308 research outputs found

    Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of chalcogenide Se79Te20Pb1 glass using differential scanning calorimetry technique

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    In the present paper, the overall amorphous-crystallization transformation kinetics of chalcogenide Se79Te20Pb1 alloy has been reported using differential scanning calorimetry technique under non-isothermal conditions at three different heating rates (5, 10 and 15 °C/min). Amorphous nature of the investigated alloy is verified using X-ray diffraction. The glass transition region has been investigated using three empirical approaches and consonance of these methods has been discussed. The apparent activation energy for glass transition and crystallization region has been deduced using different methods. The Avrami exponent of the investigated alloy indicates one dimension growth of the investigated glass. The deduced values of Hruby’s parameter and fragility index indicate that amorphous alloy has been formed from good glass forming liquids

    An EPQ model with trapezoidal demand under volume flexibility

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    In this paper, we explored an economic production quantity model (EPQ) model for finite production rate and deteriorating items with time-dependent trapezoidal demand. The objective of the model under study is to determine the optimal production run-time as well as the number of production cycle in order to maximize the profit. Numerical example is also given to illustrate the model and sensitivity analyses regarding various parameters are performed to study their effects on the optimal policy


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    Objective: To date, film-forming systems have been intensively investigated for transdermal drug delivery. Film-forming systems offers various advantages compared over conventional transdermal drug delivery systems. The objective of the present study was to study the effect of polymeric blend on ex-vivo permeation studies of topical film-forming gel of aceclofenac. Methods: Film-forming gels were prepared by using Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and Eudragit polymeric blend in varied concentrations, polyethylene glycol 400 as plasticizer, ethanol as solvent and tween 80 as a penetration enhancer. The prepared film-forming gels were evaluated and the influence of the concentration and ratio of polymeric blends used plasticizer and ethanol were investigated. Results: All the prepared film-forming gels showed satisfactory properties regarding homogeneity, compatibility, viscosity and pH value. Variation in the concentration of polymers showed a variable effect on drug permeation rate from film-forming gels. Almost, all formulations permeated up to 80% of drug in 12 h and formulation F1 showed a maximum release about 97.54 % in 12 h. Conclusion: Film-forming gels of aceclofenac with sustained-release profile were successfully developed and may provide a promising effective formulation which may improve patient compliance


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    Objective: The current study deals with the evaluation of neuropharmacological activities of hydroalcoholic extract of the plant Streblus asper. Methods: Hydroalcoholic extract of S. asper leaves was administered to animals at the dose of 200 and 400 mg/kg p.o., respectively. The neuropharmacological activities, namely, anxiolytic, muscle-relaxant, nootropic, and locomotor activities of hydroalcoholic extract of S. asper leaves were evaluated. The antioxidant activity of the hydroalcoholic extract of S. asper leaves was also investigated. Results: The dose 400 mg/kg p.o. of hydroalcoholic extract indicated significant variation with control group on neuropharmacological activity, especially nootropic and locomotion, whereas the mentioned dose did not show a significant effect on anxiolytic and muscle-relaxant activities. Percentage scavenging activities and inhibition concentration (IC50) were reported as 63.132 at 100 μg/ml and 35.33, respectively. Conclusion: It was found that hydroalcoholic extract of S. asper leaves can treat central nervous system disorders caused by oxidative stress


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    Four month ago, nobody knows about covid-19 but now this virus has spread to almost every country, infecting at least 3,062515 people and death approx 211449 people with badly impact on economies of the most countries and also broken their health-care systems. At this time covid-19 disease is almost spreading all over the world and society. Majorly Pharmacy services act as a pillar at this pandemic situation for the public health. China is the first country where covid-19 outbreak started and some current data of consumer behavior and their habits are showed that society take some safe and preventive measures during lockdown and social distancing time which increase growth of ecommerce demand is inevitable. Now a day’s e-pharmacy is being adapted because medications can be ordered in a one click and conveniently delivered to customer door step with some risk like misuse of drugs and self-medication especially for those drugs which comes under the schedule H and X. This review paper focus on the basic issues and challenges related to online pharmacy and how can it be beneficial to society and pharma sectors in the pandemic situation.  Keywords:  Online Pharmacy, Internet, Corona virus, Pandemic situation, Pharmaceutical sector

    Mutations in the mitochondrial DNA D-loop region are frequent in cervical cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is known for high mutation rates caused by lack of protective histones, inefficient DNA repair systems, and continuous exposure to mutagenic effects of oxygen radicals. Alterations in the non-coding displacement (D) loop of mitochondrial DNA are present in many cancers. It has been suggested that the extent of mitochondrial DNA mutations might be useful in the prognosis of cancer outcome and/or the response to certain therapies. In order to investigate whether a high incidence of mutations exist in mitochondrial DNA of cervical cancer patients, we examined the frequency of mutations in the D-loop region in 19 patients of cervical cancer. RESULTS: Mutations, often multiple, were detected in 18 of 19 (95%) patients. The presence of mutations correlated with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection in these patients. Mutations were also detected in normal samples and lymphocytes obtained from cervical cancer patients, but their frequency of occurrence was much lower as compared to the cervical cancer tissues. CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that D-loop alterations are frequent in cervical cancers and are possibly caused by HPV infection. There was no association of mtDNA D-loop mutations with the histopathological grade and tumor staging

    Pattern of Otorhinolaryngolic Diseases in Geriatric Population

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    Objective- To determine the pattern of otorhinolaryngological disorders in geriatric population and to establish a correlation with socioeconomic factors. Methods- A total of 1020 geriatric patients who attended the otorhinolaryngology department were included in the study. They were subjected to brief history, examination and the socioeconomic status. Results were analyzed by using appropriate statistical tests analyzing percentage and proportion. BG. Prasad’s classification was used to categories patients into classes based on the socioeconomic status of an individual. Investigations pertaining to the system involved were carried out and the diagnosis was made according ly. Results- The most common affected organ was ear (33%) and the most common disease diagnosed among geriatric patient assessed was presbycusis (25.2%). Although epistaxis, chronic pharyngitis and malignancy larynx were also commonly diagnosed. Among all patients’ males was on the lead and the middle-class patients mostly attended the otorhinolaryngology department. Conclusion- In present study the male patients formed the major bulk of geriatric patients. The majority of geriatric patients belonged to age group between 60 to 70years and most of them belonged to middle socioeconomic class. The aim of our study was to find out the pattern of otorhinolaryngological diseases in which we observed that most common affected organs among the geriatric patients was ear. Presbycusis out of all disorder was the most common ear disease among geriatric patients


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    Abstract Objective: Neuroinflammation is inflammation of the brain and brain tissue. Activation of glial cells (Microgila and astrocytes) takes place during neuroinflammation, due to which a number of inflammatory mediator release in the brain. The objective of the current study is to investigate the anti-neuroinflammatory activity of the phytoconstituents against various inflammatory mediators.Methods: The preliminary screening of plants was done by Lipinski's rule of five. Inflammatory mediators (COX-1, COX-2, TNF-a, IL-1b, iNOS and   nNOS) protein sequence was retrieved from STRING database and modeling of it through SWISS MODEL. And ligands ID was retrieved from ZINC database and its MOL2 format was downloaded for further processing. Docking study of phytoconstituents with ligands were performed by iGEMDOCK. By using ADMET, Absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity properties were predicted.Results: Sissotrin out of the various phytocomponents is the most active component having high binding affinity with all the genes.Conclusion: Sissotrin may be a good inhibitor for neuroinflammatory disorders

    Upotreba bezstanične matrice iz ošita bivola pri pupčanoj hernioplastici svinja.

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    Acellularization of xenogenic biomaterials has been highly desired for implantation without considerable adverse inflammatory and immune responses. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to acellularize the diaphragm of buffalo origin and to evaluate the effi cacy of this prepared acellular diaphragm matrix (ADM) scaffolds for the repair of umbilical hernia in pigs. Buffalo diaphragms were acellularized with different concentrations of sodium deoxycholate over a range of periods. Produced ADM scaffolds were used during umbilical hernioplasty in 12 crossbred Landrace pigs. Harvested serum samples on post-implantation days (0, 15 and 30) were subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) to observe serum protein distribution pattern. Treatment with 2 % sodium deoxycholate lead to complete acellularization of the bubaline diaphragm at 48 h. Microscopic examination of the detergent treated matrix confirmed complete extraction of stromal cells and orderly arranged collagen fibres. All the hernias repaired with ADM remained sound over a period of 3 months. The serum protein distribution on post-implantation day 15 was found different from day zero and becomes normal on day 30. All the hernias implanted with ADM healed completely without graft rejections. The present study suggested that 2 % sodium deoxycholate can be used for complete acellularization of bubaline diaphragm, and produced ADM may be used safely for umbilical hernioplasty in pigs.Bezstanična struktura ksenogenih biomaterijala smatra se povoljnom jer pri implantaciji ne uzrokuje upalne i imunološke reakcije. U ovom je istraživanju proveden postupak dobivanja bezstanične matrice iz ošita (BMO) bivola koji je zatim bio rabljen kao podloga za obnavljanje tkiva pri operaciji pupčane hernije svinja. Gubitak stanične strukture bivoljih ošita proveden je uz pomoć različitih koncentracija natrijeva deoksikolata, primijenjenih u određenim vremenskim razmacima. Proizvedene bezstanične matrice ošita upotrijebljene su pri pupčanoj hernioplastici kod 12 svinja križanaca landras pasmine. Uzorci seruma, prikupljeni 0., 15. i 30. dana nakon implantacije, bili su podvrgnuti natrijev dodecil sulfat-poliakrilamid gel elektroforezi (SDS-PAGE) s ciljem promatranja razdiobe serumskih proteina. Obrada 2 %-tnim natrijevim deoksikolatom dovela je do potpunog gubitka stanične strukture bivoljeg ošita za 48 sati. Mikroskopskim pregledom matrice obrađene detergentom potvrđeno je potpuno uklanjanje stanica strome te uredno raspoređena kolagena vlakna. Mjesta operacije svih hernija kod kojih je upotrijebljena bezstanična matrica ošita ostala su zdrava tijekom 3 mjeseca. Razdioba serumskih proteina 15 dana nakon implantacije bila je različita u odnosu na početni (0.) dan, a 30. dan nakon implantacije vratila se na normalu. Sve hernije operirane uz upotrebu BMO u potpunosti su zacijelile bez odbacivanja presatka. Pomoću 2 % natrijeva deoksikolata postiže se potpuni gubitak stanične strukture bivoljeg ošita koji se može sigurno primijeniti pri pupčanoj hernioplastici svinja

    Enhancing Esthetic Outcome through Interdisciplinary Approach: A Case Report

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    Loss of interdental papilla and gingival recession are one of the major concerns for esthetic zone. To restore sustainable periodontal health and the normal, esthetic appearance of a healthy 17 year old girl with generalized chronic periodontitis, a combined esthetic surgery and orthodontic technique were used. This interdisciplinary approach resulted in stable periodontium and an esthetically pleasing appearance of anterior region. &nbsp