664 research outputs found


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    Peritoneal dissemination is a special condition of gastric cancer metastasis, which worsens the quality of patients' lives and is often difficult to control. In this study, we describe the basic features of the peritoneal dissemination of gastric cancer. Some molecular events are associated with the peritoneal dissemination, including c-met gene amplification, chromosome 7q deletion, and Reg Ⅳ overexpression. Especially, Reg Ⅳ overexpression enhances the antiapoptotic property of gastric cancer cells. In contrast, activation of PPARg inhibits the peritoneal dissemination by the pro-apoptotic effect

    Significance of Trans Fatty Acids in Cancer.

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    Trans fatty acids (TFAs) are a recent focus of health problems. TFA is a definitive risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and the death. TFA is also possible risk factor for Alzheimer's disease, obesity, diabetes, fatty liver, and ovulation infertility. The relationship between TFA and carcinogenic risk is controversial; however, TFA is reported to increase the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer. Elaidic acid (EA), a trans form of oleic acid, enhances cancer cell growth, invasion, and anti-apoptotic survival. In animal models, EA promotes tumor growth and metastasis to the lung, liver, and peritoneum. EA induces sternness in cancer cells through transactivation of EFGR via SRC from GPR40/120 as receptors in EA-integrated cholesterol rafts. Activated EGFR relays the signals to activate canonical and non-canonical wnt pathways and to inactivate notchl pathways. EA also increases miR-494, which inhibits cell differentiation through decrease of target genes. Continuous EA feeding with dosage alteration increased cancer cell sternness. EA diminishes the efficiency of 5-fluorouracil by increasing residual cancer stem cells. These findings suggest that TFA is a relevant cancer promoting factor. The decision to remove TFA from foods made by the FDA might have an impact on cancer clinics

    ラット脳虚血再灌流後のタウ蛋白の修飾は, アルツハイマー病における修飾に類似する : 3リピートタウと4リピートタウの過剰リン酸化と切断について

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    内容の要旨 , 審査の要旨広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(医学)Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciencedoctora

    The Effectiveness of Teacher Training on Environmental Education: Challenges and Strategy for Future Training Program

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    A professional teacher is a teacher who masters professional knowledge and skills. Increasing their professionalism is needed to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This research attempts to analyze the effectiveness of teacher training programs in environmental education that focus on identifying the challenges and strategy for the future training program. The research method was triangulation, combining quantitative and qualitative data analysis, including document analysis, questionnaire, and interview results. Sixty-five teachers with experience in environmental education were surveyed, and seven were interviewed. The results show that the sustainability context (environmental, economic, and sociocultural dimensions) needs to be embedded into environmental education teacher training. All training materials are currently oriented toward the environmental context. The provided training focuses on imparting knowledge on environmental education and has not yet expanded to include raising awareness or fostering sustainable action. As a result, future teacher programs must emphasize not only knowledge, but also awareness and action to attain sustainability. Schools and other relevant parties must fully support the rollout of the teacher-training initiative.Guru profesional adalah guru yang menguasai pengetahuan dan keterampilan profesional. Peningkatan profesionalisme guru diperlukan untuk mencapai Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas program pelatihan guru tentang pendidikan lingkungan yang berfokus pada identifikasi tantangan dan strategi untuk program pelatihan pendidikan lingkungan masa depan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah triangulasi dengan menggabungkan analisis data kuantitatif dan kualitatif meliputi analisis dokumen, angket, dan hasil wawancara. Jumlah guru yang terlibat dalam survei adalah 65 guru yang pernah mengikuti pelatihan pendidikan lingkungan dan 7 guru untuk responden wawancara. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa semua materi pelatihan masih berorientasi pada konteks lingkungan padahal pelatihan guru mengenai pendidikan lingkungan harus memperhatikan konteks keberlanjutan (dimensi lingkungan, ekonomi, dan sosial-budaya). Fokus pelatihan yang dilakukan masih sebatas pada pengetahuan pendidikan lingkungan, belum sampai pada kesadaran dan aksi berkelanjutan. Oleh karena itu, program pelatihan guru masa depan tidak hanya berfokus pada pengetahuan saja tetapi juga kesadaran dan tindakan untuk mencapai keberlanjutan. Semua pihak termasuk sekolah dan pemangku kepentingan wajib mendukung pelaksanaan program pelatihan guru ini

    Lodging Resistance Evaluation in Lolium Multiflorum

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    The objective of this study was to develop a simple technique to evaluate lodging resistance in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) for genetic improvement. Significant relationships were recognized between the pushing resistance index and actual lodging degree (ALD), and between the breaking resistance index and ALD, at the 0.1 and 5 percent levels, respectively

    An uncommon use of irradiated flavins : Brønsted acid catalysis

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    We present that thioacetalization of aldehydes can be induced by blue light irradiation in the presence of a catalytic amount of riboflavin tetraacetate (RFTA) under aerobic conditions. Several control experiments have suggested that the reaction is more likely to be catalyzed by acidic species generated in situ during the light irradiation. We have proposed that single electron transfer from a thiol (RSH) to the excited state of RFTA can take place to give a one-electron oxidized thiol (RSH+•) and the one-electron reduced RFTA (RFTA–•), which can be trapped by molecular oxygen to be stabilized as Brønsted acids including the protonated RFTA–• (RFTAH•). Finally, we have demonstrated that such acidic species can be prepared in advance as a solution and used as Brønsted acid catalysts for not only the thioacetalization but also Mannich-type reactions

    Appearance of differentiated cells derived from polar body nuclei in the silkworm, Bombyx mori

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    In Bombyx mori, polar body nuclei are observed until 9 h after egg lying, however, the fate of polar body nuclei remains unclear. To examine the fate of polar body nuclei, we employed a mutation of serosal cell pigmentation, pink-eyed white egg (pe). The heterozygous pe/+(pe) females produced black serosal cells in white eggs, while pe/pe females did not produce black serosal cells in white eggs. These results suggest that the appearance of black serosal cells in white eggs depends on the genotype (pe/+(pe)) of the mother. Because the polar body nuclei had +(pe) genes in the white eggs laid by a pe/+(pe) female, polar body nuclei participate in development and differentiate into functional cell (serosal cells). Analyses of serosal cells pigmentation indicated that ~30% of the eggs contained polar-body-nucleus-derived cells. These results demonstrate that polar-body-nucleus-derived cells appeared at a high frequency under natural conditions. Approximately 80% of polar-body-nucleus-derived cells appeared near the anterior pole and the dorsal side, which is opposite to where embryogenesis occurs. The number of cells derived from the polar body nuclei was very low. Approximately 26% of these eggs contained only one black serosal cell. PCR-based analysis revealed that the polar-body-nucleus-derived cells disappeared in late embryonic stages (stage 25). Overall, polar-body-nuclei-derived cells were unlikely to contribute to embryos