153 research outputs found

    The Geothermal Potential of Low Enthalpy Deep Sedimentary Basins in the UK

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    Low enthalpy geothermal resources located within deep Permian and post-Permian sedimentary basins across the UK are estimated to contain at least 300 EJ (x1018 J) of heat, sufficient if fully developed to supply all heating needs in the UK for the next century. The geothermal heat estimate is based on data held within the Geothermal Catalogue (Busby, 2010). A source of deep well data not included in the Geothermal Catalogue is held by the oil and gas industry; access to this data has allowed new geothermal research to be undertaken to re-evaluate and constrain an existing geothermal resource (the Cheshire Basin), and to evaluate a previously un-quantified resource (the East Midlands). These areas were determined based on the availability of oil and gas well data. Data relating to the East Midlands indicate the total available extractable heat from produced oil and co-produced water located in Carboniferous sediments totals 2.64 MWt. In the Welton Field water from non-oil bearing horizons are factored in; the extractable heat increases from 0.91 MWt to 1.6 MWt. The Cheshire Basin uses the offshore East Irish Sea Basin as an analogue to better constrain the aquifer properties of the Triassic Sherwood Sandstone Group (SSG) and Permian Collyhurst Sandstone Group (CS). It also assesses the connectivity of these Groups across the basin. The Helsby Sandstone Formation (part of the SSG) will likely exhibit a minimum transmissivity of 4.26 D m alone. Data for the CS were inconclusive due to diverging porosity trends between the basins; transmissivity could be on average 0.13 D m or 3.85 D m with resulting flow rates of 47.7 m3 d-1 or 1431 m3 d-1. Factoring in reservoir stimulation is deemed necessary if the CS is to be targeted. The connectivity of the basin is restricted by large N-S orientated largely cemented faults, restricting flow in an E W orientation. In addition the connectivity is further affected by facies heterogeneity and diagenesis; this increases tortuosity that may be advantageous in a geothermal context. The work is pertinent given the UK’s commitment to the Kyoto Protocol and Renewable Energy Directive. Geothermal technologies are low CO2 emitters, are non-intermittent, unobtrusive, do not attract large emission-based taxes, have long (~25 year) lifespans and have minimal post-use clean up costs. The uptake of geothermal resource within the UK still remains low, however, indicating barriers to uptake exist. Technical barriers (i.e. those relating to drilling of the well, geology, flow rates and temperature) are not limiting uptake. Non-technical barriers relating to lack of risk insurance schemes and longer payback times owing to the relative value of hot water versus petroleum are identified as restricting factors to the uptake of geothermal resources. Geothermal energy development in the UK is still in its infancy and work such as this only strengthens the case for investment. The potential for geothermal resource exploitation to offset the conventional energy consumed to produce heat is sizeable; no other renewable technology has the capacity to deliver heat that low enthalpy geothermal offers

    Harnessing the electronic health care record to optimise patient safety in primary care: a framework for evaluating “electronic safety netting” tools

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    The management of diagnostic uncertainty is part of every primary care physician’s role. e–Safety-netting tools help health care professionals to manage diagnostic uncertainty. Using software in addition to verbal or paper based safety-netting methods could make diagnostic delays and errors less likely. There are an increasing number of software products that have been identified as e–safety-netting tools, particularly since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. e–Safety-netting tools can have a variety of functions, such as sending clinician alerts, facilitating administrative tasking, providing decision support, and sending reminder text messages to patients. However, these tools have not been evaluated by using robust research designs for patient safety interventions. We present an emergent framework of criteria for effective e–safety-netting tools that can be used to support the development of software. The framework is based on validated frameworks for electronic health record development and patient safety. There are currently no tools available that meet all of the criteria in the framework. We hope that the framework will stimulate clinical and public conversations about e–safety-netting tools. In the future, a validated framework would drive audits and improvements. We outline key areas for future research both in primary care and within integrated care systems

    Reduced Neurosteroid Exposure Following Preterm Birth and Its’ Contribution to Neurological Impairment: A Novel Avenue for Preventative Therapies

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    Children born preterm are at an increased risk of developing cognitive problems and neuro-behavioral disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and anxiety. Whilst neonates born at all gestational ages, even at term, can experience poor cognitive outcomes due to birth-complications such as birth asphyxia, it is becoming widely known that children born preterm in particular are at significant risk for learning difficulties with an increased utilization of special education resources, when compared to their healthy term-born peers. Additionally, those born preterm have evidence of altered cerebral myelination with reductions in white matter volumes of the frontal cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum evident on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This disruption to myelination may underlie some of the pathophysiology of preterm-associated brain injury. Compared to a fetus of the same post-conceptional age, the preterm newborn loses access to in utero factors that support and promote healthy brain development. Furthermore, the preterm ex utero environment is hostile to the developing brain with a myriad of environmental, biochemical and excitotoxic stressors. Allopregnanolone is a key neuroprotective fetal neurosteroid which has promyelinating effects in the developing brain. Preterm birth leads to an abrupt loss of the protective effects of allopregnanolone, with a dramatic drop in allopregnanolone concentrations in the preterm neonatal brain compared to the fetal brain. This occurs in conjunction with reduced myelination of the hippocampus, subcortical white matter and cerebellum; thus, damage to neurons, astrocytes and especially oligodendrocytes of the developing nervous system can occur in the vulnerable developmental window prior to term as a consequence reduced allopregnanolone. In an effort to prevent preterm-associated brain injury a number of therapies have been considered, but to date, other than antenatal magnesium sulfate and corticosteroid therapy, none have become part of standard clinical care for vulnerable infants. Therefore, there remains an urgent need for improved therapeutic options to prevent brain injury in preterm neonates. The actions of the placentally derived neurosteroid allopregnanolone on GABAA receptor signaling has a major role in late gestation neurodevelopment. The early loss of this intrauterine neurotrophic support following preterm birth may be pivotal to development of neurodevelopmental morbidity. Thus, restoring the in utero neurosteroid environment for preterm neonates may represent a new and clinically feasible treatment option for promoting better trajectories of myelination and brain development, and therefore reducing neurodevelopmental disorders in children born preterm

    Examining neurosteroid-analogue therapy in the preterm neonate for promoting hippocampal neurodevelopment

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    Background: Preterm birth can lead to brain injury and currently there are no targeted therapies to promote postnatal brain development and protect these vulnerable neonates. We have previously shown that the neurosteroid-analogue ganaxolone promotes white matter development and improves behavioural outcomes in male juvenile guinea pigs born preterm. Adverse side effects in this previous study necessitated this current follow-up dosing study, where a focus was placed upon physical wellbeing during the treatment administration and markers of neurodevelopment at the completion of the treatment period. Methods: Time-mated guinea pigs delivered preterm (d62) by induction of labour or spontaneously at term (d69). Preterm pups were randomized to receive no treatment (Prem-CON) or ganaxolone at one of three doses [0.5 mg/kg ganaxolone (low dose; LOW-GNX), 1.0 mg/kg ganaxolone (mid dose; MID-GNX), or 2.5 mg/kg ganaxolone (high dose; HIGH-GNX) in vehicle (45% ÎČ-cyclodextrin)] daily until term equivalence age. Physical parameters including weight gain, ponderal index, supplemental feeding, and wellbeing (a score based on respiration, activity, and posture) were recorded throughout the preterm period. At term equivalence, brain tissue was collected, and analysis of hippocampal neurodevelopment was undertaken by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR. Results: Low and mid dose ganaxolone had some impacts on early weight gain, supplemental feeding, and wellbeing, whereas high dose ganaxolone significantly affected all physical parameters for multiple days during the postnatal period when compared to the preterm control neonates. Deficits in the preterm hippocampus were identified using neurodevelopmental markers including mRNA expression of oligodendrocyte lineage cells (CSPG4, MBP), neuronal growth (INA, VEGFA), and the GABAergic/glutamatergic system (SLC32A1, SLC1A2, GRIN1, GRIN2C, DLG4). These deficits were not affected by ganaxolone at the doses used at the equivalent of normal term. Conclusion: This is the first study to investigate the effects of a range of doses of ganaxolone to improve preterm brain development. We found that of the three doses, only the highest dose of ganaxolone (2.5 mg/kg) impaired key indicators of physical health and wellbeing over extended periods of time. Whilst it may be too early to see improvements in markers of neurodevelopment, further long-term study utilising the lower doses are warranted to assess functional outcomes at ages when preterm birth associated behavioural disorders are observed

    Guinea pig models for translation of the developmental origins of health and disease hypothesis into the clinic

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    Over 30 years ago Professor David Barker first proposed the theory that events in early life could explain an individual\u27s risk of non-communicable disease in later life: the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) hypothesis. During the 1990s the validity of the DOHaD hypothesis was extensively tested in a number of human populations and the mechanisms underpinning it characterised in a range of experimental animal models. Over the past decade, researchers have sought to use this mechanistic understanding of DOHaD to develop therapeutic interventions during pregnancy and early life to improve adult health. A variety of animal models have been used to develop and evaluate interventions, each with strengths and limitations. It is becoming apparent that effective translational research requires that the animal paradigm selected mirrors the tempo of human fetal growth and development as closely as possible so that the effect of a perinatal insult and/or therapeutic intervention can be fully assessed. The guinea pig is one such animal model that over the past two decades has demonstrated itself to be a very useful platform for these important reproductive studies. This review highlights similarities in the in utero development between humans and guinea pigs, the strengths and limitations of the guinea pig as an experimental model of DOHaD and the guinea pig\u27s potential to enhance clinical therapeutic innovation to improve human health. (Figure presented.)

    Tamoxifen for the treatment of myeloproliferative neoplasms: a phase II clinical trial and exploratory analysis

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    Current therapies for myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) improve symptoms but have limited effect on tumor size. In preclinical studies, tamoxifen restored normal apoptosis in mutated hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs). TAMARIN Phase-II, multicenter, single-arm clinical trial assessed tamoxifen’s safety and activity in patients with stable MPNs, no prior thrombotic events and mutated JAK2V617F, CALRins5 or CALRdel52 peripheral blood allele burden ≄20% (EudraCT 2015-005497-38). 38 patients were recruited over 112w and 32 completed 24w-treatment. The study’s A’herns success criteria were met as the primary outcome ( ≄ 50% reduction in mutant allele burden at 24w) was observed in 3/38 patients. Secondary outcomes included ≄25% reduction at 24w (5/38), ≄50% reduction at 12w (0/38), thrombotic events (2/38), toxicities, hematological response, proportion of patients in each IWG-MRT response category and ELN response criteria. As exploratory outcomes, baseline analysis of HSPC transcriptome segregates responders and non-responders, suggesting a predictive signature. In responder HSPCs, longitudinal analysis shows high baseline expression of JAK-STAT signaling and oxidative phosphorylation genes, which are downregulated by tamoxifen. We further demonstrate in preclinical studies that in JAK2V617F+ cells, 4-hydroxytamoxifen inhibits mitochondrial complex-I, activates integrated stress response and decreases pathogenic JAK2-signaling. These results warrant further investigation of tamoxifen in MPN, with careful consideration of thrombotic risk

    Blood pressure self-monitoring in pregnancy (BuMP) feasibility study; a qualitative analysis of women's experiences of self-monitoring

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    Background Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy are a leading cause of maternal and fetal morbidity worldwide. Raised blood pressure (BP) affects 10% of pregnancies worldwide, of which almost half develop pre-eclampsia. The proportion of pregnant women who have risk factors for pre-eclampsia (such as pre-existing hypertension, obesity and advanced maternal age) is increasing. Pre-eclampsia can manifest itself before women experience symptoms and can develop between antenatal visits. Incentives to improve early detection of gestational hypertensive disorders are therefore strong and self-monitoring of blood pressure (SMBP) in pregnancy might be one means to achieve this, whilst improving women’s involvement in antenatal care. The Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring in Pregnancy (BuMP) study aimed to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of SMBP in pregnancy. Methods To understand women’s experiences of SMBP during pregnancy, we undertook a qualitative study embedded within the BuMP observational feasibility study. Women who were at higher risk of developing hypertension and/or pre-eclampsia were invited to take part in a study using SMBP and also invited to take part in an interview. Semi-structured interviews were conducted at the women’s homes in Oxfordshire and Birmingham with women who were self-monitoring their BP as part of the BuMP feasibility study in 2014. Interviews were conducted by a qualitative researcher and transcribed verbatim. A framework approach was used for analysis. Results Fifteen women agreed to be interviewed. Respondents reported general willingness to engage with monitoring their own BP, feeling that it could reduce anxiety around their health during pregnancy, particularly if they had previous experience of raised BP or pre-eclampsia. They felt able to incorporate self-monitoring into their weekly routines, although this was harder post-partum. Self-monitoring of BP made them more aware of the risks of hypertension and pre-eclampsia in pregnancy. Feelings of reassurance and empowerment were commonly reported by the women in our sample

    Conditional Inactivation of Brca1, p53 and Rb in Mouse Ovaries Results in the Development of Leiomyosarcomas

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    Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is thought to arise in part from the ovarian surface epithelium (OSE); however, the molecular events underlying this transformation are poorly understood. Germline mutations in the BRCA1 tumor suppressor gene result in a significantly increased risk of developing EOC and a large proportion of sporadic EOCs display some sort of BRCA1 dysfunction. To generate a model in which Brca1-mediated transformation can be studied, we previously inactivated Brca1 alone in murine OSE, which resulted in an increased accumulation of premalignant changes, but no tumor formation. In this study, we examined tumor formation in mice with conditionally expressed alleles of Brca1, p53 and Rb, alone or in combination. Intrabursal injection of adenovirus expressing Cre recombinase to inactivate p53 resulted in tumors in 100% of mice. Tumor progression was accelerated in mice with concomitant inactivation of Brca1 and p53, but not Rb and p53. Immunohistologic analyses classified the tumors as leiomyosarcomas that may be arising from the ovarian bursa. Brca1 inactivation in primary cultures of murine OSE cells led to a suppression of proliferation that could be rescued by concomitant inactivation of p53 and/or Rb. Brca1-deficient OSE cells displayed an increased sensitivity to the DNA damaging agent cisplatin, and this effect could be modulated by inactivation of p53 and/or Rb. These results indicate that Brca1 deficiency can accelerate tumor development and alter the sensitivity of OSE cells to chemotherapeutic agents. Intrabursal delivery of adenovirus intended to alter gene expression in the ovarian surface epithelium may, in some strains of mice, result in more rapid transformation of adjacent cells, resulting in leiomyosarcomas
