396 research outputs found

    Educational uses of works of art Evaluation: Educational Effectiveness of its Use for Understanding the Elderly

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    In this study, we compared the effectiveness of the elderly simulation experience to a gerontology nursing program, Educational uses works of art, on understanding the elderly. We conducted a survey questionnaire on 67, 3rd-year nursing college students. Qualitative analysis was performed, resulting in the following categories: 1) preoccupations and feelings of the elderly, 2) living environment and the elderly, 3) sense of existence of living into old age and quality of life, and 4) assistance needed by the elderly. The results showed that the educational uses of works of art was more effective at helping each student imagine and understand the lives of the elderly


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    次年度からの実習指導の一助とすることをめざし,A看護系大学1年生60名を対象に,初回基礎看護学実習における目標到達と満足感に関する自己評価を,5段階尺度で実施した. 学生の自己評価からは,6割の者が実習に満足感をもったと回答していた.実習目標への到達と実習の満足感との関連をみると,看護方式における役割や,患者の入院環境を既習の看護理論を用いて分析・考察する,さらに目的の明確化や目標到達への努力の有無が満足感に関連していた.この結果をふまえ教員は,学生に対し,実習目的・目標について十分に理解できるような説明や方法を考慮することや,批判的思考力の育成,さらに実習への関心や興味を強化できるような支援の重要性が示唆された.In order to provide an aid to practical training guidance starting next year, self-assessment using a 5-level scale was conducted regarding goal attainment and satisfaction in initial basic practical training in nursing, taking as subjects 60 first year students at Nursing University A. In self-assessment, 60% of the students responded that they were satisfied with practical training. Looking at the relationship between attainment of practical training goals and satisfaction with practical training, satisfaction was found to be related to analysis and discussion of the patient hospitalization environment and the role in the nursing system using already studied nursing theory, and to clarification of purposes, and work to achieve goals. These results suggest that instructors should consider explanations and methods which enable students to adequately understand the purposes/goals of practical training, and should provide support to develop critical thinking skills and further strengthen concern with and interest in practical training

    Self-Management Awareness in Patients on Maintenance Dialysis

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    The present study characterizes selfmanagement awareness in patients on maintenance dialysis. We conducted interviews with 9 patients on maintenance dialysis which were then analyzed by comparative content analysis. This was done in order to gather information to support future self-management. Seven categories emerged as a result of this analysis. Patients on maintenance dialysis were aware of a continuation and the need for dialysis treatment, perceived that they were handling self-management successfully, and were aware that they were proper managers able to carry out daily living. In addition, they sought support for their self-management through family and understanding people willing to assist them. Furthermore, these patients, now given the opportunity to reflect on their past selves, adopted the attitude, when I was not limited, and now that I am. Lastly, after comparing themselves to others, these patients perceived that each person's way of managing determined their future. We observed that patients on maintenance dialysis had unique self-management practices, and each was in search for their own “way of life, a way of being and dying in the future. The findings in this study suggest that in order for patients on maintenance dialysis to achieve selfmanagement and proper daily living, caregivers must provide support for the development of such self-management. This would allow relationships with other patients to develop, including relationships with family


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    入学2ヵ月後の看護系総合大学と単科大学の新入看護学生に対して,学校環境への適応レベルを比較し,その差を明らかにして,学生への関わり方を検討する基礎資料とするために,選択一部記述式の調査を実施した.その結果,総合大学と単科大学の新入生とでは,入学後の学校環境への適応レベルにおいて,学校の雰囲気や学業(授業),通学時間との関係において差が見られた.この要因には,総合大学と単科大学の立地の違いや,課外活動やアルバイトの有無が考えられた.また,教員との関係においては両大学とも,他の項目に比較して適応レベルの値が低い傾向を示した.今後,教員は学生との関係を,入学後早い時期に築くことができるよう努めることが重要である.また,大学の違いに留意しながら,学生が学校環境に適応できるよう支援を考える必要がある.A questionnaire survey(using some questions in the alternative choice format and some open-ended questions)was given to nursing students who had entered their program(at either multi-division universities or single-focus colleges)two months before. The purpose of the survey was to investigate the students’ degree of adaptation to their program and explore differences between multi-division and single-focus institutions, with the ultimate goal of collecting basic data useful for improving our teaching techniques. The survey revealed differences in level of adaptation to attending school between those attending multiple-division and single-focus institutions. These differences were associated with the atmosphere in the school, the lessons and lectures provided within the program, and the time it took the students to reach school from home. These factors seem to represent differences in location, the after-school activities pursued by the students and the percentage of students with paid jobs between the two types of institution. For both types, the degree of adaptation tended to be less in terms of the students’ relationships with teachers than in terms of the other factors. This seems to indicate that teachers should begin making efforts to build firm relationships with their students as soon as the students enter the school. The results also suggest that teachers and other staff members should help students in their adaptation to the school environment, and that they should take into account specifics of the type and features of the given institution


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    入学2ヵ月後の看護系総合大学と単科大学の新入看護学生に対して,学校環境への適応レベルを比較し,その差を明らかにして,学生への関わり方を検討する基礎資料とするために,選択一部記述式の調査を実施した.その結果,総合大学と単科大学の新入生とでは,入学後の学校環境への適応レベルにおいて,学校の雰囲気や学業(授業),通学時間との関係において差が見られた.この要因には,総合大学と単科大学の立地の違いや,課外活動やアルバイトの有無が考えられた.また,教員との関係においては両大学とも,他の項目に比較して適応レベルの値が低い傾向を示した.今後,教員は学生との関係を,入学後早い時期に築くことができるよう努めることが重要である.また,大学の違いに留意しながら,学生が学校環境に適応できるよう支援を考える必要がある.A questionnaire survey(using some questions in the alternative choice format and some open-ended questions)was given to nursing students who had entered their program(at either multi-division universities or single-focus colleges)two months before. The purpose of the survey was to investigate the students’ degree of adaptation to their program and explore differences between multi-division and single-focus institutions, with the ultimate goal of collecting basic data useful for improving our teaching techniques. The survey revealed differences in level of adaptation to attending school between those attending multiple-division and single-focus institutions. These differences were associated with the atmosphere in the school, the lessons and lectures provided within the program, and the time it took the students to reach school from home. These factors seem to represent differences in location, the after-school activities pursued by the students and the percentage of students with paid jobs between the two types of institution. For both types, the degree of adaptation tended to be less in terms of the students’ relationships with teachers than in terms of the other factors. This seems to indicate that teachers should begin making efforts to build firm relationships with their students as soon as the students enter the school. The results also suggest that teachers and other staff members should help students in their adaptation to the school environment, and that they should take into account specifics of the type and features of the given institution


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    A総合病院において勤務する看護職員で,2001年度から2004年度に産前・産後休暇や育児休業をとり,2006年1月の時点で職場復帰している看護師15名が職場復帰時に経験した問題点から,復帰をスムーズに行うために希望する研修について検討した. 看護職員は職場復帰時,休業中に変化のあった病院のコンピューターシステムや,新たに配属された部署における疾患や治療などについて研修を希望していた.そのため長期休業者を抱える施設では,看護職員に対して職場復帰時に看護管理室が中心となる研修と,部署における研修を計画実施し,スムーズに職場復帰できる支援が必要である.The investigation determined what on-the-job training they desired vis-à-vis the problems they experienced upon their return in order to aid in their smooth return to the workplace. The respondent to this questionnaire survey were fifteen general hospital nurses. They were granted maternity and child care leave between April 1, 2001 and March 31, 2005 and returned to their workplace in January, 2006. Those nurses desired training relating to changes made to computer systems during their leaves, information and on ailments and the associated treatments relevant to their newly assigned posts. Therefore, hospitals with such personnel may find it advantageous to have the nurses’ administration office conduct training, and plan and conduct such training specific to each post for their nursing staff when their granted leave is ended and they wish to return their former workplace in order to enable the smooth return of such staff


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    看護学概論の教育内容や方法を見直す一助とすることを目的に,授業終了後に実施した学生の目標到達への自己評価を分析した.その結果,用語の定義や看護活動の方法論など,体験や経験したことがないものに関しては,イメージ化が難しく,目標への到達が難しいと感じていることが明らかとなった. 今後,教育方法や内容の検討には,早期に臨地体験を導入することや,学生の体験が少ない内容については,簡単な事例を用いて詳細に講義し,イメージ化ができるような方法の導入が必要である.I analyzed student’s self-evaluations for meeting their goals once classes ended as a means to assist in the review of educational content and methods in the nursing overview. As a result, it became clear that it was hard for students to achieve their goals and to imagine things they had not yet experienced, particularly for terminology definitions and nursing methodologies. In future, I believe it necessary to discuss activities that will allow students to imagine content they’ve not yet experienced and to introduce clinical experience earlier


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    看護学生が初めての臨地実習で,看護師の看護活動内容の観察と,看護活動を通しての学びについて,学生のレポートを分析した.その結果,学生は実習時間内で,勤務している看護師の行動を中心に観察している.そのため,患者に看護師がどのように関わりをもっているのかまでは,観察できていなかった.さらに看護活動を観察することから学んだことは,看護を実施するには多様な能力が必要であることを重点的に学習していた.この学びからは,看護師が学生の臨床モデルとなり,看護についての考えを深める意義をもっている.This study involved analysing reports from students pertaining to what they learned from observing nurses’ nursing activities during their first practical training, as well as through their own nursing activities. As a result of this analysis, the following can be inferred. Students mainly observe the actions of nurses on duty during the hours of the students’ practical courses. Because of this, they were not able to fully observe the ways in which nurses interact with patients. They also learned intensively from observing nursing activities that a diverse range of skills is needed to actually provide nursing care. This shows that nurses provide a clinical model for students, and has the significance to further consideration of nursing