787 research outputs found

    Fractal Theory Space: Spacetime of Noninteger Dimensionality

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    We construct matter field theories in ``theory space'' that are fractal, and invariant under geometrical renormalization group (RG) transformations. We treat in detail complex scalars, and discuss issues related to fermions, chirality, and Yang-Mills gauge fields. In the continuum limit these models describe physics in a noninteger spatial dimension which appears above a RG invariant ``compactification scale,'' M. The energy distribution of KK modes above M is controlled by an exponent in a scaling relation of the vacuum energy (Coleman-Weinberg potential), and corresponds to the dimensionality. For truncated-s-simplex lattices with coordination number s the spacetime dimensionality is 1+(3+2ln(s)/ln(s+2)). The computations in theory space involve subtleties, owing to the 1+3 kinetic terms, yet the resulting dimensionalites are equivalent to thermal spin systems. Physical implications are discussed.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures; Paper has been amplified with a more detailed discussion of a number of technical issue

    Topped MAC with extra dimensions?

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    We perform the most attractive channel (MAC) analysis in the top mode standard model with TeV-scale extra dimensions, where the standard model gauge bosons and the third generation of quarks and leptons are put in D(=6,8,10,...) dimensions. In such a model, bulk gauge couplings rapidly grow in the ultraviolet region. In order to make the scenario viable, only the attractive force of the top condensate should exceed the critical coupling, while other channels such as the bottom and tau condensates should not. We then find that the top condensate can be the MAC for D=8, whereas the tau condensation is favored for D=6. The analysis for D=10 strongly depends on the regularization scheme. We predict masses of the top (m_t) and the Higgs (m_H), m_t=172-175 GeV and m_H=176-188 GeV for D=8, based on the renormalization group for the top Yukawa and Higgs quartic couplings with the compositeness conditions at the scale where the bulk top condenses. The Higgs boson in such a characteristic mass range will be immediately discovered in H -> WW^(*)/ZZ^(*) once the LHC starts.Comment: REVTEX4, 24 pages, 21 figures, to appear in PRD. The title is changed in PRD. One reference added, typos correcte

    Dynamical equations for high-order structure functions, and a comparison of a mean field theory with experiments in three-dimensional turbulence

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    Two recent publications [V. Yakhot, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 63}, 026307, (2001) and R.J. Hill, J. Fluid Mech. {\bf 434}, 379, (2001)] derive, through two different approaches that have the Navier-Stokes equations as the common starting point, a set of steady-state dynamic equations for structure functions of arbitrary order in hydrodynamic turbulence. These equations are not closed. Yakhot proposed a "mean field theory" to close the equations for locally isotropic turbulence, and obtained scaling exponents of structure functions and an expression for the tails of the probability density function of transverse velocity increments. At high Reynolds numbers, we present some relevant experimental data on pressure and dissipation terms that are needed to provide closure, as well as on aspects predicted by the theory. Comparison between the theory and the data shows varying levels of agreement, and reveals gaps inherent to the implementation of the theory.Comment: 16 pages, 23 figure

    Gauge Invariant Effective Lagrangian for Kaluza-Klein Modes

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    We construct a manifestly gauge invariant Lagrangian in 3+1 dimensions for N Kaluza-Klein modes of an SU(m) gauge theory in the bulk. For example, if the bulk is 4+1, the effective theory is \Pi_{i=1}^{N+1} SU(m)_i with N chiral (\bar{m},m) fields connecting the groups sequentially. This can be viewed as a Wilson action for a transverse lattice in x^5, and is shown explicitly to match the continuum 4+1 compactifed Lagrangian truncated in momentum space. Scale dependence of the gauge couplings is described by the standard renormalization group technique with threshold matching, leading to effective power law running. We also discuss the unitarity constraints, and chiral fermions.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in gauge theories with extra dimensions

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    We investigate dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in vector-like gauge theories in DD dimensions with (D4D-4) compactified extra dimensions, based on the gap equation (Schwinger-Dyson equation) and the effective potential for the bulk gauge theories within the improved ladder approximation. The non-local gauge fixing method is adopted so as to keep the ladder approximation consistent with the Ward-Takahashi identities. Using the one-loop MSˉ\bar{\rm MS} gauge coupling of the truncated KK effective theory which has a nontrivial ultraviolet fixed point (UV-FP) gg_* for the (dimensionless) bulk gauge coupling g^{\hat g}, we find that there exists a critical number of flavors, NfcritN_f^{\rm crit} (4.2,1.8\simeq 4.2, 1.8 for D=6,8D=6, 8 for SU(3) gauge theory): For Nf>NfcritN_f > N_f^{\rm crit}, the dynamical chiral symmetry breaking takes place not only in the ``strong-coupling phase'' (g^>g{\hat g} >g_*) but also in the ``weak-coupling phase'' (g^<g{\hat g} <g_*) when the cutoff is large enough. For Nf<NfcritN_f < N_f^{\rm crit}, on the other hand, only the strong-coupling phase is a broken phase and we can formally define a continuum (infinite cutoff) limit, so that the physics is insensitive to the cutoff in this case. We also perform a similar analysis using the one-loop ``effective gauge coupling''. We find the NfcritN_f^{\rm crit} turns out to be a value similar to that of the MSˉ\bar{\rm MS} case, notwithstanding the enhancement of the coupling compared with that of the MSˉ\bar{\rm MS}.Comment: REVTEX4, 38 pages, 18 figures. The abstract is shortened; version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    On search for new Higgs physics in CDF at the Tevatron

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    We discuss the Higgs boson mass sum rules in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model in order to estimate the upper limits on the masses of stop quarks as well as the lower bounds on the masses of the scalar Higgs boson state. The bounds on the scale of quark-lepton compositeness derived from the CDF Collaboration (Fermilab Tevatron) data and applied to new extra gauge boson search is taken into account. These extra gauge bosons are considered in the framework of the extended SU(2)_h \times SU(2)_l model. In addition, we discuss the physics of rare decays of the MSSM Higgs bosons in both CP-even and CP-odd sectors and also some extra gauge bosons.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, 8 figure

    Minimal Higher-Dimensional Extensions of the Standard Model and Electroweak Observables

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    We consider minimal 5-dimensional extensions of the Standard Model compactified on an S1/Z2S^1/Z_2 orbifold, in which the SU(2)L_L and U(1)Y_Y gauge fields and Higgs bosons may or may not all propagate in the fifth dimension while the observable matter is always assumed to be confined to a 4-dimensional subspace. We pay particular attention to consistently quantize the higher-dimensional models in the generalized RξR_\xi gauge and derive analytic expressions for the mass spectrum of the resulting Kaluza-Klein states and their couplings to matter. Based on recent data from electroweak precision tests, we improve previous limits obtained in the 5-dimensional Standard Model with a common compactification radius and extend our analysis to other possible 5-dimensional Standard-Model constructions. We find that the usually derived lower bound of 4\sim 4 TeV on an universal compactification scale may be considerably relaxed to 3\sim 3 TeV in a minimal scenario, in which the SU(2)L_L gauge boson is the only field that feels the presence of the fifth dimension.Comment: 48 pages, LaTeX, 1 eps figure, typos correcte

    On the stability and uniqueness of the flow of a fluid through a porous medium

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    © 2016, The Author(s). In this short note, we study the stability of flows of a fluid through porous media that satisfies a generalization of Brinkman’s equation to include inertial effects. Such flows could have relevance to enhanced oil recovery and also to the flow of dense liquids through porous media. In any event, one cannot ignore the fact that flows through porous media are inherently unsteady, and thus, at least a part of the inertial term needs to be retained in many situations. We study the stability of the rest state and find it to be asymptotically stable. Next, we study the stability of a base flow and find that the flow is asymptotically stable, provided the base flow is sufficiently slow. Finally, we establish results concerning the uniqueness of the flow under appropriate conditions, and present some corresponding numerical results

    Anomalous Scaling of Structure Functions and Dynamic Constraints on Turbulence Simulations

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    The connection between anomalous scaling of structure functions (intermittency) and numerical methods for turbulence simulations is discussed. It is argued that the computational work for direct numerical simulations (DNS) of fully developed turbulence increases as Re4Re^{4}, and not as Re3Re^{3} expected from Kolmogorov's theory, where ReRe is a large-scale Reynolds number. Various relations for the moments of acceleration and velocity derivatives are derived. An infinite set of exact constraints on dynamically consistent subgrid models for Large Eddy Simulations (LES) is derived from the Navier-Stokes equations, and some problems of principle associated with existing LES models are highlighted.Comment: 18 page

    Quintessence from Shape Moduli

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    We show that shape moduli in sub-millimeter extra dimensional scenarios, addressing the gauge hierarchy problem, can dominate the energy density of the universe today. In our scenario, the volume of the extra dimensions is stabilized at a sufficiently high scale to avoid conflicts with nucleosynthesis and solar-system precision gravity experiments, while the shape moduli remain light but couple extremely weakly to brane-localized matter and easily avoid these bounds. Nonlocal effects in the bulk of the extra dimension generate a potential for the shape moduli. The potential has the right form and order of magnitude to account for the present day cosmic acceleration, in a way analogous to models of quintessence as a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur