4 research outputs found

    Clinical effectiveness of integrated care compared to standard psychiatric care - a secondary data analysis of clinic data from Charité Mitte

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    Hintergrund: Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die klinische Wirksamkeit eines integrierten psychiatrischen Versorgungsprogramms (§140a-d) (IV) auf der Basis des Netzwerks fĂŒr psychische Gesundheit (NWpG) im Vergleich zur psychiatrischen Regelversorgung (TAU) an einer Berliner UniversitĂ€tsklinik mit Versorgungsauftrag. Methoden: In einer retrospektiven SekundĂ€rdatenanalyse wurden 66 IV- und 66 TAU-Patient:innen mittels Propensity-Score-Matching hinsichtlich Alter, Geschlecht, Hauptdiagnose, Dauer und Jahr des Indexaufenthaltes, Anzahl der psychiatrischen Krankenhausaufenthalte und Verweildauer in den letzten 24 Monaten vor dem Jahr der Aufnahme in die IV verglichen. Als primĂ€re Endpunkte wurden die HĂ€ufigkeit der Wiederaufnahme und die Anzahl der Behandlungstage 12, 24 und 36 Monate nach Indexbehandlung gewĂ€hlt. Als sekundĂ€re Fragestellungen wurde der Einfluss spezifischer Kovariaten auf die (teil-) stationĂ€ren Wiederaufnahmeraten und Behandlungstage und die Entwicklung des sozialen Funktionsniveaus (HoNOS) der IV- im Zeitverlauf untersucht. Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit verweisen auf die zeitlich begrenzte Überlegenheit des Zusatzangebotes der IV im ersten Jahr nach Aufnahme gegenĂŒber der ambulant-psychiatrischen Standardbehandlung hinsichtlich der Anzahl der (teil-) stationĂ€ren Behandlungstage und Wiederaufnahmeraten. Dieser Unterschied zeigte sich nach 24 und 36 Monaten als nicht mehr signifikant. DarĂŒber hinaus ließ sich eine signifikante Verbesserung des psychosozialen Funktionsniveaus im Verlauf der IV Behandlung beobachten. Schlussfolgerung: Zwar zeigte sich eine Überlegenheit im ersten Jahr, jedoch nicht im weiteren Verlauf. Entsprechende Anpassungen der Dauer von IV Programmen, sowie eine geeignete Auswahl von Teilnehmenden stellen mögliche Verbesserungen fĂŒr die Zukunft dar. Durch eine verbesserte und standardisierte Routinedatenerhebung in der Zukunft sollten IV Projekte oder der Erfolg der neu eingefĂŒhrten NetzverbĂŒnde standardisiert untersucht und evaluiert werden.Background: This study examines the clinical effectiveness of an integrated mental health care program (§140a-d) (IV) based on the Network for Mental Health (NWpG) compared with standard psychiatric care (TAU) at a Berlin university hospital with a mandate to provide care. Methods: In a retrospective secondary data analysis, 66 IV and 66 TAU patient:s were compared using propensity score matching for age, sex, principal diagnosis, duration and year of index stay, number of psychiatric hospitalizations, and length of stay in the 24 months preceding the year of IV admission. The primary end points were frequency of readmission and number of treatment days 12, 24, and 36 months after index treatment. Secondary questions were the influence of specific covariates on (partially) inpatient readmission rates and treatment days and the development of the social functioning level (HoNOS) of the IV- over time. Results: The results of the present paper point to the time-limited superiority of the supplementary IV offer in the first year after admission compared to standard outpatient psychiatric treatment with regard to the number of (partially) inpatient treatment days and readmission rates. This difference was found to be no longer significant after 24 and 36 months. Furthermore, a significant improvement in psychosocial functioning level could be observed during the course of IV treatment. Conclusion: Although superiority was evident in the first year, it was not evident in the subsequent course. Appropriate adjustments in the duration of IV programs as well as appropriate selection of participants represent possible improvements for the future. Through improved and standardized routine data collection in the future, IV projects or the success of the newly introduced network associations should be investigated and evaluated in a standardized way

    I Indeed Consider it to be a Temporary Solution - A Qualitative Analysis of the Conditions and Obstacles to Implementation of Psychiatric Home-Treatment in Berlin and Brandenburg

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    Zusammenfassung Ziel Untersucht werden die Bedingungen und Hurden der Einfuhrung von Stationsaquivalenter Behandlung nach 115d SGB V (StaB). Methode Qualitative Analyse von Interviews und Fokusgruppen mit Mitarbeitenden (n=43) an 11 psychiatrischen Kliniken in Berlin/Brandenburg. Ergebnisse Auf Systemebene wird die Implementierung u.a. durch eine inadaquate Leistungsdefinition, fehlende Vorgaben auf Landesebene, Personalmangel und MDK-Prufungen erschwert. Dies fuhrt bei Kliniken zu zuruckhaltender Umsetzung mit teilweise unzureichender personeller Ausstattung der StaB-Teams. Weitere Barrieren betreffen das Fehlen mobiler Losungen zur Dokumentation und Teamkommunikation. Auf Ebene der Mitarbeitenden wirken sich ein Mangel an Information und Kooperation sowie unklare Aufgaben und Rollen hinderlich aus. Schlussfolgerungen Fur eine bedurfnisorientierte, flexible und flachendeckende Einfuhrung von StaB sind Nachbesserungen an den Rahmenbedingungen sowie weitere Forschung zur Wirksamkeit und Implementierung notwendig. Abstract Objective The obstacles to implementation of a German variation of psychiatric Home-Treatment (HT), called Inpatient Equivalent Home-Treatment (IEHT) are examined. Method 43 employees from 11 psychiatric hospitals in the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg were questioned using interviews and focus groups. A thematic analysis was conducted using the socio-institutional theoretical model. Results At system-level, implementation is hampered by an inadequate service definition, staff shortages, as well as performance assessments by health insurances. This leads to reluctant implementation at hospital-level with insufficient staffing of the teams. Other barriers include a lack of mobile devices for documentation and team communication. At the level of employees, poor information, and cooperation as well as unclear assignment of tasks are impeding factors. Conclusion For a more needs-oriented, flexible, and nationwide introduction of HT according to IEHT, improvements to the underlying framework conditions and further research addressing efficacy, effectiveness and implementation are necessary

    Implementation, efficacy, costs and processes of inpatient equivalent home-treatment in German mental health care (AKtiV): protocol of a mixed-method, participatory, quasi-experimental trial

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    Background: Over the last decades, many high-income countries have successfully implemented assertive outreach mental health services for acute care. Despite evidence that these services entail several benefits for service users, Germany has lagged behind and has been slow in implementing outreach services. In 2018, a new law enabled national mental health care providers to implement team-based crisis intervention services on a regular basis, allowing for different forms of Inpatient Equivalent Home Treatment (IEHT). IEHT is similar to the internationally known Home Treatment or Crisis Resolution Teams. It provides acute psychiatric treatment at the user's home, similar to inpatient hospital treatment in terms of content, flexibility, and complexity. Methods/design: The presented naturalistic, quasi-experimental cohort study will evaluate IEHT in ten hospitals running IEHT services in different German regions. Within a multi-method research approach, it will evaluate stakeholders experiences of care, service use, efficacy, costs, treatment processes and implementation processes of IEHT from different perspectives. Quantitative surveys will be used to recruit 360 service users. Subsequently, 180 service users receiving IEHT will be compared with 180 matched statistical 'twins receiving standard inpatient treatment Assessments will take place at baseline as well as after 6 and 12 months. The primary outcome is the hospital re-admission rate within 12 months. Secondary outcomes include the combined readmission rate, total number of inpatient hospital days, treatment discontinuation rate, quality of life, psycho-social functioning, job integration, recovery, satisfaction with care, shared decision-making, and treatment costs. Additionally, the study will assess the burden of care and satisfaction with care among relatives or informal caregivers. A collaborative research team made up of researchers with and without lived experience of mental distress will conduct qualitative investigations with service users, caregivers and IEHT staff teams to explore critical ingredients and interactions between implementation processes, treatment processes, and outcomes from a stakeholder perspective. Discussion: By integrating outcome, process and implementation research as well as different stakeholder perspectives and experiences in one study, this trial captures the various facets of IEHT as a special form of home treatment Therefore, it allows for an adequate, comprehensive evaluation on different levels of this complex intervention