151 research outputs found

    Investigation of Learning Contents from Information Science: Computationalization for Computational Thinking

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    In Open Information Structure Approach, a learning content is described as an operable information structure. The information structure is then provided to a learner as operable external representation. The operations for the external representation can be interpreted as corresponding the learner’s thought on the content. Furthermore, the representation and operations can be expected to encourage computational thinking because they should be defined computationally. In this paper, this approach is described as an investigation of learning contents from information science and computationalization of learning content.教育システム情報学会中国支部第19回研究発表会, 開催日: 2019年10月26日(土), 開催場所: 広島大学附属福山中・高等学

    Associated Patterns in Open-Ended Concept Maps within E-Learning

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    A concept map is a diagram that visualizes the structure of individual cognitive knowledge. An approach to creating a concept map structure that allows users to contribute concepts and linkages that express their understanding freely is known as an "open-ended concept map." It has been demonstrated that an open-ended concept map accurately depicts student knowledge structures and reveals student differences. However, manually analyzing an open-ended map is difficult, time-consuming, and includes many propositions, especially in a big classroom. Educational data mining could be used to further process and analyze a collection of concept maps. However, many works attempted to employ data mining in order to produce concept maps structure from text documents rather than examining the knowledge representation. This study aimed to identify hidden students' knowledge representation combination patterns using association rules analysis. The dataset used in this study consisted of 27 open-concept maps created by university students. This study found interesting patterns that reveal students' knowledge in understanding the material given by the teacher

    A Model of Learning by Problem Posing and Design of Intelligent Tutoring System

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    Learning through Empathic Understanding: Tasking Empathic Understanding for Learners

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    「共感的理解」とは,「相手を正しいとみなし,相手の言うことを辻褄があうように解釈」することである.「教授者による共感的理解」を扱ったといえる研究は,誤りに関する学習者モデリングや認知カウンセリングなど数多く存在するが,「学習者による共感的理解」を扱った研究は見当たらない.本稿では,学習における「共感的理解」の意義を論じると共に,共感的理解を通した学習を実現するための「共感的理解のタスク化」としてのオープン情報構造アプローチについて述べる.第45回教育システム情報学会全国大会, 開催日: 2020年9月2日-4日, 主催: 教育システム情報学会, 会場: オンライン開催, 講演番号: D4-

    Content Analysis and Development of Interactive Learning Environments: In Case of Arithmetic

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    This review introduces a series of researches of interactive learning environments for arithmetic based on analysis of learning content as a promising approach to realize advance learning and teaching activities on ICT infrastructure. In the content analysis, problems used in exercises are analyzed and modeled them with structural representation. Then, learning and teaching activities are designed based on the modeled problems. In this review, as concrete researches, structurization of calculation problems of fraction in order to diagnose erroneous answers is described as the first one. Then, a framework of structurization of arithmetical word problems and a function of problem explanation are reported. Moreover, several systems of problem-authoring and learning by problem-posing designed based on the framework are introduced

    Deductive Triangle Logic for Logical Thinking Problem: Validity-Check Enabling with Subject Common Propositions, Self-evident Warrant, and Acceptable Propositions

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    Triangle Logic (TL) is a graphical representation of a three-clause argument composed of “Data”, “Conclusion” and “Warrant”. In this research, as an improvement of the triangle logic, Deductive Triangle Logic (DTL) that can be checked validity using formal logic is proposed. Applicability and usefulness of DTL for logical thinking problems used in several survey researches are also reported in this paper paper. In DTL, subject common propositions, self self-evident warrant, and acceptable propositions are introduced into the original TL (called Linguistic TL: LTL). DTL is positioned as a worked-out example of logical thinking from viewpoint of knowledge engineering教育システム情報学会中国支部第21回研究発表会, 開催日: 2022年12月3日(土), 開催場所: 広島市立大学 サテライトキャンパ

    Improving Knowledge Structure through Extended Scratch-Build Concept Mapping

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    Extended concept mapping is a potential technique to elicit missing ideas and relationships. This study explored an Extended Scratch-Build (ESB) concept mapping in improving learners' knowledge structure. ESB is an expansion of an open-ended approach that asks students to connect the prior-existing original concept map with the new additional map on related material topics. The practical use of ESB has been conducted and proves positive effects on learning achievements. However, no information has been provided regarding the performance of the concept map components that describe the broad overview of students' attainments. This observational study focused on improving learners' knowledge using quantity measurements based on concept map features, consists of a number of concepts, number of links, and a number of propositions. University students (N = 27) with a major in Informatics Engineering participated in the study. The results reported that students' knowledge structure on additional maps significantly increased compared to the prior original map

    The performance of text similarity algorithms

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    Text similarity measurement compares text with available references to indicate the degree of similarity between those objects. There have been many studies of text similarity and resulting in various approaches and algorithms. This paper investigates four majors text similarity measurements which include String-based, Corpus-based, Knowledge-based, and Hybrid similarities. The results of the investigation showed that the semantic similarity approach is more rational in finding substantial relationship between texts

    Error-Visualization for Learning from Mistakes

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