3,132 research outputs found

    Measurement of the annihilation decay rate of 2³S₁ positronium

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    We report a measurement of the annihilation decay rate of 2 3S1 positronium (Ps) atoms, Γexp(2 3S1). Ground state atoms optically excited to radiatively metastable 2 3S1 states were quenched via Stark mixing by the application of a time-delayed electric field. Rapid radiative decay of the Stark mixed states to the ground state, followed by self-annihilation, was observed via the annihilation radiation time spectrum, and used to determine the number of excited state atoms remaining at different times, and hence the decay rate. We obtain Γexp(2 3S1) = 843 ± 72 kHz, in broad agreement with the Zeeman-shifted theoretical value of 890 kHz

    Multi-Photon Signals from Composite Models at LHC

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    We analyze the collider signals of composite scalars that emerge in certain little Higgs models and models of vectorlike confinement. Similar to the decay of the pion into photon pairs, these scalars mainly decay through anomaly-induced interactions into electroweak gauge bosons, leading to a distinct signal with three or more photons in the final state. We study the standard model backgrounds for these signals, and find that the LHC can discover these models over a large range of parameter space with 30 fb−1^{-1} at 14 TeV. An early discovery at the current 7 TeV run is possible in some regions of parameter space. We also discuss possibilities to measure the spin of the particles in the γγ\gamma \gamma and ZγZ\gamma decay channels.Comment: 18 pages, LaTe

    Flavor in Minimal Conformal Technicolor

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    We construct a complete, realistic, and natural UV completion of minimal conformal technicolor that explains the origin of quark and lepton masses and mixing angles. As in "bosonic technicolor", we embed conformal technicolor in a supersymmetric theory, with supersymmetry broken at a high scale. The exchange of heavy scalar doublets generates higher-dimension interactions between technifermions and quarks and leptons that give rise to quark and lepton masses at the TeV scale. Obtaining a sufficiently large top quark mass requires strong dynamics at the supersymmetry breaking scale in both the top and technicolor sectors. This is natural if the theory above the supersymmetry breaking also has strong conformal dynamics. We present two models in which the strong top dynamics is realized in different ways. In both models, constraints from flavor-changing effects can be easily satisfied. The effective theory below the supersymmetry breaking scale is minimal conformal technicolor with an additional light technicolor gaugino. We argue that this light gaugino is a general consequence of conformal technicolor embedded into a supersymmetric theory. If the gaugino has mass below the TeV scale it will give rise to an additional pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson that is observable at the LHC.Comment: 37 pages; references adde

    Classical skyrmions in SU(N)/SO(N) cosets

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    We construct the skyrmion solutions appearing in the coset spaces SU(N)/SO(N) for N > 2 and compute their classical mass. For N = 3, the third homotopy group pi_3(SU(3)/SO(3)) = Z_4 implies the existence of two distinct solutions: the skyrmion of winding number two has spherical symmetry and is found to be the lightest non-trivial field configuration; the skyrmion and antiskyrmion of winding number plus and minus one are slightly heavier and of toroidal shape. For N >= 4, there is only one skyrmion since the third homotopy group is Z_2. It is found to have spherical symmetry and is significantly lighter than the N = 3 solutions.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures; v2: discussion improve

    Stress and eating behaviors in children and adolescents: Systematic review and meta-analysis

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    It is well established that stress is linked to changes in eating behaviors. Research using adult populations has shown that stress is associated with both increases and decreases in the amount and type of food consumed. However, due to a lack of research reviews, the relationship between stress and eating behaviors in children is unclear. This systematic research review and meta-analysis aimed to identify whether stress is associated with healthy and unhealthy eating behaviors in children aged 8-18 years. Studies were included in the review if they measured stress and included a measure of food consumption. All unique studies retrieved (N = 28,070) were assessed for their eligibility at title, abstract and full text levels. A total of 13 studies were included in the final review and data were analysed using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis. Using random-effects modelling, overall stress was not associated with a change in overall eating behaviors. However, additional analyses indicated stress was associated with unhealthy eating behaviors in both younger (Hedge's g = 0.283, p < 0.001) and older (Hedge's g = 0.274, p  = 0.001) children. In contrast, stress was not associated with healthy eating behaviors in younger children (Hedge's g = 0.093, p = 0.156), but was negatively associated with healthy eating behaviors in older children (Hedge's g = -0.384, p < 0.001). The current findings are concerning as they suggest the impact of stress on unhealthy eating may begin as early as 8 or 9 years old. Future research ought to investigate further the role of psychological, behavioral and endocrine factors in the development of stress-related eating in children

    Minimal Conformal Technicolor and Precision Electroweak Tests

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    We study the minimal model of conformal technicolor, an SU(2) gauge theory near a strongly coupled conformal fixed point, with conformal symmetry softly broken by technifermion mass terms. Conformal symmetry breaking triggers chiral symmetry breaking in the pattern SU(4) -> Sp(4), which gives rise to a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson that can act as a composite Higgs boson. The top quark is elementary, and the top and electroweak gauge loop contributions to the Higgs mass are cut off entirely by Higgs compositeness. In particular, the model requires no top partners and no "little Higgs" mechanism. A nontrivial vacuum alignment results from the interplay of the top loop and technifermion mass terms. The composite Higgs mass is completely determined by the top loop, in the sense that m_h/m_t is independent of the vacuum alignment and is computable by a strong-coupling calculation. There is an additional composite pseudoscalar A with mass larger than m_h and suppressed direct production at LHC. We discuss the electroweak fit in this model in detail. Corrections to Z -> bb and the T parameter from the top sector are suppressed by the enhanced Sp(4) custodial symmetry. Even assuming that the strong contribution to the S parameter is positive and usuppressed, a good electroweak fit can be obtained for v/f ~ 0.25, where v and f are the electroweak and chiral symmetry breaking scales respectively. This requires fine tuning at the 10% level.Comment: 34 pages, 4 figures; v2: updated precision electroweak fi

    The inevitable youthfulness of known high-redshift radio galaxies

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    Radio galaxies can be seen out to very high redshifts, where in principle they can serve as probes of the early evolution of the Universe. Here we show that for any model of radio-galaxy evolution in which the luminosity decreases with time after an initial rapid increase (that is, essentially all reasonable models), all observable high-redshift radio-galaxies must be seen when the lobes are less than 10^7 years old. This means that high-redshift radio galaxies can be used as a high-time-resolution probe of evolution in the early Universe. Moreover, this result helps to explain many observed trends of radio-galaxy properties with redshift [(i) the `alignment effect' of optical emission along radio-jet axes, (ii) the increased distortion in radio structure, (iii) the decrease in physical sizes, (iv) the increase in radio depolarisation, and (v) the increase in dust emission] without needing to invoke explanations based on cosmology or strong evolution of the surrounding intergalactic medium with cosmic time, thereby avoiding conflict with current theories of structure formation.Comment: To appear in Nature. 4 pages, 2 colour figures available on request. Also available at http://www-astro.physics.ox.ac.uk/~km

    UV friendly T-parity in the SU(6)/Sp(6) little Higgs model

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    Electroweak precision tests put stringent constraints on the parameter space of little Higgs models. Tree-level exchange of TeV scale particles in a generic little Higgs model produce higher dimensional operators that make contributions to electroweak observables that are typically too large. To avoid this problem a discrete symmetry dubbed T-parity can be introduced to forbid the dangerous couplings. However, it was realized that in simple group models such as the littlest Higgs model, the implementation of T-parity in a UV completion could present some challenges. The situation is analogous to the one in QCD where the pion can easily be defined as being odd under a new Z2Z_2 symmetry in the chiral Lagrangian, but this Z2Z_2 is not a symmetry of the quark Lagrangian. In this paper we examine the possibility of implementing a T-parity in the low energy SU(6)/Sp(6)SU(6)/Sp(6) model that might be easier to realize in the UV. In our model, the T-parity acts on the low energy non-linear sigma model field in way which is different to what was originally proposed for the Littlest Higgs, and lead to a different low energy theory. In particular, the Higgs sector of this model is a inert two Higgs doublets model with an approximate custodial symmetry. We examine the contributions of the various sectors of the model to electroweak precision data, and to the dark matter abundance.Comment: 21 pages,4 figures. Clarifications added, typos corrected and references added. Published in JHE

    Dangerous Skyrmions in Little Higgs Models

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    Skyrmions are present in many models of electroweak symmetry breaking where the Higgs is a pseudo-Goldstone boson of some strongly interacting sector. They are stable, composite objects whose mass lies in the range 10-100 TeV and can be naturally abundant in the universe due to their small annihilation cross-section. They represent therefore good dark matter candidates. We show however in this work that the lightest skyrmion states are electrically charged in most of the popular little Higgs models, and hence should have been directly or indirectly observed in nature already. The charge of the skyrmion under the electroweak gauge group is computed in a model-independent way and is related to the presence of anomalies in the underlying theory via the Wess-Zumino-Witten term.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures; v2: minor changes, one reference added, version to appear in JHEP; v3: erratum added, conclusions unchange

    Fatigue evaluation in maintenance and assembly operations by digital human simulation

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    Virtual human techniques have been used a lot in industrial design in order to consider human factors and ergonomics as early as possible. The physical status (the physical capacity of virtual human) has been mostly treated as invariable in the current available human simulation tools, while indeed the physical capacity varies along time in an operation and the change of the physical capacity depends on the history of the work as well. Virtual Human Status is proposed in this paper in order to assess the difficulty of manual handling operations, especially from the physical perspective. The decrease of the physical capacity before and after an operation is used as an index to indicate the work difficulty. The reduction of physical strength is simulated in a theoretical approach on the basis of a fatigue model in which fatigue resistances of different muscle groups were regressed from 24 existing maximum endurance time (MET) models. A framework based on digital human modeling technique is established to realize the comparison of physical status. An assembly case in airplane assembly is simulated and analyzed under the framework. The endurance time and the decrease of the joint moment strengths are simulated. The experimental result in simulated operations under laboratory conditions confirms the feasibility of the theoretical approach
