15 research outputs found

    Penataan Taman Kartini Sebagai Hutan Kota Di Kota Cimahi

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    Cimahi has been known since the Dutch colonial period, in 1811, when the Governor-General Willem Daendeles made road from Anyer to Panarukan and right in Cimahi square now was made Loji (Pos Penjagaan). The analysis process which is conducted in this research include population analiysis, analysis of green open space and urban forest structure. Population is used to determine the amount of population and its density distribution in the coming years.The need for green open space is used to determine the ideal area of urban forest and the amount of oxygen requirements for residents.While the structure of the urban forest is used in managing the urban forest vegetation. The final results achieved in this research is an arrangement concept of the urban forest in the Kartini Park. The concept is supported by the fact of: (1) the exterior arrangement which closely related to the maintenance of park and activities of visitors to the park, (2) Taman Kartini is surrounded by functional buildings, (3) Taman Kartini is located on three roads, namely Jalan Baros, Jalan Dustira/ Hospitaalweg, and Jalan Taman Kartini), and (4) planting vegetation criteria in accordance withTaman Kartini neighborhood

    Hubungan Antara Aktivitas Pengunjung Dengan Kondisi Taman Umum Di Kecamatan Bandung Wetan

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    There is an emerging problem related to the declining quality of the urban environment, particularly in the availability of green open space which is one of the interesting issues, because the green open spaces have a very important role for the ecological sustainability. Green open space is often overlooked by the urban citizen who are less concerned about the role and functions. Public parks as a form of green open space available in Kecamatan Bandung Wetan mostly a park with manicured condition but some of them are not well maintained garden with a condition which poorly maintained, dirty (lots of junk), less green (the number of plants is reduced, because the dead or due to damage), damage and availability of facilities in the park. This research wanted to question as to whether there is a relation between the activity of visitors to the condition of a public park in Kecamatan Bandung Wetan. It aims to identify whether there is any relation between the activities of visitors to the condition of a public park in Kecamatan Bandung Wetan in the present. This research uses crosstabs analysis - Chi Square with a variable number of visitors by gender (male and female visitors) and common garden conditions (completeness of facilities, type of activity, concern for the condition of public parks as well as the visual impression visitors to see a public park)

    Social Cohesion Constrution in the Space of the Astana Gunungjati

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    Astana Gunungjati is a complex of cemeteries for Cirebon Sultanate kings and their descendants. The Kasepuhan Palace, Kanoman Palace, and Kacirebonan Palace are the three palaces or known as keraton that still serves as the current physical representation of the Cirebon Sultanate. Sunan Gunungjati, one of the kings, is also a Muslim evangelist or the Wali Songo, who is interred at Astana Gunungjati. One of the pilgrimage tourism attractions in Cirebon Regency is the tomb complex. Although the heritage values of the buildings and traditions are still well preserved, the social cohesion that is formed from the existence of the cemetery which has been established since the 14th century is not well documented. A component of the area’s intangible assets that must be documented for area conservation is social cohesion. The purpose of the research is to describe how the Astana Gunungjati space was built and how it contributed to social cohesiveness. The Assabiyah Concept from Ibn Khaldun is the approach method that is applied, along with the hermeneutic approach. The findings show the quality of the community such as (1) obedience to unwritten rules; (2) pride and sincerity to be a kuncen; (3) recognition of the existence of Sunan Gunungjati as King and Guardian who brings the truth of Islam. The study findings in the form of the construction of social cohesion became the material for the documentation of intangible heritage in this area. Keywords: cohesion-social-Assabiyah, hermeneutics, intangible-heritag

    Pengaruh Inokulasi Azotobacter Penghasil Eksopolisakarida terhadap Berat Kering dan Kandungan Kadmium Kubis (Brassica oleracea) di Tanah yang Dikontaminasi Kadmium

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    Di lahan pertanian, kadmium (Cd) dapat berasal dari pupuk anorganik terutama pupuk fosfat. Kadmium dapat diakumulasi dalam jumlah berlebih di tanaman akumulator seperti keluarga Brassicacea tanpa gelaja keracunan. Serapan Cd dapat meningkat jika disertai inokulasi pupuk hayati Azotobacter yang menghasilkan Eksopolisakarida. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi peningkatan kandungan Cd di tajuk tanaman kubis yang ditanam di tanah dikontaminasi Cd melebihi ambang batas setelah inokulasi bakteri Azotobacter. Percobaan rumah kaca dirancang dalam rancangan acak kelompok pola faktorial dengan aplikasi CdCl2 ke tanah Andisols sebagai  faktor pertama dan inokulasi isolat Azotobacter sebagai faktor kedua. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa inokulasi Azotobacter isolat LKM6 meningkatkan kandungan Cd tajuk kubis yang ditanam di tanah yang dikontaminasi Cd melebihi ambang batas. Pada penelitian ini tanaman kubis yang ditanam di tanah dikontaminasi CdCl2 tidak memperlihatkan gejala keracunan