156 research outputs found

    Factores de predisposición de hipocalcemia subclínica (HCS) en ganado lechero de cuatro establos de la provincia de Lima

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    El objetivo fue determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a la presentación de hipocalcemia subclínica (HCS) en ganado lechero de la provincia de Lima. Se realizó un estudio transversal empleando 534 registros de vacas monitoreadas entre 2016 y 2017. Se encontró 220 vacas con HCS (41.2%) y 314 vacas normocalcémicas (58.8%). Se realizó la prueba de chi cuadrado y un análisis de regresión logística bivariado a los factores significativos, encontrándose que, vacas con partos asistidos presentaron mayor chance de presentar HCS que aquellas sin asistencia, vacas que parieron en estrés calórico tuvieron mayor chance de tener HCS que cuando parieron en confort térmico, vacas procedentes de los establos 1, 2 y 4 tuvieron menor chance de presentar HCS que las del establo 3, vacas multíparas presentaron mayor chance de presentar HCS que las primíparas, vacas mayores a 3 años tuvieron mayor chance de presentar HCS que las menores de 3 años y aquellas con crías de más de 41.5 Kg PV presentaron mayor chance de presentar HCS que aquellas con crías de peso inferior. Finalmente, se realizó un análisis de regresión logística multivariado con los factores con nivel de significancia inferior a 0.20. Se determinó que las vacas multíparas tienen mayor riesgo de desarrollar HCS que las primíparas (OR ajustado = 2.2; p < 0.01). Vacas con partos asistidos tienen mayor riesgo de desarrollar HCS que aquellas sin asistencia (OR ajustado = 2.7; p < 0.01). Vacas que paren en época de estrés calórico tienen mayor riesgo de desarrollar HCS que cuando paren en época de confort térmico (OR ajustado = 6.9; p < 0.001). Vacas cuya producción es mayor o igual a 15 litros de calostro tienen mayor riesgo de desarrollar HCS que aquellas cuya producción es inferior (OR ajustado = 1.0; p < 0.05)

    O gênero Nematanthus Schrad.(Gesneriaceae) no Paraná

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    Orientador: Renato GoldenbergMonografia (Bacharelado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Biológicas. Curso de Graduação em Ciências BiológicasResumo : A família Gesneriaceae tem distribuição pantropical, com mais de 3.500 espécies em 150 gêneros. Ela é tradicionalmente dividida em duas subfamílias: Cyrtandroideae e Gesnerioideae. Gesnerioideae é a única subfamília encontrada no Brasil. Gesnerioideae abriga a tribo Episceae, uma das mais diversas dentro da família. A tribo Episceae é caracterizada pelo hábito epífito, ovário súpero e número de cromossomos constante entre as espécies, n=9. Nematanthus é um gênero dessa tribo, endêmico do Brasil e que conta com 31 espécies. A maior diversidade é encontrada na região sudeste. No Paraná são encontradas seis espécies: N. australis, N. fissus, N. jolyanus, N. maculatus, N. tessmannii e N wettsteinnii. São encontradas em áreas de Mata Atlântica, sendo epífitas e algumas vezes rupícolas. Para este trabalho, foram analisadas exsicatas dos herbários UPCB e MBM. Os dados de distribuição e fenologia foram obtidos a partir das informações contidas nas exsicatas e dados de literatura. São apresentadas uma chave de identificação, ilustrações e mapas de distribuição das espécies. O trabalho contribui para o conhecimento da família e do gênero no Brasil e no Paraná onde poucos estudos foram feitos até o momento

    Gesneriaceae Rich & Juss. ex DC. no estado do Paraná

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Renato GoldenbergCoorientadora : Profª Drª Andrea Onofre de AraújoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica. Defesa: Curitiba, 23/02/2016Inclui referênciasResumo: A família Gesneriaceae possui cerca de 150 gêneros contendo 3000 espécies, tem distribuição pantropical e monofiletismo comprovado por evidências morfológicas e moleculares. Para o Brasil são registrados cerca de 200 espécies, com maior diversidade para a região sudeste do país onde se concentram a maior parte dos trabalhos florísticos já feitos para o grupo. No Paraná, onde não foi feito ainda nenhum levantamento florístico para a família, foram encontrados 7 gêneros: Besleria (1), Codonanthe (3), Gloxinia (1), Napeanthus (2), Nematanthus (6), Seemannia (1) e Sinningia (23). A maioria das espécies habitam áreas de Floresta Atlântica, com menos espécies em campos ou cerrado. Tendo em vista sintetizar a informação taxonômica sobre a família Gesneriaceae no Paraná, nesta dissertação são apresentados dois capítulos. No primeiro são apresentadas descrições, chaves de identificação, dados de distribuição, floração e ilustrações das espécies de Besleria, Codonanthe , Gloxinia, Napeanthus, Nematanthus e Seemannia do estado. No segundo capítulo é apresentado tratamento semelhante, desta vez para as espécies de Sinningia ocorrentes no Paraná. Palavraschave: Columneinae, Ligeriinae, Nematanthus , Taxonomia, Sinningia.Abstract: Gesneriaceae is a monophyletic family with about 150 genera and 3000 species, and pantropical distribution. In Brazil there are more than 200 species, with greater diversity to the southeast of the country, where most floristic tratments on the family have been done. In Paraná there are seven genres with native or naturalized species: Besleria( 1), Codonanthe (3), Gloxinia (1), Napeanthus (2), Nematanthus (6), Seemannia (1) and Sinningia (23). Most species inhabit Atlantic Forest areas, with fewer species in grasslands or cerrado. In order to synthethize taxonomic information about the Gesneriaceae in Parana, this dissertation provide a treatment in two chapters. In the first we present descriptions, identification keys, data on distribution and phenology, and illustrations for the species of Besleria, Codonanthe, Gloxinia, Napeanthus, Nematanthus and Seemannia. In the second chapter we have a similar treatment on the species of Sinningia occurring in Paraná. Keywords:Columneinae, Ligeriinae, Nematanthus , Taxonomy, Sinningia

    Comparación histológica de ligamento periodontal humano preservado en clara de huevo y leche descremada

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar microscópicamente el ligamento periodontal humano preservado en Clara de Huevo (Grupo I) y Leche UHT descremada (Grupo II). Se utilizaron 30 dientes (15 premolares y 15 terceras molares) según los criterios de inclusión descritos. Inmediatamente después de la extracción los dientes se colocaron en los medios seleccionados, 10 para cada grupo durante 60 minutos y posteriormente en formol neutro. Se colocaron 10 dientes inmediatamente después de la extracción en formol neutro (Grupo III) para el control. Posteriormente se obtuvieron cortes histológicos de 4µm de espesor coloreados con la técnica hematoxilina–eosina y se evaluaron por microscopia óptica (400X). Se escogieron 3 campos por pieza (cervical media y apical) para evaluar: porcentaje de fibras colágenas organizadas, focos de necrosis y número de fibroblastos. En el análisis cualitativo de los focos de necrosis se observa una mayor presencia en el grupo II que en el grupo I (Tabla N°1). En cuanto al análisis cuantitativo de las fibras colágenas, no se encontró diferencia significativa entre los grupos I y II (Tabla N°2). En cuanto al análisis cuantitativo del número de fibroblastos, no se encontró diferencia significativa entre grupos I y II (Tablas N°3 y 4).Tesi

    トクシマケン ニオケル ジンコウ ミツド オヨビ ガッコウ ノ キボ ト イジメ フトウコウ ノ ハッセイリツ トノ カンレン

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    The purpose of the present study is to examine the actual condition of student's bullying and school refusals in the elementary and junior high schools in Tokushima Prefecture and to reveal whether these behaviors are correlated to the students' living environments,such as the population density of their living area. To reveal the actual condition of their bullying and school refusals, we used the data gathered by the School Board of Tokushima Prefecture in 1995, which covered all the elementary and junior high schools in the prefecture. In addition,we prepared a Questionnaire and carried it out at 10 junior high schools to gather data for examining the relations between the students' stress and their bullying. Although the results we obtained in the analyses will be presented later, this present study will provide the following findings:(1)the occurrence rate of bullying was found to have little correlation with the population density or with the school and class size, and(2)the occurence rate of the school refusal was revealed to significantly correlate with the population density. In conclusion, the results we obtained in the present study will be discussed by referring to the findings in some current studies on bullying and school refusals

    Multiple Myeloma and Kidney Disease

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) has a high incidence rate in the elderly. Responsiveness to treatments differs considerably among patients because of high heterogeneity of MM. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common clinical feature in MM patients, and treatment-related mortality and morbidity are higher in MM patients with CKD than in patients with normal renal function. Recent advances in diagnostic tests, chemotherapy agents, and dialysis techniques are providing clinicians with novel approaches for the management of MM patients with CKD. Once reversible factors, such as hypercalcemia, have been corrected, the most common cause of severe acute kidney injury (AKI) in MM patients is tubulointerstitial nephropathy, which results from very high circulating concentrations of monoclonal immunoglobulin free light chains (FLC). In the setting of AKI, an early reduction of serum FLC concentration is related to kidney function recovery. The combination of extended high cutoff hemodialysis and chemotherapy results in sustained reductions in serum FLC concentration in the majority of patients and a high rate of independence from dialysis

    テンキ ノ ヘンカ ガ シンシン ニ オヨボス エイキョウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ ト コンゴ ノ コウレイシャ ケンキュウ ヘノ テンボウ

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    People respond to changes in the external environment such as climate change by maintaining homeostasis. However, when the homeostatic mechanism fails, various effects occur on the human mind and body. Various climate changes have significantly occurred in recent years in Japan, such as the unusual heat of summer exceeding 40℃ and the short-term torrential rain which causes secondary disasters. Some people are facing physical or mental health challenges from daily climate changes. This challenge could happen much more to older adults due to the possibility of a decline in function homeostasis and various kinds of stress through their life changes. This study summarizes and reviews previous studies on the effects of climate change on older adults and the challenges. Furthermore, this study focuses on older adults and the relevant prospects for future research.展望論文Review Articl

    Committee report : Questionnaire survey on the treatment of COVID-19 in patients receiving dialysis therapy

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    Background: Patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) who receive dialysis therapy develop more severe disease and have a poorer prognosis than patients who do not. Although various data on the treatment of patients not receiving dialysis therapy have been reported, clinical practice for patients on dialysis is challenging as data is limited. The Infection Control Committee of the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy decided to clarify the status of treatment in COVID-19 patients on dialysis. Methods: A questionnaire survey of 105 centers that had treated at least five COVID-19 patients on dialysis was conducted in August 2021. Results: Sixty-six centers (62.9%) responded to the questionnaire. Antivirals were administered in 27.7% of facilities treating mild disease (most patients received favipiravir) and 66.7% of facilities treating moderate disease (most patients with moderate or more severe conditions received remdesivir). Whether and how remdesivir is administered varies between centers. Steroids were initiated most frequently in moderate II disease (50.8%), while 43.1% of the facilities initiated steroids in mild or moderate I disease. The type of steroid, dose, and the duration of administration were generally consistent, with most facilities administering dexamethasone 6 mg orally or 6.6 mg intravenously for 10 days. Steroid pulse therapy was administered in 48.5% of the facilities, and tocilizumab was administered in 25.8% of the facilities, mainly to patients on ventilators or equivalent medications, or to the cases of exacerbations. Furthermore, some facilities used a polymethylmethacrylate membrane during dialysis, nafamostat as an anticoagulant, and continuous hemodiafiltration in severe cases. There was limited experience of polymyxin B-immobilized fiber column-direct hemoperfusion and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. The discharge criteria for patients receiving dialysis therapy were longer than those set by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in 22.7% of the facilities. Conclusions: Our survey revealed a variety of treatment practices in each facility. Further evidence and innovations are required to improve the prognosis of patients with COVID-19 receiving dialysis therapy

    T-Cell Response and Antibody Production Induced by the COVID-19 Booster Vaccine in Japanese Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Treated with Hemodialysis

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    Humoral and cellular responses are critical in understanding immune responses to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccination. Here, we evaluated these responses in hemodialysis (HD) patients after the booster vaccination. SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulin (IgG) levels, neutralizing antibody titers, and the T-SPOT®.COVID test (T-SPOT) were measured prior to, three weeks after, and three months after the booster administration. The HD group had significantly higher SARS-CoV-2 IgG levels and neutralizing antibody titers against the original strain at three weeks and three months after the booster vaccination compared to the control group, albeit the HD group had lower SARS-CoV-2 IgG levels and neutralizing antibody titers before the booster administration. Moreover, the HD group had significantly higher T-SPOT levels at all three time points compared to the control group. The HD group also had significantly higher local and systemic adverse reaction rates than the control group. By booster vaccination, HD patients could acquire more effective SARS-CoV-2-specific humoral and cellular immunity than the control group