61,303 research outputs found

    T-Parity Violation by Anomalies

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    Little Higgs theories often rely on an internal parity ("T-parity'') to suppress non-standard electroweak effects or to provide a dark matter candidate. We show that such a symmetry is generally broken by anomalies, as described by the Wess-Zumino-Witten term. We study a simple SU(3) x SU(3)/SU(3) Little Higgs scheme where we obtain a minimal form for the topological interactions of a single Higgs field. The results apply to more general models, including [SU(3) x SU(3)/SU(3)]^4, SU(5)/SO(5), and SU(6)/Sp(6).Comment: 17 page

    Topological Physics of Little Higgs Bosons

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    Topological interactions will generally occur in composite Higgs or Little Higgs theories, extra-dimensional gauge theories in which A_5 plays the role of a Higgs boson, and amongst the pNGB's of technicolor. This phenomena arises from the chiral and anomaly structure of the underlying UV completion theory, and/or through chiral delocalization in higher dimensions. These effects are described by a full Wess-Zumino-Witten term involving gauge fields and pNGB's. We give a general discussion of these interactions, some of which may have novel signatures at future colliders, such as the LHC and ILC.Comment: 22 page

    Z -> b\bar{b} Versus Dynamical Electroweak Symmetry Breaking involving the Top Quark

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    In models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking which sensitively involve the third generation, such as top quark condensation, the effects of the new dynamics can show up experimentally in Z->b\bar{b}. We compare the sensitivity of Z->b\bar{b} and top quark production at the Tevatron to models of the new physics. Z->b\bar{b} is a relatively more sensitive probe to new strongly coupled U(1) gauge bosons, while it is generally less sensitive a probe to new physics involving color octet gauge bosons as is top quark production itself. Nonetheless, to accomodate a significant excess in Z->b\bar{b} requires choosing model parameters that may be ruled out within run I(b) at the Tevatron.Comment: LaTex file, 19 pages + 2 Figs., Fermilab-Pub-94/231-

    Anomalies, Chern-Simons Terms and Chiral Delocalization in Extra Dimensions

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    Gauge invariant topological interactions, such as the D=5 Chern-Simons terms, are required in models in extra dimensions that split anomaly free representations. The Chern-Simons term is necessary to maintain the overall anomaly cancellations of the theory, but it can have significant, observable, physical effects. The CS-term locks the KK-mode parity to the parity of space-time, leaving a single parity symmetry. It leads to new processes amongst KK-modes, eg, the decay of a KK-mode to a 2-body final state of KK-modes. A formalism for the effective interaction amongst KK-modes is constructed, and the decay of a KK-mode to KK-mode plus zero mode is analyzed as an example. We elaborate the general KK-mode current and anomaly structure of these theories. This includes a detailed study of the triangle diagrams and the associated ``consistent anomalies'' for Weyl spinors on the boundary branes. We also develop the non-abelian formalism. We illustrate this by showing in a simple way how a D=5 Yang-Mills ``quark flavor'' symmetry leads to the D=4 chiral lagrangian of mesons and the quantized Wess-Zumino-Witten term.Comment: 51 pages, 3 figures; Corrected typos, amplified discussio

    Chiral Hierarchies, Compositeness and the Renormalization Group

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    A wide class of models involve the fine--tuning of significant hierarchies between a strong--coupling ``compositeness'' scale, and a low energy dynamical symmetry breaking scale. We examine the issue of whether such hierarchies are generally endangered by Coleman--Weinberg instabilities. A careful study using perturbative two--loop renormalization group methods finds that consistent large hierarchies are not generally disallowed.Comment: 22 pp + 5 figs (uuencoded and submitted separately), SSCL-Preprint-490; FERMI-PUB-93/035-

    The Complete Jamming Landscape of Confined Hard Discs

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    An exact description of the complete jamming landscape is developed for a system of hard discs of diameter σ\sigma, confined between two lines separated by a distance 1+3/4<H/σ<21+\sqrt{3/4} < H/\sigma < 2. By considering all possible local packing arrangements, the generalized ensemble partition function of jammed states is obtained using the transfer matrix method, which allows us to calculate the configurational entropy and the equation of state for the packings. Exploring the relationship between structural order and packing density, we find that the geometric frustration between local packing environments plays an important role in determining the density distribution of jammed states and that structural "randomness" is a non-monotonic function of packing density. Molecular dynamics simulations show that the properties of the equilibrium liquid are closely related to those of the landscape.Comment: 5 Pages, 4 figure

    Exact Equivalence of the D=4 Gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten Term and the D=5 Yang-Mills Chern-Simons Term

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    We derive the full Wess-Zumino-Witten term of a gauged chiral lagrangian in D=4 by starting from a pure Yang-Mills theory of gauged quark flavor in a flat, compactified D=5. The theory is compactified such that there exists a B_5 zero mode, and supplemented with quarks that are ``chirally delocalized'' with q_L (q_R) on the left (right) boundary (brane). The theory then necessarily contains a Chern-Simons term (anomaly flux) to cancel the fermionic anomalies on the boundaries. The constituent quark mass represents chiral symmetry breaking and is a bilocal operator in D=5 of the form: \bar{q}_LWq_R+h.c, where W is the Wilson line spanning the bulk, 0\leq x^5 \leq R and is interpreted as a chiral meson field, W=\exp(2i\tilde{\pi}/f_\pi), where f_\pi \sim 1/R. The quarks are integrated out, yielding a Dirac determinant which takes the form of a ``boundary term'' (anomaly flux return), and is equivalent to Bardeen's counterterm that connects consistent and covariant anomalies. The Wess-Zumino-Witten term then emerges straightforwardly, from the Yang-Mills Chern-Simons term, plus boundary term. The method is systematic and allows generalization of the Wess-Zumino-Witten term to theories of extra dimensions, and to express it in alternative and more compact forms. We give a novel form appropriate to the case of (unintegrated) massless fermions.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure; minor errors fixe

    Two hard spheres in a pore: Exact Statistical Mechanics for different shaped cavities

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    The Partition function of two Hard Spheres in a Hard Wall Pore is studied appealing to a graph representation. The exact evaluation of the canonical partition function, and the one-body distribution function, in three different shaped pores are achieved. The analyzed simple geometries are the cuboidal, cylindrical and ellipsoidal cavities. Results have been compared with two previously studied geometries, the spherical pore and the spherical pore with a hard core. The search of common features in the analytic structure of the partition functions in terms of their length parameters and their volumes, surface area, edges length and curvatures is addressed too. A general framework for the exact thermodynamic analysis of systems with few and many particles in terms of a set of thermodynamic measures is discussed. We found that an exact thermodynamic description is feasible based in the adoption of an adequate set of measures and the search of the free energy dependence on the adopted measure set. A relation similar to the Laplace equation for the fluid-vapor interface is obtained which express the equilibrium between magnitudes that in extended systems are intensive variables. This exact description is applied to study the thermodynamic behavior of the two Hard Spheres in a Hard Wall Pore for the analyzed different geometries. We obtain analytically the external work, the pressure on the wall, the pressure in the homogeneous zone, the wall-fluid surface tension, the line tension and other similar properties

    Dynamics of Domain Walls for Split and Runaway Potentials

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    We demonstrate that the evolution of wall-like inhomogeneities in run-away potentials, characteristic of dynamical supersymmetry breaking and moduli stabilisation, is very similar to the evolution of domain wall networks associated with double well potentials. Instabilities that would lead to a rapid decay of domain walls can be significantly ameliorated by compensation effects between a non-degeneracy of the vacua and a biased initial distribution, which can be naturally expected in a wide class or particle physics models that lead to out-of-equilibrium phase transitions. Within this framework, it is possible to obtain domain walls that live long enough to be relevant for the cosmic power spectrum and galaxy clustering, while being compatible with the observed cosmic microwave background anisotropies.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figure

    Histogram analysis as a method for determining the line tension by Monte-Carlo simulations

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    A method is proposed for determining the line tension, which is the main physical characteristic of a three-phase contact region, by Monte-Carlo (MC) simulations. The key idea of the proposed method is that if a three-phase equilibrium involves a three-phase contact region, the probability distribution of states of a system as a function of two order parameters depends not only on the surface tension, but also on the line tension. This probability distribution can be obtained as a normalized histogram by appropriate MC simulations, so one can use the combination of histogram analysis and finite-size scaling to study the properties of a three phase contact region. Every histogram and results extracted therefrom will depend on the size of the simulated system. Carrying out MC simulations for a series of system sizes and extrapolating the results, obtained from the corresponding series of histograms, to infinite size, one can determine the line tension of the three phase contact region and the interfacial tensions of all three interfaces (and hence the contact angles) in an infinite system. To illustrate the proposed method, it is applied to the three-dimensional ternary fluid mixture, in which molecular pairs of like species do not interact whereas those of unlike species interact as hard spheres. The simulated results are in agreement with expectations