27 research outputs found

    Anti-Ovipositor Power of Jayanti Plant (Sesbania sesban) for Integrated Control of Cabbage Pest (Plutella xylostella)

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    Cabbage harvest failure is often caused by failure to control cabbage pests. Cabbage pest control by eradicating Plutella xylostella larvae is considered less effective because the cabbage plant has been damaged due to infection with P. xylostella eggs and larvae. Thus, the control target needs to be shifted to prevent P. xylostella amago from laying eggs (ova-positioning) on cabbage plants. This study aims to determine the anti-ovipositor power of Sesbania sesban leaf extract against P. xylostella. The leaves of S. sesban were air-dried and then ground. The dry powder (simplicia) of S. sesban leaves was extracted with water as the sole solvent. The water-extract of S. sesban leaves was tested for anti-ovipositor against P. xylostella in situ on cabbage plants according to a completely randomized block design. Experimental groups were made according to variations in extract concentration. Complete randomization was carried out on experimental units in each group according to the variation in the length of exposure to the extract before access to the ovipositor was opened (Cages were opened after 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 days from the time of extract spraying). Each experimental unit consisted of 4 cabbage plants as replicates. The treatment was given by spraying a solution of S. sesban leaf extract with a concentration according to the group evenly on the entire leaf surface of each cabbage plant. The observed research variable was the number of P. xylostella eggs per cabbage plant after the cage of cabbage plant unit was opened. The results showed that the leaf extract of S. sesban could inhibit P. xylostella as an ovipositor to lay its eggs on cabbage plants effectively for up to three days. With concentrations of 1.83 to 2.14 ppm, the aqueous extract of S. sesban leaves did not inhibit P. xylostella egg laying, but with concentrations of 478.63 to 1283.88 ppm it could inhibit 50 to 100%

    Conditions of Aquatic Biodiversity Around the Port of Pototano, District of West Sumbawa

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    Pototano Harbor is one of the locations that crosses a potential marine conservation area, namely the Gili Balu Marine Tourism Park Area.The use of the Pototano port location as a port location has long existed before the formation of the waters area of the Gili Balu water tourism park. This area consists of eight groups of islands which are characterized by beautiful beaches, hills, mangrove forest areas and also the beauty of underwater ecosystems. Natural conditions that support abundant biodiversity make this area have several ecosystems in the aquatic environment, including coral reefs, sea grasses and mangroves. This study aims to determine the condition of the biodiversity of the surrounding watersPototano Port and Core ZoneGili Balu Tourism Park Areanamely Gili Belang, Gili Paserang and Gili Namuby increasing knowledge and human resources regarding water area management. This area has both positive and negative values.The results showed that the highest level of diversity in coral reef ecosystems and seagrass ecosystems was found in the Core Zone of TWP Gili Balu, namely Gili Belang with 86% and 80.8% coverage.The diversity of mangrove species in the four locations is relatively the same, but the abundance or individual density of each species is relatively different.Conditionwaters in the research location classifieddry waters and under normal conditions or not pollutedbecause it has an abundance of plankton communitiesas big 62,33 Eng/L with the most common type is Thalassionema frauenfeldii and Chaetoceros tortissimus

    Short Communication: Growth of seaweed Eucheuma cottonii in multi trophic sea farming systems at Gerupuk Bay, Central Lombok, Indonesia

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    Sukiman, Faturrahman, Rohyani IS, Ahyadi H. 2014. Growth of seaweed Eucheuma cottonii in multi trophic sea farming systems at Gerupuk Bay, Central Lombok, Indonesia. Nusantara Bioscience 6: 82-85. Eucheuma cottonii is a seaweed commodity that has a high economic value because it contains compounds used as raw materials for industries. Various methods of seaweed farming have been developed, one of which is a system of cultivation Multi Trophic Sea Farming. This study aimed to analyze the growth of E. cottonii by observing the production of biomass in four trophic combinations in the system Multi Trophic Sea Farming. The study was conducted in the area of the marine aquaculture Gerupuk bay, Central Lombok, Indonesia. Experiments were performed on four plots cages with trophic combination treatment as follows: K1 (E. cottonii-lobster-abalone), K2 (E. cottonii-abalone-red carp), K3 (E. cottonii-abalone-grouper), and K4 (E. cottonii-abalone-pomfret fish). Seedling of E. cottonii weighing 50 g was tied to a rope and placed at a depth of 5 cm, 50 cm, 100 cm and 150 cm. Measurement of biomass production was done every ten days until the thirtieth day. The highest biomass production of E. cottonii was obtained in K3 trophic combination (E. cottonii-abalone-grouper fish) with a depth of seedlings of 5 cm. The combination of K3 trophic is recommended for cultivation of seaweed in the MTSF system

    Mapping of Ecosystem Management Problems in Gili Meno, Gili Air and Gili Trawangan (Gili Matra) Through Participative Approach

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    Coral reefs, mangroves and birds are becoming the major attraction of tourism in three islands - Gili Meno, Gili Air and Gili Trawangan (Gili Matra) - Lombok, Indonesia. Since the launching as a conservation area in 1993, tourism in Gili Matra has grown rapidly. On the other hand, the ecosystem continues to be degraded. Sooner or later, the ecosystem degradation will affect tourism and economic sustainability of the community in Gili Matra. The purposes of this study were to identify the stakeholders, and to map the ecosystem management problems in Gili Matra, to provide the basis for policy making in the future. The research method was depth interviews and focus group discussion (FGD). Identification of stakeholders was conducted using stakeholder analysis, while mapping of ecosystem management problems was carried out by participatory mapping. The stakeholders, who manage the ecosystem as tourism assets in Gili Matra, are: government, community and businessmen. The fishermen, tourists and businessmen are the primary stakeholders, meaning they have a high interest and the greatest influence on ecosystem management. Destructive behavior of stakeholders, especially the main stakeholders has led to the degradation of the ecosystem in Gili Matra, so it is important to nurture these stakeholders, to sustain tourism and economic viability of the community in Gili Matra

    Struktur Komunitas Zooplankton Pada Kawasan Biorock di Perairan Gili Trawangan Lombok Utara

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    AbstrakZooplankton memiliki peran ekologis yang sangat penting di perairan termasuk pada kawasan biorock di perairan Gili Trawangan Lombok Utara. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang keanekaragaman dan komposisi jenis zooplankton pada kawasan biorock di perairan Gili Trawangan Lombok Utara. Pengambilan sampel zooplankton dilakukan pada 6 titik di kawasan biorock dan non biorock yang tersebar di perairan Gili Trawangan. Pengamatan dan identifikasi zooplankton dilakukan di Laboratorium Biologi Fakultas MIPA Universitas Mataram. Total zooplankton yang teridentifikasi pada kawasan biorock dan non biorock di perairan Gili Trawangan adalah 56 jenis yang tergolong dalam 6 kelas yaitu kelas Annelida dengan 2 famili (2 jenis), Arthropoda meliputi 19 famili (40 jenis),  Chaetognatha dengan hanya 1 famili (2 jenis), Chordata yang terdiri dari 6 famili (8 jenis), Coelenterata dengan 3 famili (3 jenis) dan Mollusca yang terdiri atas 1 famili (1 jenis). Keanekaragaman jenis zooplankton pada kawasan biorock termasuk kategori sedang dan pada kawasan non biorock termasuk dalam kategori rendah. Jenis yang memiliki nilai penting tertinggi adalah Calanus sinicus.  Kata kunci : zooplankton, biorock, Gili Trawangan AbstractZooplankton have some ecological importants in aquatic ecosystem including in the artificial habitat of biorock in the waters of Gili Trawangan Lombok Utara. A research was conducted in the biorock of Gili Trawangan for zooplankton community. Samplings were done at six sites in the biorock and nonbiorock area of Gili Trawangan waters. Laboratory observation and identification of zooplankton species was conducted in the Biology Laboratory of Science Faculty, University of Mataram. Total fivety six species of zooplankton were identified. The species were member of six classes: Annelide with two families and two species; Arthrophod with six families and eigth species; Chaetognathe with one family and two species; six families and eigth species of class Chordate; three families and three species for class of Coelenterate; and Mollusc with one family and one species. Species diversity of zooplankton in the areas of biorock and nonbiorock were intermediate and low categories, respectively. Calanus sinicus was a dominant species of zooplankton in that areas. Keywords:Community,Zooplankton,Biorock,GiliTrawangan

    Pendidikan Lingkungan Sebagai Media Pengenalan Sains dan Teknologi Bagi Siswa Menegah di Kabupaten Lombok Barat

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    Abstract: Perkembangnnya sains dan teknologi akhir-akhir ini menuntut perlunya inovasi dibidang pendidikan dan pengajaran sains, agar siswa termotivasi dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. Pembelajaran sains dan teknologi dengan pendekatan pendidikan lingkungan ternyata mampu meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap ilmu sains. Kegiatan ini bertujuan Memperkenalkan kepada siswa menengah khususnya yang berada di Kabupaten Lombok Barat terhadap permasalahan lingkungan yang terjadi. Meningkatkan ketertarikan siswa terhadap pembelajaran sains melalui konsep pendidikan lingkungan dan meningkatkan minat siswa menengah untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke perguruan tinggi basic sains. Manfaat dari kegiatan ini diharapkan siswa menengah khususnya yang berada di Kabupaten Lombok Barat semakin tertarik belajar sains dan teknologi melalui pendekatan pendidikan lingkungan serta menumbuhkan kesadaran siswa terhadap permasalahan lingkungan yang terjadi dan pada akhirnya semakin banyak siswa yang tertarik untuk melanjutkan keperguruan tinggi basic sains. Metode yang digunakan untuk kegiatan pendidikan lingkungan dan pembelajaran sains dan teknologi yaitu Focus Group Discuss (FGD) yang dilakuakan di lapangan. Praktik langsung pengenalan konsep pembelajaran di lapangan. Sosialisasi perguruan tinggi dilakukan melalui seminar yang menghadirkan tokoh-tokoh inspiratif dan alumni serta kunjungan langsung ke laboratorium dan fasilitas umum yang menunjang proses pembelajaran. Luaran dari kegiatan ini diharpkan dapat meningkatnya keperdulian siswa terhadap permasalahan lingkungan yang terjadi belakangan ini, meningkatnya jumlah siswa menengah yang tertarik belajar sains dan teknologi, meningkatkan jumlah siswa yang tertaik melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi basic sains. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Lingkungan; Sains dan Teknologi; Siswa Menega

    Community Structure of Molluscs at Batu Kijuk Village

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    Batu Kijuk Beach is one of the coastal areas located in West Nusa Tenggara. Its territory used for a tourist attraction and crossing to Gili Nanggu, Gili Gede and Gili Kedis. These coastal have a wealth of marine life, one of them is mollusc. This study aims to analyze the structure of mollusk community using the Systematic Plot Sampling method. This research was conducted in June-September 2019 in Batu Kijuk, Sekotong District, West Lombok, NTB. Identification and data analysis was carried out at the Marine Biology Laboratory, University of Mataram. From the results of research with 10 transects and 70 quadrants, there are 79 species with a total of 927 species of molluscs. The gastropod class consists of 65 species and 14 species of bivalves. The most common types of species found were from the family Columbellidae with 262 species, nassaridae 109 individuals, strombidae 82 species, cypraeidae 58 species and the rest were found 1-15 species. From the results of data analysis calculations, it was obtained that the highest abundance was Pyrene versicolor (3.70 Ind/m2), Nassaridae which was dominated by Hebra nigra with 2.91 (Ind/M2) and Nassarius globosus had an abundance value of 1.08 (Ind/m2). The index value of diversity (H') for molluscs in Batu Kijuk coastal is included in the high category, 2.74. The dominance index value (C) is 0.1 which means that no mollusk species dominates. The uniformity index (E) has a value of 0.62 which means moderate uniformity because only a few species dominate so that the community can be said to be quite stable

    Stability of Anti-Insect Ingredient from Jayanti Plants (Sesbania sesban) for Integrated Control of Cabbage Pest

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    The specific purpose of this study was to determine the stability of S. sesban insecticide during storage before application and its stability in water during application. The dry powder of S. sesban leaves was extracted using water as the single solvent. Bioassay of S. sesban leaf extract was carried out on cabbage caterpillars (Plutella xylostella larvae) and Diadegma semiclausum imago on cabbage plants using a variation of storage time design. Mortality data of P. xylostella larvae and D. semiclausum imago were respectively processed by probit analysis to determine LC50. The results showed that the insect repellent content of S. sesban leaves was a compound from the saponin group and was unstable during simplicia storage, extract storage and also unstable in water before and during application. Storage of S. sesban leaf simplicia from 1 to 3 months only slightly reduced the lethal toxicity of the extract to P. xylostella larvae (mortality from 95 to 80% or LC50 from 28.82 to 28.83 ppm), but after 6 to 12 months storage, the lethal toxicity decreased drastically (mortality was 12.5 to 1.25% and LC50 was 247.99 ppm until calculated). Storage of S. sesban leaf extract from 7 to 15 days had resulted in a sharp decrease in lethal toxicity to P. xylostella larvae (mortality 70 to 40% and LC50 34.05 to 59.43 ppm) and 30 days storage causes the insect repellent to be inactive. (mortality was only 1.25% and LC50 was unaccounted for). Exposure to a solution of S. sesban leaf extract for 24 to 48 hours caused a decrease in lethal toxicity to P. xylostella larvae (mortality 32 to 28% and LC50 62.63 to 64.85 ppm) and after the solution was stored for 72 hours, the insect repellent was almost no active again (mortality was only 1.25 and LC50 was unstoppable). All storage treatments of insect repellent from S. sesban leaves showed no significant difference in the effect of lethal toxicity on D. semiclausum imago. In all the results of the bioassays, the mortality of D. semiclasum was 0 to 1.25% and each of all LC50(s) was unaccounted fo

    Evaluation of Insecticidal Performances of Jayanti Plant (Sesbania sesban) for Integrated Control of Cabbage Caterpillar (Plutella xylostella)

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    The study on the use of local natural materials as a source of insecticides is intended, among other things, to reduce farmers' dependency on using synthetic chemicals. This research was conducted to obtain the most selective insecticidal active ingredient from Sesbania sesban plant for controlling cabbage caterpillars, choose a target mode of action that has a safe impact on the environment, and determine insecticidal stability during storage of the material prior to application and its stability in water after application.  The dried powder of S. sesban leaves was extracted in stages using a series of solvents, namely hexane, DCM, ethanol and water, respectively.  Each of the extract fractions produced was tested for its lethal toxicity against Plutella xylostella larvae and Diadegma semiclausum imago. Each of mortality data were processed by probit analysis to produce LC50(s) to determine their insecticidal selectivity. Subsequent bioassays were carried out using extract-water of S. sesban leaves and the data were processed by probit analysis to determine their anti-ovipositor, ovicidal powers and anti-feedant properties against P. xylostella. The insecticidal stability of S. sesban was also studied according to variations in the storage time of the simplicia before extraction, the storage time of the extract before dissolution, and its stability in water during application. The data was processed using ANOVA. The results show that the insecticidal activity of the ethanol extract fraction of S. sesban leaves for controlling cabbage caterpillars was very selective, namely very toxic to P. xylostella but very less toxic to D. semiclausum. Against P. xylostella, S. sesban leaf extract has also been proven to significantly prevent oviposition, inhibit egg hatching and feeding activity. The insecticidal power of S. sesban did not decrease significantly during storage of the simplicia for less than three months and during storage of the extract for less than seven days. However, the toxicity of the extract solution decreased drastically after 24 hours of applicatio

    Diversity and Distribution of Gastropoda and Bivalvia in Mangrove Ecosystem of Pelangan, Sekotong, West Lombok

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    One group of invertebrates that live in the mangrove ecosystem is Mollusks of mainly Gastropods and Bivalves. They are associated with mangrove as life, shelter, spawning, and also as a place to get food to support the growth them. The purpose of this reaserch was to look at the effect of mangrove species and substrate type on the distribution Mollusks (Gastropods and Bivalves) in the mangrove ecosystem of Pelangan Village, district of Sekotong, west Lombok regency. This type of reaserch is descriptive explorative. Sampling was done by purposive sampling method with determine tree species, size, and substrate. Repeatation held six times each mangrove species. The results showed that there are 25 speciesd of mollusk in mangrove ecosystem, the most abundant species of gastropod in mangrove species is Clypeomorus moniliferus with a value of 6.9 ind / m2 contained in Osbornia octodonta. As for the distribution of each species of gastropods and bivalves are not affected by the mangrove species, but is influenced by environmental factors which in this case is a substrate