9 research outputs found

    Information transfer in the agricultural sector in Spain

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    This paper examines the structures of information transfer to the agricultural (production) and agro-alimentary (transformation and commercialization of the products) sector within Spain. A historical perspective is provided to better illustrate the reality and complexity of Spain with regard to the systems of agrarian extension, agricultural research, resources provided by Spain’s central administration, and the use of information by related enterprises. The Service of Agrarian Extension appeared in Spain in the 1950s, and new political-administrative structures (agribusiness associations, cooperatives) were founded when Spain became a democratic nation in the late 1970s, and with the arrival of electronic information, largely in the 1990s. We also describe the tools supporting innovation in the agro-alimentary sector: centers of agrarian research and technological centers. Finally, reference is made to the means of communication dedicated to the agricultural sector. The paper illustrates that the systems of agricultural information in Spain have been largely derived from initiatives of the Public Administration, with few private initiatives

    Business information through Spain's Chambers of Commerce: meeting business needs

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    From different public and private instances, mechanisms have been set in action that allow for companies to obtain information in order to make decisions with a stronger foundation. This article is focused on the description of an entire information system for the business world, developed in the realm of the Chambers of Commerce of Spain, which have given rise to the creation of an authentic network of inter-chamber information. In Spain, the obligatory membership of businesses to the Chambers of Commerce in their geographic areas, and therefore the compulsory payment of member quotas, has traditionally generated some polemics, above all because many firms have not perceived a material usefulness of the services offered by these Chambers. Notwithstanding, the 85 Chambers currently existing in Spain, as well as the organism that coordinates them -the Upper Council or Consejo Superior de Camaras de Comercio- and the company created expressly to commercialize informational services online, Camerdata, have developed genuinely informative tools that cover a good part of the informational demands that a business might claim, described here

    Business information through Spain's Chambers of Commerce: meeting business needs

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    From different public and private instances, mechanisms have been set in action that allow for companies to obtain information in order to make decisions with a stronger foundation. This article is focused on the description of an entire information system for the business world, developed in the realm of the Chambers of Commerce of Spain, which have given rise to the creation of an authentic network of inter-chamber information. In Spain, the obligatory membership of businesses to the Chambers of Commerce in their geographic areas, and therefore the compulsory payment of member quotas, has traditionally generated some polemics, above all because many firms have not perceived a material usefulness of the services offered by these Chambers. Notwithstanding, the 85 Chambers currently existing in Spain, as well as the organism that coordinates them -the Upper Council or Consejo Superior de Camaras de Comercio- and the company created expressly to commercialize informational services online, Camerdata, have developed genuinely informative tools that cover a good part of the informational demands that a business might claim, described here

    An Automat for the Semantic Processing of Structured Information

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    Using the database of the PuertoTerm project, an indexing system based on the cognitive model of Brigitte Enders was built. By analyzing the cognitive strategies of three abstractors, we built an automat that serves to simulate human indexing processes. The automat allows the texts integrated in the system to be assessed, evaluated and grouped by means of the bipartite spectral graph partitioning algorithm, which also permits visualization of the terms and the documents. The system features an ontology and a database to enhance its operativity. As a result of the application, we achieved better rates of exhaustivity in the indexing of documents, as well as greater precision and retrieval of information, with high levels of efficiency.Comment: IEEE Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2009. ISDA '09. Ninth International Conference on Date of Conference: Nov. 30 2009-Dec. 2 2009, Page(s): 85 - 8

    Business information through Spain Chambers of Commerce: meeting business needs

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    <p>From different public and private instances, mechanisms have been set in action that allow for companies to obtain information in order to make decisions with a stronger foundation. This article is focused on the description of an entire information system for the business world, developed in the realm of the Chambers of Commerce of Spain, which have given rise to the creation of an authentic network of inter-chamber information.</p> <p><br>In Spain, the obligatory membership of businesses to the Chambers of Commerce in their geographic areas, and therefore the compulsory payment of member quotas, has traditionally generated some polemics, above all because many firms have not perceived a material usefulness of the services offered by these Chambers.</p> <p><br>Notwithstanding, the 85 Chambers currently existing in Spain, as well as the organism that coordinates them -the Upper Council or Consejo Superior de Camaras de Comercio- and the company created expressly to commercialize informational services online, Camerdata, have developed genuinely informative tools that cover a good part of the informational demands that a business might claim, described here.</p

    Information studies for the business sector in Spanish universities

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    <p>The management of information in the business world constitutes a single consolidated area within undergraduate and graduate study programs in librarianship and Information Science. This article describes information studies for the business sector within Spain, including the university programs known as Diplomatura in Librarianship and  Documentation (equivalent to a three-year first cycle  in Library and Information Science), and Licenciatura in Documentation (a two-year second cycle). It also presents the contradictions that are found between the professional implications of the information society paradigm, on the one hand, and the academic strategies of the discipline in Spain, which  are largely trapped in a traditional framework.</p