1,162 research outputs found

    "Intestinal spirochaetosis" of the vervet monkey

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    Electron microscopy revealed that 80% of captured vervet monkeys, held in quarantine for experimental use, showed extensive proliferation of spiral-shaped bacteria on the mucosal epithelium of the large bowel. A consortium, consisting of a predominant spirillum together with a spirochaete, was usually seen as a lawn covering the colonic epithelium. Sparsely populated areas showed preferential colonization of the tubular glands. Pathological changes were minimal, being confined to the microvillus border, and affected animals showed no evidence of distress. These findings are compared with those of a similar condition known as "intestinal spirochaetosis" reported in other primates, including man.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format

    Dipole and Quadrupole Moments of Mirror Nuclei 8B and 8li

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    Magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments of the mirror nuclei 8Li and 8B are analysed in the framework of the multiparticle shell model by using two approaches : i) the one-particle spectroscopic factors and ii) the one-particle fractional parentage coefficients. These two approaches are compared both each to other and with a microscopic multicluster model. The one-particle nucleon states are calculated taking into account the continuum by the method of the expansion of the Sturm - Liouville functions. The experimental magnetic and quadrupole moments of 8Li and 8Bare reproduced well by using fractional parentage coefficients technique. The root mean-square radii and the radial density distributions are obtained for these nuclei.Comment: 20 pages 1 figur

    Cosmological Tracking Solutions

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    A substantial fraction of the energy density of the universe may consist of quintessence in the form of a slowly-rolling scalar field. Since the energy density of the scalar field generally decreases more slowly than the matter energy density, it appears that the ratio of the two densities must be set to a special, infinitesimal value in the early universe in order to have the two densities nearly coincide today. Recently, we introduced the notion of tracker fields to avoid this initial conditions problem. In the paper, we address the following questions: What is the general condition to have tracker fields? What is the relation between the matter energy density and the equation-of-state of the universe imposed by tracker solutions? And, can tracker solutions explain why quintessence is becoming important today rather than during the early universe

    Spatial Periodicity of Galaxy Number Counts, CMB Anisotropy, and SNIa Hubble Diagram Based on the Universe Accompanied by a Non-Minimally Coupled Scalar Field

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    We have succeeded in establishing a cosmological model with a non-minimally coupled scalar field ϕ\phi that can account not only for the spatial periodicity or the {\it picket-fence structure} exhibited by the galaxy NN-zz relation of the 2dF survey but also for the spatial power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) temperature anisotropy observed by the WMAP satellite. The Hubble diagram of our model also compares well with the observation of Type Ia supernovae. The scalar field of our model universe starts from an extremely small value at around the nucleosynthesis epoch, remains in that state for sufficiently long periods, allowing sufficient time for the CMB temperature anisotropy to form, and then starts to grow in magnitude at the redshift zz of 1\sim 1, followed by a damping oscillation which is required to reproduce the observed picket-fence structure of the NN-zz relation. To realize such behavior of the scalar field, we have found it necessary to introduce a new form of potential V(ϕ)ϕ2exp(qϕ2)V(\phi)\propto \phi^2\exp(-q\phi^2), with qq being a constant. Through this parameter qq, we can control the epoch at which the scalar field starts growing.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Optical Hall conductivity of systems with gapped spectral nodes

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    We calculate the optical Hall conductivity within the Kubo formalism for systems with gapped spectral nodes, where the latter have a power-law dispersion with exponent n. The optical conductivity is proportional to n and there is a characteristic logarithmic singularity as the frequency approaches the gap energy. The optical Hall conductivity is almost unaffected by thermal fluctuations and disorder for n=1, whereas disorder has a stronger effect on transport properties if n=2

    Flavour Universal Dynamical Electroweak Symmetry Breaking

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    The top condensate see-saw mechanism of Dobrescu and Hill allows electroweak symmetry to be broken while deferring the problem of flavour to an electroweak singlet, massive sector. We provide an extended version of the singlet sector that naturally accommodates realistic masses for all the standard model fermions, which play an equal role in breaking electroweak symmetry. The models result in a relatively light composite Higgs sector with masses typically in the range of (400-700)~GeV. In more complete models the dynamics will presumably be driven by a broken gauged family or flavour symmetry group. As an example of the higher scale dynamics a fully dynamical model of the quark sector with a GIM mechanism is presented, based on an earlier top condensation model of King using broken family gauge symmetry interactions (that model was itself based on a technicolour model of Georgi). The crucial extra ingredient is a reinterpretation of the condensates that form when several gauge groups become strong close to the same scale. A related technicolour model of Randall which naturally includes the leptons too may also be adapted to this scenario. We discuss the low energy constraints on the massive gauge bosons and scalars of these models as well as their phenomenology at the TeV scale.Comment: 22 pages, 3 fig

    Dynamics of the self-interacting chameleon cosmology

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    In this article we study the properties of the flat FRW chameleon cosmology in which the cosmic expansion of the Universe is affected by the chameleon field and dark energy. In particular, we perform a detailed examination of the model in the light of numerical analysis. The results illustrate that the interacting chameleon filed plays an important role in late time universe acceleration and phantom crossing.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Astrophysics and Space Sc

    Stability analysis of agegraphic dark energy in Brans-Dicke cosmology

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    Stability analysis of agegraphic dark energy in Brans-Dicke theory is presented in this paper. We constrain the model parameters with the observational data and thus the results become broadly consistent with those expected from experiment. Stability analysis of the model without best fitting shows that universe may begin from an unstable state passing a saddle point and finally become stable in future. However, with the best fitted model, There is no saddle intermediate state. The agegraphic dark energy in the model by itself exhibits a phantom behavior. However, contribution of cold dark matter on the effective energy density modifies the state of teh universe from phantom phase to quintessence one. The statefinder diagnosis also indicates that the universe leaves an unstable state in the past, passes the LCDM state and finally approaches the sable state in future.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    A Peer-reviewed Newspaper About_ Machine Research

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    About research on machines, research with machines, and research as a machine. Publication resulting from research workshop at Brussels World Trade Center, organised in collaboration with Constant, Association for Arts and Media, Brussels, and transmediale festival for art and digital culture, Berlin