274 research outputs found

    Spontaneous dissection of the intrapetrous internal carotid artery

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    Two cases of cervicocephalic arterial dissection of the intrapetrous carotid artery are described. One patient presented with intolerable objective pulsatile tinnitus, the other with a cerebral infarction. Both were successfully treated with anticoagulants. The significance of minor degrees of trauma and of neck extension in the aetiology of these apparently spontaneous lesions is discussed

    Pneumococcal Colonization and Virulence Factors Identified Via Experimental Evolution in Infection Models

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is a commensal of the human nasopharynx and a major cause of respiratory and invasive disease. We examined adaptation and evolution of pneumococcus, within nasopharynx and lungs, in an experimental system where the selective pressures associated with transmission were removed. This was achieved by serial passage of pneumococci, separately, in mouse models of nasopharyngeal carriage or pneumonia. Passaged pneumococci became more effective colonizers of the respiratory tract and we observed several examples of potential parallel evolution. The cell wall-modifying glycosyltransferase LafA was under strong selection during lung passage, whereas the surface expressed pneumococcal vaccine antigen gene pvaA and the glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene gpsA were frequent targets of mutation in nasopharynx-passaged pneumococci. These mutations were not identified in pneumococci that were separately evolved by serial passage on laboratory agar. We focused on gpsA, in which the same single nucleotide polymorphism arose in two independently evolved nasopharynx-passaged lineages. We describe a new role for this gene in nasopharyngeal carriage and show that the identified single nucleotide change confers resistance to oxidative stress and enhanced nasopharyngeal colonization potential. We demonstrate that polymorphisms in gpsA arise and are retained during human colonization. These findings highlight how within-host environmental conditions can determine trajectories of bacterial evolution. Relative invasiveness or attack rate of pneumococcal lineages may be defined by genes that make niche-specific contributions to bacterial fitness. Experimental evolution in animal infection models is a powerful tool to investigate the relative roles played by pathogen virulence and colonization factors within different host niches

    Changing indications and socio-demographic determinants of (adeno)tonsillectomy among children in England--are they linked? A retrospective analysis of hospital data.

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess whether increased awareness and diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) and national guidance on tonsillectomy for recurrent tonsillitis have influenced the socio-demographic profile of children who underwent tonsillectomy over the last decade. METHOD: Retrospective time-trends study of Hospital Episodes Statistics data. We examined the age, sex and deprivation level, alongside OSAS diagnoses, among children aged <16 years who underwent (adeno)tonsillectomy in England between 2001/2 and 2011/12. RESULTS: Among children aged <16 years, there were 29,697 and 27,732 (adeno)tonsillectomies performed in 2001/2 and 2011/12, respectively. The median age at (adeno)tonsillectomy decreased from 7 (IQR: 5-11) to 5 (IQR: 4-9) years over the decade. (Adeno)tonsillectomy rates among children aged 4-15 years decreased by 14% from 350 (95%CI: 346-354) in 2001/2 to 300 (95%CI: 296-303) per 100,000 children in 2011/12. However, (adeno)tonsillectomy rates among children aged <4 years increased by 58% from 135 (95%CI: 131-140) to 213 (95%CI 208-219) per 100,000 children in 2001/2 and 2011/2, respectively. OSAS diagnoses among children aged <4 years who underwent surgery increased from 18% to 39% between these study years and the proportion of children aged <4 years with OSAS from the most deprived areas increased from 5% to 12%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: (Adeno)tonsillectomy rates declined among children aged 4-15 years, which reflects national guidelines recommending the restriction of the operation to children with more severe recurrent throat infections. However, (adeno)tonsillectomy rates among pre-school children substantially increased over the past decade and one in five children undergoing the operation was aged <4 years in 2011/12.The increase in surgery rates in younger children is likely to have been driven by increased awareness and detection of OSAS, particularly among children from the most deprived areas

    Estrogen Promotes Mandibular Condylar Fibrocartilage Chondrogenesis and Inhibits Degeneration via Estrogen Receptor Alpha in Female Mice

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    Temporomandibular joint degenerative disease (TMJ-DD) is a chronic form of TMJ disorder that specifically afflicts people over the age of 40 and targets women at a higher rate than men. Prevalence of TMJ-DD in this population suggests that estrogen loss plays a role in the disease pathogenesis. Thus, the goal of the present study was to determine the role of estrogen on chondrogenesis and homeostasis via estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) during growth and maturity of the joint. Young and mature WT and ERαKO female mice were subjected to ovariectomy procedures and then given placebo or estradiol treatment. The effect of estrogen via ERα on fibrocartilage morphology, matrix production, and protease activity was assessed. In the young mice, estrogen via ERα promoted mandibular condylar fibrocartilage chondrogenesis partly by inhibiting the canonical Wnt signaling pathway through upregulation of sclerostin (Sost). In the mature mice, protease activity was partly inhibited with estrogen treatment via the upregulation and activity of protease inhibitor 15 (Pi15) and alpha-2- macroglobulin (A2m). The results from this work provide a mechanistic understanding of estradiol on TMJ growth and homeostasis and can be utilized for development of therapeutic targets to promote regeneration and inhibit degeneration of the mandibular condylar fibrocartilage.National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research of the National Institutes of Health under Award Numbers R56DE020097 (SW) and F32DE026366 (JR

    From evolutionary computation to the evolution of things

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    Evolution has provided a source of inspiration for algorithm designers since the birth of computers. The resulting field, evolutionary computation, has been successful in solving engineering tasks ranging in outlook from the molecular to the astronomical. Today, the field is entering a new phase as evolutionary algorithms that take place in hardware are developed, opening up new avenues towards autonomous machines that can adapt to their environment. We discuss how evolutionary computation compares with natural evolution and what its benefits are relative to other computing approaches, and we introduce the emerging area of artificial evolution in physical systems

    Transcriptional control in the prereplicative phase of T4 development

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    Control of transcription is crucial for correct gene expression and orderly development. For many years, bacteriophage T4 has provided a simple model system to investigate mechanisms that regulate this process. Development of T4 requires the transcription of early, middle and late RNAs. Because T4 does not encode its own RNA polymerase, it must redirect the polymerase of its host, E. coli, to the correct class of genes at the correct time. T4 accomplishes this through the action of phage-encoded factors. Here I review recent studies investigating the transcription of T4 prereplicative genes, which are expressed as early and middle transcripts. Early RNAs are generated immediately after infection from T4 promoters that contain excellent recognition sequences for host polymerase. Consequently, the early promoters compete extremely well with host promoters for the available polymerase. T4 early promoter activity is further enhanced by the action of the T4 Alt protein, a component of the phage head that is injected into E. coli along with the phage DNA. Alt modifies Arg265 on one of the two α subunits of RNA polymerase. Although work with host promoters predicts that this modification should decrease promoter activity, transcription from some T4 early promoters increases when RNA polymerase is modified by Alt. Transcription of T4 middle genes begins about 1 minute after infection and proceeds by two pathways: 1) extension of early transcripts into downstream middle genes and 2) activation of T4 middle promoters through a process called sigma appropriation. In this activation, the T4 co-activator AsiA binds to Region 4 of σ70, the specificity subunit of RNA polymerase. This binding dramatically remodels this portion of σ70, which then allows the T4 activator MotA to also interact with σ70. In addition, AsiA restructuring of σ70 prevents Region 4 from forming its normal contacts with the -35 region of promoter DNA, which in turn allows MotA to interact with its DNA binding site, a MotA box, centered at the -30 region of middle promoter DNA. T4 sigma appropriation reveals how a specific domain within RNA polymerase can be remolded and then exploited to alter promoter specificity

    Firm insoles effectively reduce hemolysis in runners during long distance running - a comparative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Shock absorbing insoles are effective in reducing the magnitude and rate of loading of peak impact forces generated at foot strike during running, whereas the foot impact force during running has been considered to be an important cause of intravascular hemolysis in long distance runners. Objective of this study was to evaluate the intravascular hemolysis during running and compare the effect of two different types of insoles (Soft and Firm) on hemolysis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty male long and middle distance runners volunteered to participate in this study. We selected two insoles (Soft and Firm) according to their hardness level (SHORE 'A' scale). Participants were randomly assigned to the soft insole (group 1) and firm insole (group 2) group with ten athletes in each group. Each athlete completed one hour of running at the calculated target heart rate (60-70%). Venous blood samples were collected before and immediately after running. We measured unconjucated bilirubin (mg/dl), lactate dehydrogenase (μ/ml), hemoglobin (g/l) and serum ferritin (ng/ml) as indicators of hemolysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our study revealed a significant increase in the mean values of unconjucated bilirubin (P < 0.05) while running with soft insoles indicating the occurrence of hemolysis in this group of athletes. Graphical analysis revealed an inverse relationship between hardness of insoles and hemolysis for the observed values.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results indicate that intravascular hemolysis occurs in athletes during long distance running and we conclude that addition of firm insoles effectively reduces the amount of hemolysis in runners compared to soft insoles.</p