511 research outputs found

    Teneligliptin: a review on cardio-renal safety

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a well-known risk factor for cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Various drugs including DPP4 inhibitors with different pharmacologic profile are being used in patients with type 2 diabetes for improving glycaemic control. Cardiovascular (CV) safety is one of the important aspects while selecting the glucose lowering therapies. In addition, DPP-4 inhibitors differ in their mode of excretion and degree of accumulation, which require dose/frequency modification in patients with impaired renal function. Therefore, understanding the cardio-renal safety profile of DPP4 inhibitors is of great importance. Teneligliptin is a DPP4 inhibitor, approved recently for the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The purpose of the present review is to integrate published literature and evaluate the cardio-renal safety of teneligliptin in type 2 diabetic patients. As per the available evidence, teneligliptin has apparently positive effects on CV safety markers like no QT prolongation at clinically relevant dose, small but significant improvement in left ventricular (LV) function, improvement in adiponectin levels and improvement in endothelial dysfunction. These findings support the cardiovascular safety of teneligliptin in T2DM patients. Dual route of excretion makes teneligliptin suitable (no dose adjustment required) for T2DM patients with renal failure. Available clinical evidence suggests that teneligliptin exerts cardiovascular safety in T2DM patients. This drug can be used in T2DM patients with CKD including end stage renal disease patients without any major safety concern

    A comparison study of removal of methylene blue dye by adsorption on Neem leaf powder (NLP) and activated NLP

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    The adsorption of basic dye, Methylene Blue Dye (MBD) onto neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf powder (NLP) and activated NLP with sulphuric acid was compared in this investigation. The surface analyses of NLP and activated NLP (particle size distribution, porosity, pore volume, pore diameter and BET surface area) were conducted using sophisticated instrument. The process parameters like adsorbent dose, pH, temperature and contact duration have been studied. The experimental data were analyzed using Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm, in which adsorption capacities and intensities were evaluated. Three kinetic models, pseudo first-, second-order and Elovic equations were applied to describe the adsorption process, in which correlation coefficient for each kinetic equation were calculated and evaluated. First published online: 11 Oct 201

    Validation of a Novel, Non-Invasive System for Autonomic Profiling in Healthy Volunteers

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    Noninvasive profiling of the autonomic nervous system has been shown to have prognostic value in patients with myocardial infarction, CHF and diabetes. The ANSAR system (ANX 3.0, Philadelphia, PA) is a new commercially available system that utilizes respiratory rate, HR and BP to assess on-going sympathovagal modulation during various maneuvers known to evoke autonomic perturbations. Instead of using conventional Fast Fourier Transform for frequency domain analysis, a Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) is used to generate numerical and graphical data. The system calculates Low Frequency Area (LFA, analogous to LF Power) and Respiratory Frequency Area (RFA, analogous to High Frequency Power.) A time domain index (pNN50 is also calculated

    Electronic Structure of Ordered Double Perovskite Ba2CoWO6

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    Ba2CoWO6 (BCoW) has been synthesized in polycrystalline form by solid state reaction at 1200C. Structural characterization of the compound was done through X-ray diffraction (XRD) followed by Rietveld analysis of the XRD pattern. The crystal structure is cubic, space group Fm-3m (No 225) with the lattice parameter, a=8.210A. Optical band-gap of the present system has been calculated using the UV-Vis Spectroscopy and Kubelka-Munk function, its value being 2.45 eV. A detailed study of the electronic properties has also been carried out using the density functional theory (DFT) techniques implemented on WIEN2k. Importance of electron-electron interaction between the Co ions leading to half-metallic behavior, crystal and exchange splitting together with the hybridization between O and Co, W has been investigated using the total and partial density of states.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, submitted to 58th DAE-SSPS 201

    In vitro characterization of sonothrombolysis and echocontrast agents to treat ischemic stroke

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    The development of adjuvant techniques to improve thrombolytic efficacy is important for advancing ischemic stroke therapy. We characterized octafluoropropane and recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA)-loaded echogenic liposomes (OFP t-ELIP) using differential interference and fluorescence microscopy, attenuation spectroscopy, and electrozone sensing. The loading of rt-PA in OFP t-ELIP was assessed using spectrophotometry. Further, it was tested whether the agent shields rt-PA against degradation by plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). An in vitro system was used to assess whether ultrasound (US) combined with either Definity or OFP t-ELIP enhances rt-PA thrombolysis. Human whole blood clots were mounted in a flow system and visualized using an inverted microscope. The perfusate consisted of either (1) plasma alone, (2) rt-PA, (3) OFP t-ELIP, (4) rt-PA and US, (5) OFP t-ELIP and US, (6) Definity and US, or (7) rt-PA, Definity, and US (n = 16 clots per group). An intermittent US insonation scheme was employed (220 kHz frequency, and 0.44 MPa peak-to-peak pressures) for 30 min. Microscopic imaging revealed that OFP t-ELIP included a variety of structures such as liposomes (with and without gas) and lipid-shelled microbubbles. OFP t-ELIP preserved up to 76% of rt-PA activity in the presence of PAI-1, whereas only 24% activity was preserved for unencapsulated rt-PA. The use of US with rt-PA and Definity enhanced lytic efficacy (p \u3c 0.05) relative to rt-PA alone. US combined with OFP t-ELIP enhanced lysis over OFP t-ELIP alone (p \u3c 0.01). These results demonstrate that ultrasound combined with Definity or OFP t-ELIP can enhance the lytic activity relative to rt-PA or OFP t-ELIP alone, respectively
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