57 research outputs found

    Electron microscopic, immunofluorescent and virological studies on a rhabdomyosarcoma in epidermodysplasia verruciformis

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    A subcutaneous tumor of a patient with epidermodysplasia verruciformis was studied by the light microscopy, the electronmicroscopy and the immunofluorescent test. The tumor cells were histologically pleomorphic and electronmicroscopically contained varying amounts of cytoplasmic filaments without Z-band formation. The antimyosin serum stained the tumor cells, showing their myogenic origin. No virus or virus-like particles were observed in the tumor. Tumor antigens stainable by the patient's serum were not detected. Hamsters inoculated with the tumor extract at birth developed no noticeable diseases.</p

    Prosodische Variationen der gleichen Ausdrücke und ihre Interpretation

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    International audienceFür die Realisierung von Sprechhandlungen spielen lexikalische Informationen eine entscheidende Rolle. Jedoch darf die prosodische Seite der Ausdrücke nicht gering geachtet werden, denn die gleichen Ausdrücke können je nach Aussprache unterschiedliche konnotative Bedeutungen haben. Im Japanischen wird häufig darauf hingewiesen, dass die Intonation insbesondere am Ende der Äußerungen die Absicht bzw. Haltung des Sprechers wiederspiegelt. Um sie richtig zu verstehen, wird von den Japanischlernenden gefordert, bestimmte physikalische Veränderungen, wie z.B. Tonhöhe oder Dauer, richtig wahrzunehmen und dem gegebenen Kontext entsprechend zu interpretieren. Im Bereich des Japanischen als Fremdsprache wird die Intonation im Unterricht teilweise intuitiv" behandelt, ohne die genaue Wahrnehmungstendenz der Lernenden zu berücksichtigen, weil sie auch in der Forschung noch ungeklärt ist. In Bezug auf die Wahrnehmung des Wortakzents wurde die Tendenz der Interferenz von der Muttersprache bereits aufgrund empirischer Untersuchungen festgestellt und ausführlich beschrieben (Ayusawa & Nishinuma 1997 u.a.) *.Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags wird die Interferenz der Muttersprache bei Wahrnehmung der Intonation und des Rhythmus der Äußerungen behandelt. Analysiert werden hier die Daten von insgesamt 90 deutschen und japanischen Muttersprachlern. Jeder Teilnehmer antwortete auf 320 Fragen nach der Prosodie, nämlich die Tonhöhe und die Dauer. Die Daten werden statistisch analysiert und unter kontrastiven Gesichtspunkten diskutiert. Dabei werden auch die Ergebnisse von Umfragen berücksichtigt, die anschließend an die Untersuchungen durchgeführt wurde. Es wurde von den japanischen Muttersprachlern erwähnt, dass akustische Variationen der gleichen Ausdrücke bei ihnen unterschiedliche Eindrücke hervorriefen, womit sie auf die zusätzlichen Konnotationen verwiesen.This study which supports the claim of a prosodic interference between L1 and L2, examines the perception of Japanese rhythm and intonation by German students. Four sentences recorded by 10 female Japanese speakers were presented 4 times through headsets to 45 Japanese and to 42 German students. Listeners were asked to determine whether the last syllable (1) had a rising or a falling intonation and (2) was short or long. Variance analysis reveals (1) a significant difference between the Germman and Japanese subjects in the perception of melodic and rhythm variations ; (2) that some infra-liminal F0 variations were judged differently by the German subjects, possibly due to interactions between sentence types and speech sounds

    How do non-native speakers perceive Japanese phrase final prosody? An experiment on the perception of pitch and rhythm by Chinese and German subjects

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    International audienceThis study which supports the claim of a prosodic interference between L1 and L2, examines the perception of pitch and rhythm of Japanese by Chinese and German students. The experiment reported here, used 4 sentences selected from dialogues of role plays recorded by 10 female Tokyo speakers. Stimuli were presented to 45 Japanese and to 77 Chinese students from Beijing. Each stimuli was played 4 times to listeners through headsets. They were asked in two different tasks to determine whether the last syllable was, (1) rising or falling, (2) short or long. Variance analysis reveals a significant difference between subjects for the perception of melodic variation but no interference effect for rhythm.Afin d'examiner l'interférence prosodique entre L1 - L2, nous avons effectué une expérience de perception sur la hauteur et le rythme du japonais auprès de sujets chinois et allemands. Le corpus de la première partie de l'expérience présentée ici est composé de 4 phrases qui sont extraites des dialogues de jeux de rôle interprétés par 10 locutrices de Tokyo. Il a été soumis à 45 étudiants japonais et 77 étudiants chinois de Pékin. Chaque phrase a été présentée 4 fois. Lors de 2 sessions distinctes deux tâches ont été demandées aux sujets : déterminer si la dernière syllable est (1) montante ou descendante; (2) brève ou longue. L'analyse de variance montre une différence significative entre les sujets pour la perception de la variation mélodique mais aucun effet d'interférence pour le rythme. L'analyse en cours pour les sujets allemands semble fournir des conclusions différentes

    Variation in Japanese gender-related expressions: Utterance final particles and their phonetic characteristics in young speakers

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    International audienceOne of the well known characteristics of Japanese is the difference in the speech styles of men and women. However that gender-related phenomenon doesn't seem so acute among the younger generations. This is illustrated by the use of the masculine and feminine forms ('-nda' '-no') of the auxiliary verb '-da'. A sociolinguistic survey shows that the feminine ending form ('-no') is less frequent among women under 30 (Ozaki, 1997). Moreover, Tokyo young female students, make a greater use of the masculine form '-nda' in their friendly speech than older women, particularly in explaining causes but less so in describing situations (Yabe, 2000). Thus among the younger Japanese, lexical and syntactic choices do not seem to be direct functions of speaker gender.Our previous studies have shown that differences in speaker sex were indicated through the phonetic characteristics of gender forms (absent in writing). The most noteworthy observation was the presence of rising and/or falling intonational patterns in utterances with "-nda" endings. The objective of this paper is to develop an experimental procedure with data on gender forms in written and oral material ('-nda', '-no', '-kara', and '-te') and carry out statistical analyses with factors such as context, speaker sex, condition, and lexico-syntactic items. Analyses are expected to reveal the framework of expression of gender. Concomitantly in order to establish comparisons, data from languages in which gender does not play a significant role have been collected. Chinese, Korean, French and German adult learners of Japanese have thus been recorded

    A Syntactic and Prosodic Analysis of Utterance Final Segments: in Explanation-Giving Dialoues among Young Japanese

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    International audienceThis work reports findings on the relationship between speaker sex and linguistic behavior of young Japanese in explanation-giving dialogues. The relationship between speaker sex and (1) the choice of utterance final forms; (2) the prosodic characteristics on these forms, has thus been examined. Data from 110 students of the Tokyo area revealed no statistically significant effect of the sex factor in the linguistic forms used. However utterance final syllables had a statistically significant effect both on intonation and on rhythm. Also the scripts written by women revealed a statistically significant use of symbols suggesting underlying vowel lengthening or hesitation

    大学の新任教員に対する現場教育に関する考察 : 介護福祉専攻の新任教員に対する研修目的・目標を通して

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    An interplay of NOX1-derived ROS and oxygen determines the spermatogonial stem cell self-renewal efficiency under hypoxia

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    酸素による活性酸素制御が精子形成に果たす役割を解明 --活性酸素制御の破綻が男性不妊を引き起こす--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-01-15.Reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by NADPH1 oxidase 1 (NOX1) are thought to drive spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) self-renewal through feed-forward production of ROS by the ROS-BCL6B-NOX1 pathway. Here we report the critical role of oxygen on ROS-induced self-renewal. Cultured SSCs proliferated poorly and lacked BCL6B expression under hypoxia despite increase in mitochondria-derived ROS. Due to lack of ROS amplification under hypoxia, NOX1-derived ROS were significantly reduced, and Nox1-deficient SSCs proliferated poorly under hypoxia but normally under normoxia. NOX1-derived ROS also influenced hypoxic response in vivo because Nox1-deficient undifferentiated spermatogonia showed significantly reduced expression of HIF1A, a master transcription factor for hypoxic response. Hypoxia-induced poor proliferation occurred despite activation of MYC and suppression of CDKN1A by HIF1A, whose deficiency exacerbated self-renewal efficiency. Impaired proliferation of Nox1- or Hif1a-deficient SSCs under hypoxia was rescued by Cdkn1a depletion. Consistent with these observations, Cdkn1a-deficient SSCs proliferated actively only under hypoxia but not under normoxia. On the other hand, chemical suppression of mitochondria-derived ROS or Top1mt mitochondria-specific topoisomerase deficiency did not influence SSC fate, suggesting that NOX1-derived ROS play a more important role in SSCs than mitochondria-derived ROS. These results underscore the importance of ROS origin and oxygen tension on SSC self-renewal


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    高齢者施設における介護福祉士の専門性 : 医療行為に対する認識と専門性の分析

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