6,007 research outputs found

    Fault-tolerant quantum computation versus Gaussian noise

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    We study the robustness of a fault-tolerant quantum computer subject to Gaussian non-Markovian quantum noise, and we show that scalable quantum computation is possible if the noise power spectrum satisfies an appropriate "threshold condition." Our condition is less sensitive to very-high-frequency noise than previously derived threshold conditions for non-Markovian noise.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figure

    Entanglement Sharing and Decoherence in the Spin-Bath

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    The monogamous nature of entanglement has been illustrated by the derivation of entanglement sharing inequalities - bounds on the amount of entanglement that can be shared amongst the various parts of a multipartite system. Motivated by recent studies of decoherence, we demonstrate an interesting manifestation of this phenomena that arises in system-environment models where there exists interactions between the modes or subsystems of the environment. We investigate this phenomena in the spin-bath environment, constructing an entanglement sharing inequality bounding the entanglement between a central spin and the environment in terms of the pairwise entanglement between individual bath spins. The relation of this result to decoherence will be illustrated using simplified system-bath models of decoherence.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure v2: 6 pages 2 figures, additional example and reference

    Are There Any Type 2 QSOs? The Case of AXJ0341.4-4453

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    The X-ray source AXJ0341.4-4453 was described by Boyle et al. as a Type 2 AGN at z = 0.672 based on the absence of broad emission lines in the observed wavelength range 4000-7000 Angstroms. We obtained a new spectrum of AXJ0341.4-4453 extending to 9600 Angstroms which reveals broad Balmer lines and other characteristics of Seyfert 1 galaxies. The FWHM of broad H-beta is at least 1600 km/s, while [O III]5007 has FWHM = 730 km/s. The flux ratio [O III]5007/H-beta = 1. Thus, AXJ0341.4-4453 is by definition a narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy, or perhaps a moderately reddened Seyfert 1 galaxy, but it is not a Type 2 QSO. Although examples of the latter have long been sought, particularly in connection with the problem of the X-ray background, there is still virtually no evidence for the existence of any Type 2 QSO among X-ray selected samples.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in MNRA

    Quantum Walks, Quantum Gates and Quantum Computers

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    The physics of quantum walks on graphs is formulated in Hamiltonian language, both for simple quantum walks and for composite walks, where extra discrete degrees of freedom live at each node of the graph. It is shown how to map between quantum walk Hamiltonians and Hamiltonians for qubit systems and quantum circuits; this is done for both a single- and multi-excitation coding, and for more general mappings. Specific examples of spin chains, as well as static and dynamic systems of qubits, are mapped to quantum walks, and walks on hyperlattices and hypercubes are mapped to various gate systems. We also show how to map a quantum circuit performing the quantum Fourier transform, the key element of Shor's algorithm, to a quantum walk system doing the same. The results herein are an essential preliminary to a Hamiltonian formulation of quantum walks in which coupling to a dynamic quantum environment is included.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Dust in the wind: Crystalline silicates, corundum and periclase in PG 2112+059

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    We have determined the mineralogical composition of dust in the Broad Absorption Line (BAL) quasar PG 2112+059 using mid-infrared spectroscopy obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope. From spectral fitting of the solid state features, we find evidence for Mg-rich amorphous silicates with olivine stoichiometry, as well as the first detection of corundum (Al_2O_3) and periclase (MgO) in quasars. This mixed composition provides the first direct evidence for a clumpy density structure of the grain forming region. The silicates in total encompass 56.5% of the identified dust mass, while corundum takes up 38 wt.%. Depending on the choice of continuum, a range of mass fractions is observed for periclase ranging from 2.7% in the most conservative case to 9% in a less constrained continuum. In addition, we identify a feature at 11.2 micron as the crystalline silicate forsterite, with only a minor contribution from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The 5% crystalline silicate fraction requires high temperatures such as those found in the immediate quasar environment in order to counteract rapid destruction from cosmic rays.Comment: 2 figure