296 research outputs found

    Permanent Housing and On-Site Nursing Care: Effects on Homeless Individuals with HIV and Other Cormorbidities

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    Abstract Problem. Providing housing to otherwise homeless individuals who are HIV/AIDS-positive has been demonstrated to improve control of the disease. This was a healthcare quality initiative to review the viral load and Cluster of Differentiation Protein Four positive (CD4+) counts over time of residents in an urban housing facility for HIV/AIDS-positive individuals. Also, a nurse-run clinic was introduced for residents, especially those with comorbidities such as hypertension and diabetes. Methods. A repeated measures design was utilized. Viral loads and CD4+ counts were retrospectively reviewed from facility records at entrance into and five-years later at the facility. Additionally, measurements of blood pressure, blood glucose, and glycosylated hemoglobin (HgbA1C) were obtained from visits to the facility’s nurse-run clinic over nine-weeks. Results. Twenty-nine residents and their families resided in the housing unit (N=29). There was no statistically significant association between housing and improved viral loads (t (2) = -.321, p = .779) and CD4+ counts (t (1) = -2.538, p = .239). Further, nurse clinic usage was low (n=6) and did not provide adequate data for analysis of blood pressure, blood glucose, and HgbA1C monitoring. Implications for Practice. There were limitations in services provided in the nurse-run clinic which may have contributed to its low utilization by the residents. Providing an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) may increase services offered and improve clinic utilization. Missed appointments, unrecorded measurements, and improperly recorded lab values contributed to missing data which may have affected data analysis. A more standardized process for record keeping might improve health maintenance

    Toward a Family-Centered Approach: Families Coping with Parental Mental Illness

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    Summary: Family-centered approaches have emerged from the child mental health arena. The family-centered model stems from the recognition that children and adults live and function in families and that children are best served when their families are supported. Historically, there has been much silence about the parenting role among adults with mental illness. Traditional mental health services have largely ignored this central reality in the lives of adult clients who are parents and their children. As issues of parenting are typically not included in mental health service planning, the needs of parents with mental illness and their children remain unknown and/or unaddressed

    Legal Issues in Creating PPO\u27s

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    The development of alternate health care delivery and reimbursement mechanisms, particularly those known as Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), raise a multitude of legal issues. Each PPO will exist in different market conditions and under different state laws. Therefore, while this Article seeks to identify and discuss the legal issues, it cannot provide definitive answers. This Article can, however, serve as a guideline or checklist for PPO analysis and provide recommendations and alternatives for dealing with the legal roadblocks that occur in the formation and operation of PPOs. This discussion will be general in nature and cannot substitute for legal advice regarding any particular factual situations encountered

    Wegenot, Eigentumsgarantie und Öffentliches Interesse. Der Notweg in Deutschland und Südafrika

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    This a preprint of an article that appeared in J. Basedow, U. Drobnig (eds), Aufbruch nach Europa: 75 Jahre Max-Planck-Institut für Privatrecht (Tübingen, 2001), pp. 955-73

    Legal Issues in Creating PPO\u27s

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    The development of alternate health care delivery and reimbursement mechanisms, particularly those known as Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), raise a multitude of legal issues. Each PPO will exist in different market conditions and under different state laws. Therefore, while this Article seeks to identify and discuss the legal issues, it cannot provide definitive answers. This Article can, however, serve as a guideline or checklist for PPO analysis and provide recommendations and alternatives for dealing with the legal roadblocks that occur in the formation and operation of PPOs. This discussion will be general in nature and cannot substitute for legal advice regarding any particular factual situations encountered

    Supporting Clubhouse Members in their Role as Parents

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    Clubhouses, built on the principles of recovery and psychiatric rehabilitation, have nottraditionally identified and responded to the parenting related goals of club members.This poster presents findings for the conditions necessary to support Clubhouse members in their roles as parents

    Durch Fotografien überzeugen. Die Pflanzenfotografien des Folkwang-Auriga-Archivs im Spannungsfeld von naturwissenschaftlicher und künstlerischer Bildgestaltung

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    Wissensformationen sind immer auch Bildformationen. Naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisprozesse gehören daher einer kulturellen Praxis an, die Sehtraditionen und Wissenstraditionen gleichermaßen umfasst. Die in diesem Band versammelten Aufsätze untersuchen naturwissenschaftliche und künstlerische Visualisierungen in den Übergangszonen zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft und verbinden auf diese Weise wissenschaftsgeschichtliche und bildwissenschaftliche Fragestellungen. Die Themen reichen von der Mikroskopie in populärwissenschaftlichen Büchern des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts und der Debatte um die Geisterfotografie im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert bis hin zu Visualisierungen des Tabakmosaikvirus in der Gegenwart.Knowledge formations are always also image information. Scientific processes of knowledge therefore belong to a cultural practice that encompasses both visual and knowledge traditions. The essays collected in this volume examine scientific and artistic visualizations in the transitional zones between art and science and thus combine historical and pictorial issues. The topics range from microscopy in popular science books of the 17th and 18th centuries and the debate about ghost photography in the late 19th century to visualizations of the tobacco mosaic virus in the present

    Liability Issues for Managed Care Entitites

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    The Invisible Children’s Project: A Family-Centered Intervention for Parents with Mental Illness

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    This report describes an evaluation of the Invisible Children\u27s Project (ICP), a program in Orange County, New York, that provides home-based, family-centered case management services for parents with mental illness. Policy implications and program recommendations are also discussed. Prepared for the Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Office of Policy, Planning and Administration, Rockville, MD