2,988 research outputs found

    The Future of Synthetic Securitization: A Comment on Bell & Dawson

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    Datorseende Àr ett snabbt vÀxande, tvÀrvetenskapligt forskningsomrÄde vars tillÀmpningar tar en allt mer framskjutande roll i dagens samhÀlle. Med ett ökat intresse för datorseende ökar ocksÄ behovet av att kunna kontrollera kameror kopplade till datorseende system. Vid Linköpings tekniska högskola, pÄ avdelningen för datorseende, har ramverket EDSDK++ utvecklats för att fjÀrrstyra digitala kameror tillverkade av Canon Inc. Ramverket Àr mycket omfattande och innehÄller en stor mÀngd funktioner och instÀllningsalternativ. Systemet Àr dÀrför till stor del Ànnu relativt oprövat. Detta examensarbete syftar till att utveckla ett demonstratorsystem till EDSDK++ i form av ett enkelt active vision system, som med hjÀlp av ansiktsdetektion i realtid styr en kameratilt, samt en kamera monterad pÄ tilten, till att följa, zooma in och fokusera pÄ ett ansikte eller en grupp av ansikten. Ett krav var att programbiblioteket OpenCV skulle anvÀndas för ansiktsdetektionen och att EDSDK++ skulle anvÀndas för att kontrollera kameran. Dessutom skulle ett API för att kontrollera kameratilten utvecklas. Under utvecklingsarbetet undersöktes bl.a. olika metoder för ansiktsdetektion. För att förbÀttra prestandan anvÀndes multipla ansiktsdetektorer, som med hjÀlp av multitrÄdning avsöker en bild parallellt frÄn olika vinklar. SÄvÀl experimentella som teoretiska ansatser gjordes för att bestÀmma de parametrar som behövdes för att kunna reglera kamera och kameratilt. Resultatet av arbetet blev en demonstrator, som uppfyllde samtliga krav.Computer vision is a rapidly growing, interdisciplinary field whose applications are taking an increasingly prominent role in today's society. With an increased interest in computer vision there is also an increasing need to be able to control cameras connected to computer vision systems. At the division of computer vision, at Linköping University, the framework EDSDK++ has been developed to remotely control digital cameras made by Canon Inc. The framework is very comprehensive and contains a large amount of features and configuration options. The system is therefore largely still relatively untested. This thesis aims to develop a demonstrator to EDSDK++ in the form of a simple active vision system, which utilizes real-time face detection in order to control a camera tilt, and a camera mounted on the tilt, to follow, zoom in and focus on a face or a group of faces. A requirement was that the OpenCV library would be used for face detection and EDSDK++ would be used to control the camera. Moreover, an API to control the camera tilt was to be developed. During development, different methods for face detection were investigated. In order to improve performance, multiple, parallel face detectors using multithreading, were used to scan an image from different angles. Both experimental and theoretical approaches were made to determine the parameters needed to control the camera and camera tilt. The project resulted in a fully functional demonstrator, which fulfilled all requirements

    How Investors React To Political Risk

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    Whole Business Securitization in Emerging Markets

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    Why Didn’t Subprime Investors Demand a (Much Larger) Lemons Premium?

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    The subprime crisis would never have occurred had investors not been such enthusiastic consumers of subprime securities. The investors now say, somewhat self-servingly (but probably correctly), that they did not understand the securities -- securities for which they were willing to pay very high prices. Investors\u27 willingness to purchase these securities on terms that were favorable to the sellers, and unfavorable to them, presents a considerable puzzle. Investors do not want to miss out on the next big thing

    Cheap Sentiment

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    Why Did Anyone Listen to the Rating Agencies After Enron?

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    Enron was rated investment grade by Moody’s, Standard and Poor’s, and Fitch until four days before it declared bankruptcy - scarcely a ringing endorsement of the agencies’ acumen. Even before Enron, the rating agencies had come in for significant criticism. Yet many investors who lost considerable sums in the financial crisis are saying that they relied on the rating agencies. How can this reliance be reconciled with what preceded it? I argue that an adaptive trait - incorporating new data that potentially conflicts with one’s pre-existing worldview so as to preserve as much of that worldview as possible - proved to be maladaptive in this circumstance. There was a plausible story investors could tell themselves about why the rating agencies could ‘get it right’ about the complex securities at issue while having gotten it spectacularly wrong about Enron. It will be interesting to see how, and how much, the agencies’ recent failures affect investors’ beliefs and practices

    An Identity Theory of the Short- and Long-Term Investor Debate

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    Economics famously treats market actors as homogeneous. People are homo economicus, rational self-interested maximizers of their own utility. So far, so good, notwithstanding supposed behavioral “deviations” from rationality (more on those later). That people can view their own utility very differently from one another is recognized in theory, but not so much in practice. Also not sufficiently recognized is the extent to which people’s views of their own utility reflect their theories of who they are and how the world works, and that they hold such views and theories not just atomistically, but also collectively—that is, socially
