17 research outputs found

    Relationship between the recent dune activities and the rainfall fluctuations in the Southern part of Australia

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    オヌストラリア南郚には最近掻動を再開した砂䞘が数倚くみられるこの再掻動に぀いおは怍生砎壊をはじめ開墟山火事矊の食犍りサギによる地衚攪乱さらにはサンドバギヌ等の人為的䜜甚が再掻動の契機ずしおしばしば指摘されおきたしかしながら砂䞘掻動ず気候倉動ずの関係はいただ系統的には怜蚎されおいないすなわち砂䞘掻動ず気候倉動ずの関係を広域的か぀個々の地域ごずに解明しさらに砂䞘掻動史ず関連させお考察した研究はいただみられないそれゆえ䞊蚘の再掻動の契機ずなった人為的掻動をいかに評䟡すべ きかたた再掻動の䞻たる原因を䜕に求めるべきであるかに぀いおはほずんど明らかにされおいない本皿は地圢・地質怍生ならびに聎き取り調査による最近の砂䞘掻動の倉遷ず芳枬資料および旱魃資料の分析から埗られた降氎量倉動ずの関係を怜蚎し気候的偎面から砂䞘の再掻動に぀いお考察した結果を 以䞋に瀺す再掻動した砂䞘は倧陞芏暡でみた堎合南郚の半也燥および湿最地垯に集䞭しおみられるさらにこれらの再掻動砂䞘は固定砂䞘矀䞭にパッチ状に分垃するオヌストラリア南郚の砂䞘は少なくずも曎新䞖埌期以降䜕床か圢成され新旧の砂䞘が混圚しおいるたた圢成期ごずに砂の再配分が行なわれ曎新䞖末期から完新䞖埌期にかけお圢成された砂䞘の砂の厚さは地域的に倧きく異なる再掻動砂䞘の分垃は曎新䞖末期以降圢成された砂䞘砂局の厚さず関係し厚い所に限られおいるすなわち再掻動砂䞘のパッチ状分垃は気候の地域的差異によるものではなく 曎新䞖末期以降の砂䞘砂局の厚さのパッチ状分垃によるず考える珟圚掻動しおいる砂䞘のいく぀かは癜人の入怍以前から掻動しおいたこずが知られおいるが倧郚分は癜人入怍埌の怍生砎壊以降に再掻動したものである腐怍局や䞍敎合に基づいた砂䞘砂局序各時期の砂䞘砂䞊の怍生調査および聎き取り調査によっお決定した最近の砂䞘掻動ず降氎量倉動ずの関係を怜蚎し以䞋の結果を埗た1幎以䞊にわたっお环積月降氎量残差が枛少しその枛少量が平均幎降氎最の500ないし600以䞊になるず顕著な砂䞘掻動が発生するアデレヌドシドニヌを陀くず気象芳枬が開始されたのは倚くの地域で1870幎代以降であるこれらの気象デヌタに よるず砂䞘掻動を匕き起こすような顕著な降氎量枛少期が頻発するようになるのは1800幎代の末期以降である癜人入怍盎埌の1700幎代末ないし1800幎代初頭以降の降氎量倉動傟向に関しおは蟲牧業の被害状況や飛砂珟象が蚘茉されおいる旱魃資料を怜蚎したその結果倧きな旱魃も1800幎代末期以降に頻発しおいるこずがわかった倧きな旱魃時には飛砂珟象も顕著であ ったたた気象デヌタのある期間においおは蚘茉された倧きな早献は「顕著な降氎量枛少期」ず䞀臎しおいるアデレヌドシドニ䞀の気象芳枬デヌタは1800幎代前・䞭期は比范的湿最で1800幎代末以降也燥気候が頻発するこずを瀺しおいる以䞊の怜蚎からオヌストラリア南郚における砂䞘の再掻動に぀いお以䞋のように考える癜人が最初に入怍した18䞖玀末から19䞖玀末たでは比范的湿最であ った19䞖玀末ないし20䞖玀初頭以降に也燥気候が頻発するようになったがこの時期になっお砂䞘の再掻動は芏暡および数においお顕著に増加 したすなわち砂䞘の再掻動は也燥気候の頻発する時代の珟象でありこの状態は倧局的にはは少なくずもオヌストラリア南郚では今日も継続しおいるずみるこずができる

    The Strength and Toughness of Low-carbon Low-alloy Bainite

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    Stratigraphic background of gully development of the pekina catchment in the mt. lofty ranges, south australia

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    The Pekina catchment is a high-level headwater basin of 139 km^2 in area. Mean annual rainfall is about 350 mm. The most common landform pattern type is undulating rises. Steeper land is mainly rolling low hills, and gentler land mainly pediments. The main streams are incised about 5 m below pediments and fans. Before settlement, most areas of the catchment were dominated by Eucalyptus trees, except for the steep hills near major drainage divides, where Casuarina cristata open scrub is still found. Most vegetation was cleared for agriculture in the late 19th Century, resulting in the initiation of serious sheet erosion and gully erosion, mainly on gentler lands. Almost all newly developed gullies have a marked nick point with a vertical wall at their heads. The stratigraphy of subsurface material of pediments observed on the walls of gullies shows cycles of alternating deposition and erosion. Gullies inherit buried old channels, suggesting that ground water concentrated in such channels plays a more important role for gully development than surface water flow

    The Bainite in Low Carbon Low Alloy High Strength Steels

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    In the Australian Continent, in those areas occupied by Eurpoeans during the past 200 years, the natural environment has been modified; the change are most severe in the semi-arid regions. Prior to Eurpoean settlement, for some tens of thouthands years of Aboriginal occupation, there were slow changes mainly due to occasional burning of vegetation so that the Australian flora was gradually moved towards fire-resisted species. With the introduction of agricuture and grazing drastic changes in the density, floristics, and structure of native vegetation occurred. Disturbance or removal of vegetation has also affected surface and sub-surface hydrology. These changes have resulted in water or wind erosion and salinization. Where vegetation has been regenerated the species established are often those which are unpalatable to grazing stock or can withstand frequent burning. This leads to "desertification". The concept of "desertification" is ecologically defined as follows: The natural vegetation in equilibrium with the potentiality of regional climate (climatic climax) is replaced by the vegetation which grows naturally and originally in more arid region due to environmental stress directly induced by man and the accompanying land degradation. The Murray-Mallee Region in the southern part of Austrralia, where the late Pleistocene and Holocene sand dunes are widely distributed, is a semi-arid region with annual rainfall of 250-400 mm; it is wholly covered with mallee (Eucalyptus spp.) scrub. The sand dunes which were stable covered totally with such vegetation during the pre-European days have become unstable at many sites due to vegetation clearing, farming and grazing associated with European settlement since the late 19th Century. The remobilization of sand dunes is one of the typical events of "desertification" and, in extreme cases, the surface remains unvegetated. Various stages in vegetation change can be observed showing "desertification" or regeneration process. The authors describe the processes involved in land and vegetation degradation, and discuss the measures to prevent "desertification" based on the examination of the relationships between activity of sand drifting, thickness of loose sand overlying the stable substrata, floristic composition, community height, and activlty of rabbits (Olyctolagus cuniculus). The natural mallee scrub in the conservation park is dominated by Eucalyptus spp. accompanled by rlch lower shrub layer species such as Casuarina stricta, Callitris verrucosa and Hakea leucoptera. The mallee scrub remaining on farmland, however, is very poor in understory resulting from grazing. Triodia spp. and Acacia spp. invade in the understory of the mallee scrub after bushfires. Acacia spp. regenerate easily and are dominant on the land where the surface is disturbed by vegetation clearance and/or wind erosion. Natural mallee scrub will regenerate through sprouting from so-called mallee roots (lignotuber) persisting after surface disturbance. When the lignotuber is exposed by wind erosion or covered by sand accumulation, the recovery to natural mallee scrub becomes very difficut. On such sites, Triodia colonies and/or Acacia scrub stand as disclimax communities with a life cycle of 30 to 50 years (Figs. 6 and 7). The thicker the loose sand is, the more active and continuous is the sand drifting (Fig. 8). In particular, on many dunes with loose sand thicker than 80 cm, serious drifting has continued for recent tens of years exacerbated by the large amount of mobile sands and the difficulty of vegetation invasion. At the sites with thick loose sands, the population of rabbit introduced from Europe is larger, suggesting that the reactivation and acceleration of sand drifting is induced by rabbit infestation (Fig. 9). On the other hand, where vegetation height is greater than the line shown in Fig. 8, suggesting a minimum height of vegetation for erosion control, sand dunes tend to be stabilized. The results of investigation as mentioned above show the various processes of vegetation changes according to the combinations of local difference in natural conditions and the importance of human impacts, and imply many stages of"desertification". The remobilization of sand dunes is regarded as an extreme stage of "desertification" caused by a combination of many factors. The soil conservation and the vegetation management based on detailed survey of physical and ecological characteristics of land will identify the factors contributing to landscape instability and "desertification" and so provide a framework for reversing the processes of land and vegetation degradation

    Land and vegetation degradation by soil erosion and salinization in the western australian wheat belt

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    In the W.A. Wheat Belt, there are serious soil erosion and salinization in farmlands. Field studies were carried out in 1983 to observe soil erosion, salinization and related environmental changes caused by European settlement and to consider their interrelationships. Soil erosion seems to be related to the spread of soil salinity. Both effects have been caused by the replacement of native vegetation with agriculture. Soil erosion appears to begin with the instability of the surface layer on relatively gentle slopes with high content of cations and phosphorus, which suggests a link between salinization and fertilization by the application of fertilizer to promote growth. The distribution of dead trees standing along small streams indicates that a road embankment over the valley has changed the hydrology and salinity. Such changes have caused retrogressive plant succession. Land and vegetation degradation on the lunette is also significant


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    オヌストラリア南郚には最近掻動を再開した砂䞘が数倚くみられるこの再掻動に぀いおは怍生砎壊をはじめ開墟山火事矊の食犍りサギによる地衚攪乱さらにはサンドバギヌ等の人為的䜜甚が再掻動の契機ずしおしばしば指摘されおきたしかしながら砂䞘掻動ず気候倉動ずの関係はいただ系統的には怜蚎されおいないすなわち砂䞘掻動ず気候倉動ずの関係を広域的か぀個々の地域ごずに解明しさらに砂䞘掻動史ず関連させお考察した研究はいただみられないそれゆえ䞊蚘の再掻動の契機ずなった人為的掻動をいかに評䟡すべ きかたた再掻動の䞻たる原因を䜕に求めるべきであるかに぀いおはほずんど明らかにされおいない本皿は地圢・地質怍生ならびに聎き取り調査による最近の砂䞘掻動の倉遷ず芳枬資料および旱魃資料の分析から埗られた降氎量倉動ずの関係を怜蚎し気候的偎面から砂䞘の再掻動に぀いお考察した結果を 以䞋に瀺す再掻動した砂䞘は倧陞芏暡でみた堎合南郚の半也燥および湿最地垯に集䞭しおみられるさらにこれらの再掻動砂䞘は固定砂䞘矀䞭にパッチ状に分垃するオヌストラリア南郚の砂䞘は少なくずも曎新䞖埌期以降䜕床か圢成され新旧の砂䞘が混圚しおいるたた圢成期ごずに砂の再配分が行なわれ曎新䞖末期から完新䞖埌期にかけお圢成された砂䞘の砂の厚さは地域的に倧きく異なる再掻動砂䞘の分垃は曎新䞖末期以降圢成された砂䞘砂局の厚さず関係し厚い所に限られおいるすなわち再掻動砂䞘のパッチ状分垃は気候の地域的差異によるものではなく 曎新䞖末期以降の砂䞘砂局の厚さのパッチ状分垃によるず考える珟圚掻動しおいる砂䞘のいく぀かは癜人の入怍以前から掻動しおいたこずが知られおいるが倧郚分は癜人入怍埌の怍生砎壊以降に再掻動したものである腐怍局や䞍敎合に基づいた砂䞘砂局序各時期の砂䞘砂䞊の怍生調査および聎き取り調査によっお決定した最近の砂䞘掻動ず降氎量倉動ずの関係を怜蚎し以䞋の結果を埗た1幎以䞊にわたっお环積月降氎量残差が枛少しその枛少量が平均幎降氎最の500ないし600以䞊になるず顕著な砂䞘掻動が発生するアデレヌドシドニヌを陀くず気象芳枬が開始されたのは倚くの地域で1870幎代以降であるこれらの気象デヌタに よるず砂䞘掻動を匕き起こすような顕著な降氎量枛少期が頻発するようになるのは1800幎代の末期以降である癜人入怍盎埌の1700幎代末ないし1800幎代初頭以降の降氎量倉動傟向に関しおは蟲牧業の被害状況や飛砂珟象が蚘茉されおいる旱魃資料を怜蚎したその結果倧きな旱魃も1800幎代末期以降に頻発しおいるこずがわかった倧きな旱魃時には飛砂珟象も顕著であ ったたた気象デヌタのある期間においおは蚘茉された倧きな早献は「顕著な降氎量枛少期」ず䞀臎しおいるアデレヌドシドニ䞀の気象芳枬デヌタは1800幎代前・䞭期は比范的湿最で1800幎代末以降也燥気候が頻発するこずを瀺しおいる以䞊の怜蚎からオヌストラリア南郚における砂䞘の再掻動に぀いお以䞋のように考える癜人が最初に入怍した18䞖玀末から19䞖玀末たでは比范的湿最であ った19䞖玀末ないし20䞖玀初頭以降に也燥気候が頻発するようになったがこの時期になっお砂䞘の再掻動は芏暡および数においお顕著に増加 したすなわち砂䞘の再掻動は也燥気候の頻発する時代の珟象でありこの状態は倧局的にはは少なくずもオヌストラリア南郚では今日も継続しおいるずみるこずができる