966 research outputs found

    Experimental evidence of flow destabilization in a 2D bidisperse foam

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    Liquid foam flows in a Hele-Shaw cell were investigated. The plug flow obtained for a monodisperse foam is strongly perturbed in the presence of bubbles whose size is larger than the average bubble size by an order of magnitude at least. The large bubbles migrate faster than the mean flow above a velocity threshold which depends on its size. We evidence experimentally this new instability and, in case of a single large bubble, we compare the large bubble velocity with the prediction deduced from scaling arguments. In case of a bidisperse foam, an attractive interaction between large bubbles induces segregation and the large bubbles organize themselves in columns oriented along the flow. These results allow to identify the main ingredients governing 2D polydisperse foam flows

    Range of rotation of thoracolumbar vertebrae in Japanese macaques

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    In humans, the range of thoracic vertebral rotation is known to be greater than that of the lumbar vertebrae due to their zygapophyseal orientation and soft tissue structure. However, little is known regarding vertebral movements in non-human primate species, which are primarily quadrupedal walkers. To understand the evolutionary background of human vertebral movements, this study estimated the range of axial rotation of the thoracolumbar spine in macaque monkeys. First, computed tomography (CT) was performed while passively rotating the trunk of whole-body cadavers of Japanese macaques, after which the motion of each thoracolumbar vertebra was estimated. Second, to evaluate the influence of the shoulder girdle and surrounding soft tissues, specimens with only bones and ligaments were prepared, after which the rotation of each vertebra was estimated using an optical motion tracking system. In both conditions, the three-dimensional coordinates of each vertebra were digitized, and the axial rotational angles between adjacent vertebrae were calculated. In the whole-body condition, the lower thoracic vertebrae had a greater range of rotation than did the other regions, similar to that observed in humans. In addition, absolute values for the range of rotation were similar between humans and macaques. However, in the bone–ligament preparation condition, the upper thoracic vertebrae had a range of rotation similar to that of the lower thoracic vertebrae. Contrary to previous speculations, our results showed that the mechanical restrictions by the ribs were not as significant; rather, the shoulder girdle largely restricted the rotation of the upper thoracic vertebrae, at least, in macaques

    The relative effects of entry parameters on thermal protection system weight

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    Shielding a spacecraft from the severe thermal environment of an atmospheric entry requires a sophisticated thermal protection system (TPS). Thermal computer program models were developed for two such TPS designs proposed for the space shuttle orbiter. The multilayer systems, a reusable surface insulation TPS, and a re-radiative metallic skin TPS, were sized for a cross-section of trajectories in the entry corridor. This analysis indicates the relative influence of the entry parameters on the weight of each TPS concept. The results are summarized graphically. The trajectory variables considered were down-range, cross-range, orbit inclination, entry interface velocity and flight path angle, maximum heating rate level, angle of attack, and ballistic coefficient. Variations in cross-range and flight path angle over the ranges considered had virtually no effect on the required entry TPS weight. The TPS weight was significantly more sensitive to variations in angle of attack than to dispersions in the other trajectory considered

    Role of Internal Motions and Molecular Geometry on the NMR Relaxation of Hydrocarbons

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    The role of internal motions and molecular geometry on 1^1H NMR relaxation times T1,2T_{1,2} in hydrocarbons is investigated using MD (molecular dynamics) simulations of the autocorrelation functions for in{\it tra}molecular GR(t)G_R(t) and in{\it ter}molecular GT(t)G_T(t) 1^1H-1^1H dipole-dipole interactions arising from rotational (RR) and translational (TT) diffusion, respectively. We show that molecules with increased molecular symmetry such as neopentane, benzene, and isooctane show better agreement with traditional hard-sphere models than their corresponding straight-chain nn-alkane, and furthermore that spherically-symmetric neopentane agrees well with the Stokes-Einstein theory. The influence of internal motions on the dynamics and T1,2T_{1,2} relaxation of nn-alkanes are investigated by simulating rigid nn-alkanes and comparing with flexible (i.e. non-rigid) nn-alkanes. Internal motions cause the rotational and translational correlation-times τR,T\tau_{R,T} to get significantly shorter and the relaxation times T1,2T_{1,2} to get significantly longer, especially for longer-chain nn-alkanes. Site-by-site simulations of 1^1H's along the chains indicate significant variations in τR,T\tau_{R,T} and T1,2T_{1,2} across the chain, especially for longer-chain nn-alkanes. The extent of the stretched (i.e. multi-exponential) decay in the autocorrelation functions GR,T(t)G_{R,T}(t) are quantified using inverse Laplace transforms, for both rigid and flexible molecules, and on a site-by-site bases. Comparison of T1,2T_{1,2} measurements with the site-by-site simulations indicate that cross-relaxation (partially) averages-out the variations in τR,T\tau_{R,T} and T1,2T_{1,2} across the chain of long-chain nn-alkanes. This work also has implications on the role of nano-pore confinement on the NMR relaxation of fluids in the organic-matter pores of kerogen and bitumen

    Gastric Hyperplastic Polyp Associated with Proliferation of Xanthoma Cells Observed by Magnification Narrow-Band Imaging Endoscopy

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    A case of gastric hyperplastic polyp with proliferation of xanthoma cells is reported. The patient was a 69-year-old man who visited our hospital for further evaluation of gastric polyps. Endoscopic examination of the upper digestive tract revealed multiple hyperplastic polyps in the gastric antrum. There was a pedunculated polyp with whitish yellow granules, 7 mm in diameter, arising from the greater curvature of the antrum. Magnification narrow-band imaging endoscopy (GIF-H260Z, Olympus) revealed long microcapillaries in the polyp but did not reveal disappearance of the mucosal microstructure or irregular branched capillaries. Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) was performed. Histological examination of the specimen revealed the lengthened gastric foveolae in the superficial portion and tight sheet of foamy histiocytes in the lamina propria. Diagnosis of gastric hyperplastic polyp with proliferation of xanthoma cells was made. There was no evidence of malignancy. It is necessary to know that a gastric hyperplastic polyp may associate with gastric xanthoma, although such association is very rare