2,973 research outputs found

    First principles determination of the Peierls stress of the shuffle screw dislocation in silicon

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    The Peierls stress of the a/2 screw dislocation belonging to the shuffle set is calculated for silicon using density functional theory. We have checked the effect of boundary conditions by using two models, the supercell method where one considers a periodic array of dislocations, and the cluster method where a single dislocation is embedded in a small cluster. The Peierls stress is underestimated with the supercell and overestimated with the cluster. These contributions have been calculated and the Peierls stress is determined in the range between 2.4 x 10-2 and 2.8 x 10-2 eV {\AA}-3. When moving, the dislocation follows the {111} plane going through a low energy metastable configuration and never follows the 100 plane, which includes a higher energy metastable core configuration

    Slip line growth as a critical phenomenon

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    We study the growth of slip line in a plastically deforming crystal by numerical simulation of a double-ended pile-up model with a dislocation source at one end, and an absorbing wall at the other end. In presence of defects, the pile-up undergoes a second order non-equilibrium phase transition as a function of stress, which can be characterized by finite size scaling. We obtain a complete set of critical exponents and scaling functions that describe the spatiotemporal dynamics of the slip line. Our findings allow to reinterpret earlier experiments on slip line kinematography as evidence of a dynamic critical phenomenon.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Laying to Rest the Ecclesiastical Presumption of Falsity: Why the Missouri Approved Instructions Should Include Falsity as an Element of Defamation

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    This Note explores the origens of the plaintiff\u27s presumption of falsity and argues that, after Nazeri v. Missouri Valley College, the burden of proving falsity must be borne by the plaintiff in every case

    We Were Only Teasing: The Eighth Circuit Misses the Quintessence of Hostile Work Environment Claims under the ADA

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    Shaver v. Independent Stave Co. holds that a hostile work environment is actionable under the Americans with Disabilities Act. This article examines burden established by the decision for ADA plaintiffs. Leading to the conclusion that it is erroneous because it creates the unintended result of a lesser burden for ADA plaintiffs than for Title VII plaintiffs

    Dislocation core field. I. Modeling in anisotropic linear elasticity theory

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    Aside from the Volterra field, dislocations create a core field, which can be modeled in linear anisotropic elasticity theory with force and dislocation dipoles. We derive an expression of the elastic energy of a dislocation taking full account of its core field and show that no cross term exists between the Volterra and the core fields. We also obtain the contribution of the core field to the dislocation interaction energy with an external stress, thus showing that dislocation can interact with a pressure. The additional force that derives from this core field contribution is proportional to the gradient of the applied stress. Such a supplementary force on dislocations may be important in high stress gradient regions, such as close to a crack tip or in a dislocation pile-up

    Dislocation Core Energies and Core Fields from First Principles

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    Ab initio calculations in bcc iron show that a screw dislocation induces a short-range dilatation field in addition to the Volterra elastic field. This core field is modeled in anisotropic elastic theory using force dipoles. The elastic modeling thus better reproduces the atom displacements observed in ab initio calculations. Including this core field in the computation of the elastic energy allows deriving a core energy which converges faster with the cell size, thus leading to a result which does not depend on the geometry of the dislocation array used for the simulation.Comment: DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.05550

    Visualizing Quantum Well State Perturbations of Metallic Thin Films near Stacking Fault Defects

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    We demonstrate that quantum well states (QWS) of thin Pb films are highly perturbed within the proximity of intrinsic film defects. Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy (STM/STS) measurements indicate that the energy of these states have a strong distance dependence within 4 nm of the defect with the strongest energetic fluctuations equaling up to 100 meV. These localized perturbations show large spatially-dependent asymmetries in the LDOS around the defect site for each corresponding quantum well state. These energetic fluctuations can be described by a simple model which accounts for fluctuations in the confinement potential induced by topographic changes.Comment: Updated Versio

    Mesoscopic Analysis of Structure and Strength of Dislocation Junctions in FCC Metals

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    We develop a finite element based dislocation dynamics model to simulate the structure and strength of dislocation junctions in FCC crystals. The model is based on anisotropic elasticity theory supplemented by the explicit inclusion of the separation of perfect dislocations into partial dislocations bounding a stacking fault. We demonstrate that the model reproduces in precise detail the structure of the Lomer-Cottrell lock already obtained from atomistic simulations. In light of this success, we also examine the strength of junctions culminating in a stress-strength diagram which is the locus of points in stress space corresponding to dissolution of the junction.Comment: 9 Pages + 4 Figure

    Ground state of a large number of particles on a frozen topography

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    Problems consisting in finding the ground state of particles interacting with a given potential constrained to move on a particular geometry are surprisingly difficult. Explicit solutions have been found for small numbers of particles by the use of numerical methods in some particular cases such as particles on a sphere and to a much lesser extent on a torus. In this paper we propose a general solution to the problem in the opposite limit of a very large number of particles M by expressing the energy as an expansion in M whose coefficients can be minimized by a geometrical ansatz. The solution is remarkably universal with respect to the geometry and the interaction potential. Explicit solutions for the sphere and the torus are provided. The paper concludes with several predictions that could be verified by further theoretical or numerical work.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX fil

    Introduction to ‘Homology and convergence in nervous system evolution’

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    The origin of brains and central nervous systems (CNSs) is thought to have occurred before the Palaeozoic era 540 Ma. Yet in the absence of tangible evidence, there has been continued debate whether today's brains and nervous systems derive from one ancestral origin or whether similarities among them are due to convergent evolution. With the advent of molecular developmental genetics and genomics, it has become clear that homology is a concept that applies not only to morphologies, but also to genes, developmental processes, as well as to behaviours. Comparative studies in phyla ranging from annelids and arthropods to mammals are providing evidence that corresponding developmental genetic mechanisms act not only in dorso–ventral and anterior–posterior axis specification but also in segmentation, neurogenesis, axogenesis and eye/photoreceptor cell formation that appear to be conserved throughout the animal kingdom. These data are supported by recent studies which identified Mid-Cambrian fossils with preserved soft body parts that present segmental arrangements in brains typical of modern arthropods, and similarly organized brain centres and circuits across phyla that may reflect genealogical correspondence and control similar behavioural manifestations. Moreover, congruence between genetic and geological fossil records support the notion that by the ‘Cambrian explosion’ arthropods and chordates shared similarities in brain and nervous system organization. However, these similarities are strikingly absent in several sister- and outgroups of arthropods and chordates which raises several questions, foremost among them: what kind of natural laws and mechanisms underlie the convergent evolution of such similarities? And, vice versa: what are the selection pressures and genetic mechanisms underlying the possible loss or reduction of brains and CNSs in multiple lineages during the course of evolution? These questions were addressed at a Royal Society meeting to discuss homology and convergence in nervous system evolution. By integrating knowledge ranging from evolutionary theory and palaeontology to comparative developmental genetics and phylogenomics, the meeting covered disparities in nervous system origins as well as correspondences of neural circuit organization and behaviours, all of which allow evidence-based debates for and against the proposition that the nervous systems and brains of animals might derive from a common ancestor
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