298 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT adalah salah satu model pembelajaran kooperatif yang mudah diterapkan, melibatkan aktivitas seluruh siswa tanpa harus ada perbedaan status, siswa berperan sebagai tutor sebaya dan mengandung unsur permainan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) keterlaksanaan sintaks, 2) aktivitas siswa 3) hasil belajar siswa, 4) keterampilan sosial siswa, 5) respon siswa. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu pre experiment dengan desain one group pre test – post test design. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X Kecantikan Kulit I sebanyak 30 orang di SMKN 6 Surabaya. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, tes, dan angket. Teknik analisis data menggunakan rumus rata-rata, uji-T dan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) keterlaksanaan sintaks secara keseluruhan mendapat kategori sangat baik dengan rata-rata nilai 3,8. 2) Aktivitas siswa mendapat kategori sangat baik dengan persentase 95,1%. 3) Hasil belajar siswa setelah mengikuti pembelajaran mengalami peningkatan dari rata-rata nilai 57,5 menjadi 82,3 , hasil uji T dengan taraf signifikansi 0,000<0,05 artinya ada perbedaan hasil belajar antara sebelum dengan sesudah pembelajaran secara signifikan. 4) Keterampilan sosial siswa termasuk kategori sangat baik dengan persentase sebesar 92,7%. 5) Respon siswa secara keseluruhan mencapai kategori sangat baik dengan persentase 93,3%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT terhadap hasil belajar anatomi dan fisiologi di SMKN 6 Surabaya. Kata Kunci: Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe TGT, Anatomi dan Fisiologi. Abstract: Cooperative learning model TGT type is one of the cooperative learning model that is easy to apply, involves the activities of all students without any difference status, students act as peer tutors and contain elements of the game. This study aims to determine 1) syntax implementation, 2) students activities 3) student learning outcomes, 4) student’s social skills, 5) students responses. Type of research is pre experiment with one group pre test - post test design. The subjects of the study were the 30 students of grade X Beauty Skin I at SMKN 6 Surabaya. Data collection techniques used observation method, test and questionnaire. Data analysis techniques use the average formula, T-test and percentage. The results showed 1) the syntax implementation overall got a very good category with an average score of 3.8. 2) Student activity gets very good category with percentage 95,1%. 3) Students learning outcomes after learning has increased from the average score of 57.5 to 82.3 with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05 of test T results, which mean there is different signfican between before and after, 4) Student social skills are categorized as excellent with a percentage of 92.7%. 5) Overall student responses achieved very good category with 93.3% percentage. Based on the result of this research can be concluded that there is influence of TGT type cooperative learning model towards anatomy and physiology learnng at SMKN 6 Surabaya. Key words: TGT Type Cooperative Learning Model, Anatomy and Physiolog


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    ABSTRAKSistem informasi telah menjadi bagian yang sangat penting bagi  semua institusi dankalangan modern  untuk saat ini. Dengan ketersediaan sistem informasi yang tepat, banyak keuntungan yang dapat diperoleh,  yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan produktivitas kerja. Untuk menjaga jaringan informasi tetap stabil dan  tersedia, diperlukan suatu sistem manajemen yang baik dan mampu mengatasi masalah yang terjadi. Dalam  penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan dan implementasi protokol SNMP untuk manajemen jaringan yangdiimplementasikan langsung di  Administrator Jaringan Komputer Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Blitar.Dalam operasionalnya, protokol SNMP ini  dibantu dengan aplikasi  Putty  yang dikembangkan oleh Mikrotik.  Dari hasil pengujian dan analisa sistem diperoleh hasil bahwa sistem monitoring dan manajemen  jaringan yang telah dirancang dapat berjalan dengan baik. Sistem yang dirancang dapat menampilkan  berbagai informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam memanajemen jaringan seperti tampilan peta topologi jaringan  dan berbagai fitur lainnya. Serta dengan menambahkan fitur notifikasi email, penanganan terhadap masalah  yang terjadi dapat lebih efisien dibandingkan dengan menggunakan metode konvensional.Kata Kunci :  Monitoring traffic jaringan komputer, Jaringan  intranet, SNMP, Aplikasi monitoring traffic jaringan intranet .berbasis web.ABSTRACTNowadays, The information system has become a very important part of all institutions and the modern  cummunity. With the availability of appropriate information systems, many benefits can be obtained, as a result it  will increase labor productivity. To keep the information network remains stable and available, we need a good management system and is able to overcome the problems that occur. In this research, design and implementation of the SNMP protocol for network  management  are  implemented directly in Computer Network Administrator of Education Department Blitar..In operation, the SNMP protocol is supported by the PuTTY application developed by Mikrotik. From the test results and analysis, it shows that the system of monitoring and network management  system that has been designed    run well. Designed system can display a variety of information needed to manage the network as a network topology map view and a variety of other features. And by adding the email notification feature, the handling of the problems that occur can be more efficient using conventional methods.Keywords:  Computer networks traffic monitoring, intranet networks, SNMP,  intranet  network traffic monitorings application. web-based

    The Effectiveness on the Use of Constructivism-Based Vector Analysis Module for 4th Semester Students in Department of Mathematics Education UNRIKA in Academic Year Of 2016/2017

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    Based on the observations on the students in department of Mathematics Education UNRIKA, especially in Vector Analysis course, it is found that the students find it difficult to understand the material. This study aimed at knowing the effectiveness on the use of constructivism-based vector analysis module. The research design was using one shoot case study. The research population was 41 students with saturated sampling technique. The research instrument was using essay test consisting of five questions that hadtested its validity and reliablity. The hypothesis testing was using one sample T-test assisted with SPSS Statistics 20.0 in the significant level of 5%. Based on the analysis results, it was obtained sig (0.007) < α (0.05), so it can be concluded that the use of constructive-based vector analysis module to wards the learning outcomes for 4th semester students in department of Mathematics Education UNRIKA in academic year of 2016/2017 can be categorized as moderate

    An Error Analysis’s Students to Finding Solution From a Differential Equation

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    In solving the general solution of adifferential equation UNRIKA students common mistakesmade by students. This research is a quantitativedescriptive study conducted on 44 semester V students inthe 2018/2019 school year who took courses in differentialequations. The instrument used in the form of essay testwas 2 questions that were valid and reliable (r = 0.758).From the results of the analysis, mistakes made in theform of procedural errors, process errors and studentunderstanding errors. The more frequent error is aprocess error, especially in algebraic processes indetermining the general solution of a problem ofdifferential equations. To that end, as educators, it shouldoften be reminded to be careful in doing calculations,often repeat more varied material and provide contextualmodules so that the concept of the material can beunderstood by students properly and correctly

    The Development of Probing Prompting-Based Module on Calculus 2 Course for Mathematics Education Study Program

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    This study aimed at developing the teaching materials in the form of probing prompting-based module on Calculus2 as well as revealing its quality. This research usedthe procedural development model of Instructional Development Institute (IDI) consisting of three stages, namely define, development and evaluation. The development procedure design involved front-end analysis, prototype, and assessment phase. The product assessment was trough descriptive design. Two validators performed the product assessment, they werethe lecturers of mathematics education forCalculus 2course andthe learning media lecturers. The research object was the quality of teaching materials based on the established criteria. The data were the preparation and development process ofthe teaching materials as well as the quality of developed materials. The research instrument was a validation sheet in the form of checklist about the quality of the teaching materials. The product quality data were descriptive and convertedinto scores of 1, 2, 3 and 4 for the criteria of “very bad”, “bad”, “good”, and “very good”. The developed material was in the form of calculus 2module coveringfour subjects. The result of the material validator assessment wasin the percentage of 83.33% that can be catagorized as “good” and from the media validator was 94.44% with “very good” category. It means that the developed material has met the established quality standards and it is feasible for the learning process

    Effect of Different Curing Conditions on Geopolymer Concrete by Partially Replacing sand with Foundry sand

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    In the present paper, fly ash (no other solid material was used) with highly alkaline solutions is described. These solutions, made with NaOH, Na2Sio3.This paper, report on the study of the processing of geopolymer using fly ash and alkaline activator with geopolymerization process. The factors that influence flexural strength such as different curing condition. The fly ash, fine aggregate with replacement of foundry sand, coarse aggregats and alkaline solution were is used to make geopolymer concrete. The foundry sand is replaced by normal sand in different amount. The main purpose of replacement of foundry sand in to utilize waste by product and save environment also to see the effect on proprety of geopolymer concrete. The flexural strength is carriedout by UT machine at 7 and 28 days

    Development of Paver Block by Using Foundry Sand Based Geopolymer Concrete

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    Foundry sand is high quality silica sand with uniform physical characteristics. It is a byproduct of ferrous and nonferrous metal casting industries, where sand has been used for centuries as a molding material because of its thermal conductivity. Applications of foundry sand in Geopolymer Paver block, which is technically, sound, environmentally safe for sustainable development. In this study, partially replacement of fine aggregate in Geopolymer paver block by used foundry sand for determining the change in the compressive strength of paver blocks and cost of paver block. Partial replacement of fine aggregate in different percentage as like 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%,80% and 100%. The compressive strength has been determined at the end of 7, 14 and 28 days and water absorption test has been determined at 28 days

    The Efficacy of the Oleic Acid Isolated from Cerbera Manghas L. Seed Against a Subterranean Termite, Coptotermes Gestroi Wasmann and a Drywood Termite, Cryptotermes Cynocephalus Light

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    AbstractThe efforts in establishing sustainable pest management drive termite control not only focus on termite extermination, but also concern on human health and environmental protection. Bioactive compounds isolated from Bintaro (Cerbera manghas) have been reported to have biological activity against insect such as food deterrent, oviposition and growth inhibitor, and also contact poison. The study on efficacy of oleic acid isolated from C. manghas seed extract against subterranean termite Coptotermes gestroiand Drywood termite Cryptotermes cynocephalus has been thoroughly examined. The extraction and separation method yielded ten fractions, with fraction three (F3) as the highest yield. Chemical compound analysis of F3 by Gas Chromatography and Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy showed oleic acid as chemical compound. The bioassay of oleic acid against C. gestroi and C. cynocephalus was evaluated by no-choice feeding test and Indonesia National Standard (SNI) 01-7207-2006 respectively. Oleic acid showed low termicidal activity as it delivered low mortality in both species, and generated lower protection against C. cynocephalus


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    Abstrak: Model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT adalah salah satu model pembelajaran kooperatif yang mudah diterapkan, melibatkan aktivitas seluruh siswa tanpa harus ada perbedaan status, siswa berperan sebagai tutor sebaya dan mengandung unsur permainan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) keterlaksanaan sintaks, 2) aktivitas siswa 3) hasil belajar siswa, 4) keterampilan sosial siswa, 5) respon siswa. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu pre experiment dengan desain one group pre test – post test design. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X Kecantikan Kulit I sebanyak 30 orang di SMKN 6 Surabaya. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, tes, dan angket. Teknik analisis data menggunakan rumus rata-rata, uji-T dan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) keterlaksanaan sintaks secara keseluruhan mendapat kategori sangat baik dengan rata-rata nilai 3,8. 2) Aktivitas siswa mendapat kategori sangat baik dengan persentase 95,1%. 3) Hasil belajar siswa setelah mengikuti pembelajaran mengalami peningkatan dari rata-rata nilai 57,5 menjadi 82,3 , hasil uji T dengan taraf signifikansi 0,000<0,05 artinya ada perbedaan hasil belajar antara sebelum dengan sesudah pembelajaran secara signifikan. 4) Keterampilan sosial siswa termasuk kategori sangat baik dengan persentase sebesar 92,7%. 5) Respon siswa secara keseluruhan mencapai kategori sangat baik dengan persentase 93,3%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT terhadap hasil belajar anatomi dan fisiologi di SMKN 6 Surabaya. Kata Kunci: Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe TGT, Anatomi dan Fisiologi. Abstract: Cooperative learning model TGT type is one of the cooperative learning model that is easy to apply, involves the activities of all students without any difference status, students act as peer tutors and contain elements of the game. This study aims to determine 1) syntax implementation, 2) students activities 3) student learning outcomes, 4) student’s social skills, 5) students responses. Type of research is pre experiment with one group pre test - post test design. The subjects of the study were the 30 students of grade X Beauty Skin I at SMKN 6 Surabaya. Data collection techniques used observation method, test and questionnaire. Data analysis techniques use the average formula, T-test and percentage. The results showed 1) the syntax implementation overall got a very good category with an average score of 3.8. 2) Student activity gets very good category with percentage 95,1%. 3) Students learning outcomes after learning has increased from the average score of 57.5 to 82.3 with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05 of test T results, which mean there is different signfican between before and after, 4) Student social skills are categorized as excellent with a percentage of 92.7%. 5) Overall student responses achieved very good category with 93.3% percentage. Based on the result of this research can be concluded that there is influence of TGT type cooperative learning model towards anatomy and physiology learnng at SMKN 6 Surabaya. Key words: TGT Type Cooperative Learning Model, Anatomy and Physiolog
