, and after rest. Mood was measured repeatedly throughout the experiment. HIIT significantly decreased MOR binding selectively in the frontolimbic regions involved in pain, reward, and emotional processing (thalamus, insula, orbitofrontal cortex, hippocampus, and anterior cingulate cortex). Decreased binding correlated with increased negative emotionality. Moderate-intensity exercise did not change MOR binding, although increased euphoria correlated with decreased receptor binding. These observations, consistent with endogenous opioid release, highlight the role of the Ό-opioid system in mediating affective responses to high-intensity training as opposed to recreational moderate physical exercise

    Aerobic exercise modulates anticipatory reward processing via the mu-opioid receptor system

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    Physical exercise modulates food reward and helps control body weight. The endogenous mu-opioid receptor (MOR) system is involved in rewarding aspects of both food and physical exercise, yet interaction between endogenous opioid release following exercise and anticipatory food reward remains unresolved. Here we tested whether exercise-induced opioid release correlates with increased anticipatory reward processing in humans. We scanned 24 healthy lean men after rest and after a 1 h session of aerobic exercise with positron emission tomography (PET) using MOR-selective radioligand [C-11]carfentanil. After both PET scans, the subjects underwent a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment where they viewed pictures of palatable versus nonpalatable foods to trigger anticipatory food reward responses. Exercise-induced changes in MOR binding in key regions of reward circuit (amygdala, thalamus, ventral and dorsal striatum, and orbitofrontal and cingulate cortices) were used to predict the changes in anticipatory reward responses in fMRI. Exercise-induced changes in MOR binding correlated negatively with the exercise-induced changes in neural anticipatory food reward responses in orbitofrontal and cingulate cortices, insula, ventral striatum, amygdala, and thalamus: higher exercise-induced opioid release predicted higher brain responses to palatable versus nonpalatable foods. We conclude that MOR activation following exercise may contribute to the considerable interindividual variation in food craving and consumption after exercise, which might promote compensatory eating and compromise weight control

    Segmentation of Striatal Brain Structures from High Resolution PET Images

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    We propose and evaluate an automatic segmentation method for extracting striatal brain structures (caudate, putamen, and ventral striatum) from parametric 11C-raclopride positron emission tomography (PET) brain images. We focus on the images acquired using a novel brain dedicated high-resolution (HRRT) PET scanner. The segmentation method first extracts the striatum using a deformable surface model and then divides the striatum into its substructures based on a graph partitioning algorithm. The weighted kernel k-means algorithm is used to partition the graph describing the voxel affinities within the striatum into the desired number of clusters. The method was experimentally validated with synthetic and real image data. The experiments showed that our method was able to automatically extract caudate, ventral striatum, and putamen from the images. Moreover, the putamen could be subdivided into anterior and posterior parts. An automatic method for the extraction of striatal structures from high-resolution PET images allows for inexpensive and reproducible extraction of the quantitative information from these images necessary in brain research and drug development
