79 research outputs found
Distance Supervision in Human Services
As the use of technology increases, there are more opportunities for students and human service professionals to participate in education and supervision remotely. Distance supervision has become increasingly popular in the field of human services, providing educators and practitioners with new methods of professional communication. However, the use of technology in supervision also poses unique challenges for human service professionals and requires additional ethical considerations. The following will address the above points as well as review both asynchronous and synchronous delivery methods for distance learning supervision and their utility for providing supervision in the field of human services
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers: the skills recognition and upskilling project
Introduction: Throughout 2014 and 2015 a series of three, two-week residential blocks were conducted by Tropical North Queensland TAFE in collaboration with James Cook University to deliver essential content to help with skills recognition and upskilling of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers in Queensland. The project goal was to assist eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers to qualify for a Certificate IV in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Practice and be able to apply for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
Purpose: This presentation will share what was achieved throughout this project and some of the challenges faced by the educational institutions in delivering the program. Furthermore, challenges faced by students will also be explored, along with strategies that were implemented to help overcome them.
Issues for exploration or ideas for discussion:
i.Criteria used for student selection to program –how successful was it?
ii. The importance of clearly communicated training goals.
iii. Working collaboratively to provide successful cross institutional education.
Results: The first cohort of students were less satisfied with the training experience than
the second and third cohorts of students. The results also showed that that the third cohort had the most students to complete all five units of the training package.
Discussion: Reasons why the first cohort's experience was not as satisfying as the subsequent groups will be explored and discussed. Lesson learned and recommendations will be shared
Enhancing clinical education for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers: a university/vocational education and training (VET) sector collaboration
Introduction: Throughout 2014 and 2015 a series of three, two-week residential blocks were conducted by TAFE North Cairns in collaboration with James Cook University to deliver upskilling training, including simulation education,
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers in north Queensland.
Aim of the project: The project goal was to assist eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers to qualify for a Certificate IV in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Practice and be able to apply for registration with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia.
Methods used to bring about change:
Strategies developed for delivering quality clinical education in a collaborative environment include:
- Shared resources – simulation equipment, teaching staff (knowledge and expertise), lesson plans and other equipment and resources
- Regular meetings to explore innovative teaching strategies and enhance simulation opportunities
- A commitment to providing quality clinical education
Outcomes: As the partnership strengthened so did student satisfaction and learning outcomes/pass rates. Students consistently reported the simulation training was the highlight.
Conclusion: Lessons Learnt/Recommendations for wider application:
- Importance of promoting collaboration and cooperation between health and higher education providers: It is recommended for future training that time spent by higher education (University/VET sector) building relationships
with health industry is a solid investment in positive training outcomes and health industry (health worker and employer) satisfaction
- Language Literacy Numeracy (LLN) support needs: It is recommended that LLN assessment be conducted prior to students attending residential training in order for learning support staff to develop and implement individualised learning support plans
Embarking as Captain of the Ship for the Curriculum Committee
This commentary examines the curriculum chair’s responsibilities and discusses considerations when assuming this role, using a captain of the ship metaphor. From knowing the crew to managing a diverse set of responsibilities, the path to becoming an effective chair is challenging and each captain’s stripe must be earned. Advice is provided to assist with understanding the curriculum and governance processes, as well as the chair’s various roles and professional development. The need for both leadership and management is also emphasized
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Changing the Culture of Fieldwork in the Geosciences
Field-based investigations are an integral part of university-based research programs in the geosciences and frequently take scientists to near and far corners of the globe, from populated urban environs to remote wilderness areas and all types of locations in between. As a result, scientists find themselves in situations that can be both empowering—allowing them to succeed in challenging environments through synergistic teamwork—and intimidating, such as when unfamiliar surroundings or conditions push comfort zones or when one’s colleagues in the field pose unexpected or unwelcome hazards.
Secretome survey of human plexiform neurofibroma derived schwann cells reveals a secreted form of the RARRES1 protein.
To bring insights into neurofibroma biochemistry, a comprehensive secretome analysis was performed on cultured human primary Schwann cells isolated from surgically resected plexiform neurofibroma and from normal nerve tissue. Using a combination of SDS-PAGE and high precision LC-MS/MS, 907 proteins were confidently identified in the conditioned media of Schwann cell cultures combined. Label free proteome profiling revealed consistent release of high levels of 22 proteins by the four biological replicates of NF1 Schwann cell cultures relative to the two normal Schwann cell cultures. Inversely, 9 proteins displayed decreased levels in the conditioned media of NF1 relative to normal Schwann cells. The proteins with increased levels included proteins involved in cell growth, angiogenesis and complement pathway while proteins with decreased levels included those involved in cell adhesion, plasminogen pathway and extracellular matrix remodeling. Retinoic acid receptor responder protein-1 (RARRES1), previously described as an integral membrane tumor suppressor, was found exclusively secreted by NF1 Schwann cells but not by normal Schwann cells. All-trans retinoic acid modulated secretion of RARRES1 in a dose dependent manner. This study shows altered secretion of key proteins in NF1 derived Schwann cells. The potential implication of these proteins in neurofibroma biology is discussed
Blood pressure reactivity to psychological stress is associated with clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure
© 2017 Elsevier Inc. Introduction: Cardiovascular (CV) reactivity to psychological stress has been implicated in the development and exacerbation of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Although high CV reactivity traditionally is thought to convey greater risk of CVD, the relationship between reactivity and clinical outcomes is inconsistent and may depend on the patient population under investigation. The present study examined CV reactivity in patients with heart failure (HF) and its potential association with long-term clinical outcomes. Methods: One hundred ninety-nine outpatients diagnosed with HF, with ejection fraction ≤40%, underwent an evaluation of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate reactivity to a laboratory-based simulated public-speaking stressor. Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to examine the prospective association between BP and heart rate reactivity on a combined end point of death or CV hospitalization over a 5-year median follow-up period. Results: Both systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) reactivity, quantified as continuous variables, were inversely related to risk of death or CV hospitalization (Ps < .01) after controlling for established risk factors, including HF disease severity and etiology. In similar models, heart rate reactivity was unrelated to outcome (P = .12). In models with tertiles of reactivity, high SBP reactivity, compared with intermediate SBP reactivity, was associated with lower risk (hazard ratio [HR] = .498, 95% CI .335-.742, P =.001), whereas low SBP reactivity did not differ from intermediate reactivity. For DBP, high reactivity was marginally associated with lower risk compared with intermediate DBP reactivity (HR = .767, 95% CI .515-1.14, P =.193), whereas low DBP reactivity was associated with greater risk (HR = 1.49, 95% CI 1.027-2.155, P =.0359). No relationship of heart rate reactivity to outcome was identified. Conclusions: For HF patients with reduced ejection fraction, a robust increase in BP evoked by a laboratory-based psychological challenge was associated with lower risk for adverse CVD events and may be a novel and unique marker of left ventricular systolic reserve that is accompanied by a more favorable long-term prognosis
How healthy and affordable are foods and beverages sold in school canteens? A cross-sectional study comparing menus from Victorian primary schools
Government policy guidance in Victoria, Australia, encourages schools to provide affordable, healthy foods in canteens. This study analysed the healthiness and price of items available in canteens in Victorian primary schools and associations with school characteristics.
Dietitians classified menu items (main, snack and beverage) using the red, amber and green traffic light system defined in the Victorian government’s School Canteens and Other School Food Services Policy. This system also included a black category for confectionary and high sugar content soft drinks which should not be supplied. Descriptive statistics and regressions were used to analyse differences in the healthiness and price of main meals, snacks and beverages offered, according to school remoteness, sector (government and Catholic/independent) size, and socio-economic position.
State of Victoria, Australia
A convenience sample of canteen menus drawn from three previous obesity prevention studies in forty-eight primary schools between 2016 and 2019.
On average, school canteen menus were 21 % ‘green’ (most healthy – everyday), 53 % ‘amber’ (select carefully), 25 % ‘red’ (occasional) and 2 % ‘black’ (banned) items, demonstrating low adherence with government guidelines. ‘Black’ items were more common in schools in regional population centres. ‘Red’ main meal items were cheaper than ‘green’% ‘black’ (banned) items, demonstrating low adherence with government guidelines. ‘Black’ items were more common in schools in regional population centres. ‘Red’ main meal items were cheaper than ‘green’ (mean difference –0·91 (–1·27, –0·57)) main meal items. In about 50 % of schools, the mean price of ‘red’ main meal, beverages and snack items were cheaper than ‘green’ items, or no ‘green’ alternative items were offered.
In this sample of Victorian canteen menus, there was no evidence of associations of healthiness and pricing by school characteristics except for regional centres having the highest proportion of ‘black’ (banned) items compared with all other remoteness categories examined. There was low adherence with state canteen menu guidelines. Many schools offered a high proportion of ‘red’ food options and ‘black’ (banned) options, particularly in regional centres. Unhealthier options were cheaper than healthy options. More needs to be done to bring Victorian primary school canteen menus in line with guidelines
Mental Health Through Movement
Children’s mental health: ‘has become an issue of real concern, in the media and to both politicians and NHS leaders, over the last five years in particular. It has prompted numerous inquiries, reports, recommendations and pledges by politicians and NHS leaders to improve the situation’: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/nov/22/what-is-happening-withchildrens-mental-health On July 1st 2019, the Local Government Association released statistics to show that: ‘There were 205,720 cases where a child was identified as having a mental health issue in 2017/18, compared with 133,600 in 2014/15- up 54%’: https://www.local.gov.uk/about/news/councils-seeing-more-560-child-mentalhealth-cases-every-day It is within this context that the All-Party Parliamentary Group on A Fit and Healthy Childhood presents its 14th Report: ‘Positive Mental Health Through Movement’. With 1 in 10 children now having a mental health diagnosis and 1 in 4 an undiagnosed mental health issue, this, our third Report on the issue of child mental health, addresses the link between positive mental health and physical activity and movement experiences at a time when, paradoxically, today’s children and young people are more inactive and play less than ever before. The growing recognition of a link between mental health and movement is fortuitous because from September 2019, health education in English schools will be statutory alongside the expectation that they will offer their pupils at least 30 ‘active minutes’ per day. The APPG on A Fit and Healthy Childhood welcomes the change whilst recognising that those responsible for implementing the new strategy (including practitioners and families) will need guidance as they help children to develop individual strategies to address future adverse events and foster the positive sense of self that will enable them to lead fulfilled, healthy lives. This Report is therefore presented as a practical contribution to an essential debate. It offers new strategies against the persistence of historical and traditional ways of thinking; examines and collates best practice in the devolved Home Countries as well as the wider world and discusses exactly what is required to ensure that future child mental health strategy is holistic. It is respectful of equalities and is aware that the successful outcome of policies is entirely dependent upon the expertise and confidence of those tasked with the responsibility of delivering them. As the 21st century advances, we consider the effects of the digital age and its impact on children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing and the crucial role of parents and carers who want the best for their children in a societal climate where, all too often, fears of ‘nanny state’ meddling serve to isolate families who suffer in silence – until a disaster that may have been all too predictable and preventable overtakes them, making a private grief a public concern. The trajectory of progress in mental health policy has been ‘stop start’ rather than linear, with legislative change in 1959 and 1983, an increase in spending from 1997- 2010 and radical changes to child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) in 2000. The Wessely Independent Review of the Mental Health Act is another such milestone: https://www.gov.uk/government/groups/independent-review-of-the-mentalhealth-act The APPG on A Fit and Healthy Childhood anticipates that the Government will fulfil its pledge to parents, children and practitioners by introducing much needed mental health legislation - and that our trio of Reports and the holistic theme of this one will help to inform a strategy that works for 21st century children
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