2,419 research outputs found

    Some Low-Temperature Properties of a Generalized Hubbard Model with Correlated Hopping

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    In the present paper we study some correlation effects in a generalized Hubbard model with correlated hopping within low-temperature region using a generalized mean-field approximation. It is shown that in a series of cases the model leads to consequences deviating essentially from those of the Hubbard model. We consider the possibility of applying the result to interpret the peculiarities of physical properties of systems with narrow energy bands.Comment: 2 pages, LaTex2e using Elsevier style, presented at LT22 Conference, Helsinki, August 199

    An experimental investigation of the relationships among race, prayer, and pain

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    Background and aims Compared to White individuals, Black individuals demonstrate a lower pain tolerance. Research suggests that differences in pain coping strategies, such as prayer, may mediate this race difference. However, previous research has been cross-sectional and has not determined whether prayer in and of itself or rather the passive nature of prayer is driving the effects on pain tolerance. The aim of this study was to clarify the relationships among race, prayer (both active and passive), and pain tolerance. Methods We randomly assigned 208 pain-free participants (47% Black, 53% White) to one of three groups: active prayer (“God, help me endure the pain”), passive prayer (“God, take the pain away”), or no prayer (“The sky is blue”). Participants first completed a series of questionnaires including the Duke University Religion Index, the Coping Strategies Questionnaire-Revised (CSQ-R), and the Pain Catastrophizing Scale. Participants were then instructed to repeat a specified prayer or distractor coping statement while undergoing a cold pressor task. Cold pain tolerance was measured by the number of seconds that had elapsed while the participant’s hand remained in the cold water bath (maximum 180 s). Results Results of independent samples t-tests indicated that Black participants scored higher on the CSQ-R prayer/hoping subscale. However, there were no race differences among other coping strategies, religiosity, or catastrophizing. Results of a 2 (Race: White vs. Black)×3 (Prayer: active vs. passive vs. no prayer) ANCOVA controlling for a general tendency to pray and catastrophizing in response to prayer indicated a main effect of prayer that approached significance (p=0.06). Pairwise comparisons indicated that those in the active prayer condition demonstrated greater pain tolerance than those in the passive (p=0.06) and no prayer (p=0.03) conditions. Those in the passive and no prayer distractor conditions did not significantly differ (p=0.70). There was also a trending main effect of race [p=0.08], with White participants demonstrating greater pain tolerance than Black participants. Conclusions Taken together, these results indicate that Black participants demonstrated a lower pain tolerance than White participants, and those in the active prayer condition demonstrated greater tolerance than those in the passive and no prayer conditions. Furthermore, Black participants in the passive prayer group demonstrated the lowest pain tolerance, while White participants in the active prayer group exhibited the greatest tolerance. Results of this study suggest that passive prayer, like other passive coping strategies, may be related to lower pain tolerance and thus poorer pain outcomes, perhaps especially for Black individuals. On the other hand, results suggest active prayer is associated with greater pain tolerance, especially for White individuals. Implications These results suggest that understanding the influence of prayer on pain may require differentiation between active versus passive prayer strategies. Like other active coping strategies for pain, active prayer may facilitate self-management of pain and thus enhance pain outcomes independent of race. Psychosocial interventions may help religiously-oriented individuals, regardless of race, cultivate a more active style of prayer to improve their quality of life

    Injustice perceptions about pain: parent–child discordance is associated with worse functional outcomes

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    Pain is experienced within and influenced by social environments. For children with chronic pain, the child–parent relationship and parental beliefs about pain are particularly important and may influence pain outcomes. Pain-related injustice perceptions have recently been identified as an important cognitive–emotional factor for children with pain. The current study aimed to better understand the pain-related injustice perceptions of children with chronic pain and their parents. The sample consisted of 253 pediatric chronic pain patients (mean age = 14.1 years, 74% female) presenting to a tertiary pain clinic. Patients completed measures of pain intensity, pain-related injustice perceptions, stress, functional disability, and quality of life. Parents completed a measure of pain-related injustice perceptions about their child's pain. Child–parent dyads were categorized into 1 of 4 categories based on the degree of concordance or discordance between their scores on the injustice measures. One-way analysis of variances examined differences in pain intensity, stress, functional disability, and quality of life across the 4 dyad categories. Our findings indicated that both the degree (concordant vs discordant) and direction (discordant low child–high parent vs discordant high child–low parent) of similarity between child and parent injustice perceptions were associated with child-reported pain intensity, stress, functional disability, and quality of life. The poorest outcomes were reported when children considered their pain as highly unjust, but their parents did not. These findings highlight the important role of parents in the context of pain-related injustice perceptions in pediatric chronic pain

    Development of a Short Trauma Screening Tool (STST) to Measure Child Trauma Symptoms: Establishing Content Validity

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    Purpose: The purpose of the study was to identify major symptom domain variables common to child trauma and create a prototype short trauma symptom screening tool (STST) intended for use in pediatric medical settings. Methods: This manuscript describes the first two phases of an on-going prospective mixed-method instrument development study. Phase 1 exploratory factor analysis was conducted with an archived LONGSCAN CBCL dataset to: (1) identify behavioral symptoms endorsed by children with known trauma exposure; and (2) generate a preliminary STST item pool. During Phase 2, researchers convened an expert panel (N = 10) and conducted Content Validity Index (CVI) procedures with the 20-item preliminary STST item pool, to further inform item retention, elimination and modification for an updated prototype STST. Findings: Expert quantitative scores yielded a CVI of 0.90 for the overall preliminary STST. The first two phases of this study assisted researchers with identifying 12 items that represent nine child trauma symptom domain variables, which include: (1) aggression/anger; (2) anxiety/fear; (3) sexual concerns; (4) elimination concerns; (5) somatic concerns; (6) depression; (7) dissociation; (8) physical acting out; and (9) dysregulation. Conclusions: The first two phases of STST development resulted in development of a brief, empirically-derived prototype screening tool that features 12 items operationalizing nine domains of child trauma symptoms. Developers can now advance to the next phase of STST development; feasibility assessment and psychometric testing

    Landing Hazard Avoidance Display

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    Landing hazard avoidance displays can provide rapidly understood visual indications of where it is safe to land a vehicle and where it is unsafe to land a vehicle. Color coded maps can indicate zones in two dimensions relative to the vehicles position where it is safe to land. The map can be simply green (safe) and red (unsafe) areas with an indication of scale or can be a color coding of another map such as a surface map. The color coding can be determined in real time based on topological measurements and safety criteria to thereby adapt to dynamic, unknown, or partially known environments

    Desenvolvimento de modelos de regressão como contribuição para a análise de risco de resíduos de pesticidas em maçã.

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    O Plano Nacional de Controle de Resíduos e Contaminantes (PNCRC) do Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) é um programa federal de fiscalização de alimentos que visa quantificar resíduos químicos potencialmente nocivos à saúde do consumidor. Os dados coletados pelo PNCRC provêm de uma amostragem homogênea e aleatória, em âmbito nacional, de diversos produtos de origem vegetal e animal, seguida de análises em laboratórios oficiais e credenciados pelo MAPA. Este trabalho objetiva o tratamento dos dados gerados pelo PNCRC, coletados no período de 2008 a 2011, relativos à análise de risco de resíduos de pesticidas em maçã, visando evidenciar correlações espaço-temporais relevantes quanto à concentração de diferentes resíduos químicos.CIIC 2014. Nº 14604

    Perceived Injustice Is Associated With Pain and Functional Outcomes in Children and Adolescents With Chronic Pain: A Preliminary Examination

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    Chronic pain is prevalent in children/adolescents and contributes to high rates of healthcare utilization. Research suggests injustice perceptions about pain are important in adult patients and a possible treatment focus. We conducted a preliminary evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Injustice Experiences Questionnaire (IEQ) and the relationship between injustice perceptions, pain, and functioning in chronic pain patients (N = 139, mean age = 15 years, 72% female) presenting to a pediatric pain clinic. Patients completed measures assessing pain intensity, injustice perceptions about pain, catastrophizing, overall functional disability, emotional functioning, social functioning, and school functioning. The IEQ showed good reliability and validity. Higher levels of perceived injustice were associated with higher levels of pain intensity, catastrophizing, and functional disability, and with poorer emotional, social, and school functioning. Additionally, perceived injustice remained significantly associated with pain intensity, functional disability, emotional functioning, social functioning, and school functioning after accounting for relevant demographic and clinical factors. This is the first study to suggest that injustice perceptions are important in the experience of pediatric chronic pain patients. Future studies should more thoroughly examine the psychometric properties of the IEQ in children/adolescents and elucidate the causal nature of these relationships, which will inform treatment efforts to improve pediatric pain care. Perspective This initial investigation suggests that injustice perceptions about pain can be reliably and validly measured and are tied to important clinical outcomes in children/adolescents. Future studies that replicate and extend these preliminary results are necessary to determine the extent to which injustice perceptions are an important target for intervention

    The Smoking Gun: Can We Do for Gun Control What We Are Doing to Control the Vaping and E-Cigarettes Epidemic?

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    An editorial by UMass Medical School public health experts calls for legislators and policymakers to take bold action on gun control, similar to the recent ban in Massachusetts on vaping products in response to lung illnesses in vaping device and e-cigarette users

    C-axis Optical Sum Rule in Josephson Coupled Vortex State

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    Observed violations of the cc-axis optical sum rule can give important information on deviations from in-plane Fermi liquid behavior and on the nature of interlayer coupling between adjacent copper oxide planes. Application of a magnetic field perpendicular to these planes is another way to probe in-plane dynamics. We find that the optical sum rule is considerably modified in the presence of the cc-axis magnetic field. Interlayer correlation of pancake vortices is involved in the sum rule modification; however, details of the vortex distribution in the plane are less important.Comment: one figure. To be published in PRB (Sep. 20001
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