67 research outputs found

    Passive Oral Immunization by Egg Yolk Immunoglobulin (IgY) to Vibrio cholerae Effectively Prevents Cholera

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    In an attempt to prepare egg yolk immunoglobulin (IgY) to treat and prevent cholera, hens were immunized by a mixture of heat- or formalin-killed Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139 organisms, or by the recombinant cholera toxin B subunit (CTB). The IgYs were partially purified from egg yolk and orally administered to suckling mice before or after challenge with live O1 or O139 cells. The anti-O1 and O139 IgYs and the mixture of either IgY with anti-CTB IgY significantly protected the occurrence of cholera caused by both O1 and O139 infection. Since large amounts of IgY can be prepared very easily and at low cost, this seems to be a useful procedure for preventing and treating cholera

    <ORIGINAL ARTICLE>Histologic investigation of tissue surrounding bone in a HA-coated implant supported super structure with and without stress-absorbing elements

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    The effectiveness of the implant-supported overdentures has been attracted attention for edentulous patients, and a number of studies have been reported. Implant-supported overdentures refer to implant-retained tissue-borne overdentures and it is different from the implant-supported fixed partial dentures recommended by Branemark. In implant-supported overdentures, the functional load may concentrate on implant where there is rigid connection. Loaded implants may cause a resorption of surrounding bone, leading to malfunction, loosing, and the ultimate failure of the implant. The present study reports a stress-absorbing element using a resilient compound designed as the super structure of a two-piece titanium core with hydroxyapatite coated cylinder implants, to avoid stress concentrations, and a histological comparison of the surrounding bone tissue with rigid elements. No notable histological differences were observed in the trabecular patterns by contact microradiography and light microscopy

    Immune Reactions Against Elongation Factor 2 Kinase: Specific Pathogenesis of Gastric Ulcer from Helicobacter pylori Infection

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    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is a definite causative factor for gastric ulcers (GUs). In the present study we detected a specific antigen of gastric epithelial cells (HGC-27) using cell ELISA, which was recognized by the sera of GU patients (n = 20) but not in patients with chronic gastritis (CG; n = 20) or in healthy volunteers (HC; n = 10). This antigen was over-expressed by a stressful (heat-stressed) environment, and was identified as elongation factor 2 kinase (EF-2K) by western blotting. The GU patients' lymphocytes stimulated by H. pylori specifically disrupted heat-stressed HGC-27 cells in a cytotoxic assay. In flow cytometry, the effector cells (lymphocytes) from GU patients were significantly differentiated to T helper type 1 lymphocyte (Th1) and cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) as opposed to those from CG patients. The target cells (HGC-27) expressed EF-2K and MHC-class I together with costimulatory molecules from heat stress. This antigen specific immune mechanism could have a prominent role in the pathogenesis of GU

    Nonlinear Conductivity of Geometrically Frustrated Iridate Ca5Ir3O12

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    We report the discovery of nonlinear conductivity along the c-axis in a single crystal of Ca5Ir3O12, which indicates a semiconducting behavior with a narrow band gap of ∼0.2 eV. The resistivity decreases with increase in the applied current. This nonlinearity is reversible with the direction of current. We also show the ab initio density functional band structures and the Fermi surface. We found that the spin–orbit interactions result in an appreciable change in the low-energy electronic structure; the interaction splits the metallic bands and leads to a pocket-like band structure, thus reducing the metallic trend. The size of the spin–orbit interaction is estimated as ∼0.3 eV, which is large enough to be comparable to the valence bandwidth of ∼0.5 eV. The Fermi surface exhibits a sheet structure along the c*-axis, due to the 1D chain structure of edge-sharing IrO6

    Genetic Analyses of Elys Mutations in Drosophila Show Maternal-Effect Lethality and Interactions with Nucleoporin Genes

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    ELYS determines the subcellular localizations of Nucleoporins (Nups) during interphase and mitosis. We made loss-of-function mutations of Elys in Drosophila melanogaster and found that ELYS is dispensable for zygotic viability and male fertility but the maternal supply is necessary for embryonic development. Subsequent to fertilization, mitotic progression of the embryos produced by the mutant females is severely disrupted at the first cleavage division, accompanied by irregular behavior of mitotic centrosomes. The Nup160 introgression from D. simulans shows close resemblance to that of the Elys mutations, suggesting a common role for those proteins in the first cleavage division. Our genetic experiments indicated critical interactions between ELYS and three Nup107–160 subcomplex components; hemizygotes of either Nup37, Nup96 or Nup160 were lethal in the genetic background of the Elys mutation. Not only Nup96 and Nup160 but also Nup37 of D. simulans behave as recessive hybrid incompatibility genes with D. melanogaster. An evolutionary analysis indicated positive natural selection in the ELYS-like domain of ELYS. Here we propose that genetic incompatibility between Elys and Nups may lead to reproductive isolation between D. melanogaster and D. simulans, although direct evidence is necessary