28 research outputs found

    The Big Data Collection Problem of Little Mobile Devices

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    There should be little question that mobile device-based data are discoverable if relevant. However, as was the case with ordinary computer-based data a decade or more ago, there is a tendency to believe that there is only one way to collect such data—“forensically.

    Utilizing Credit Reports for Employment Purposes: A Legal Bait and Switch Tactic

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    In our previous article, Holding Credit Reporting Agencies Accountable: How the Financial Crisis May be Contributing to Improving Accuracy in Credit Reporting we reviewed the legal history of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), its amendments, and the federal case law by circuit. We suggested that the ability of consumers to ensure the accuracy and security of their credit reports might lead to an expansion of the litigation surrounding accurate credit reporting. This article takes the discussion further by exploring the ever-expanding use of credit reports in the employment law arena. We review the state legislation limiting the use of credit reports by employers, the exceptions to these state statutes, and litigation related to those laws to date. This analysis is followed by an examination of the federal legal landscape and broader legal issues related to the use of credit reports, including whether the use of credit reports by employers discriminates against various protected groups. We conclude with a summary of our research, draw conclusions, and point to areas that should be explored in the future, and also speculate, based on a case from the US Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit that we discuss, that this consequence could once again operate to increase the accuracy of credit reporting and hold those agencies more accountable

    Herausforderung Inklusion: Schule - Unterricht - Profession

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    Das Übereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen sowie das dazu gehörende Fakultativprotokoll zum Übereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen trat am 26.03.2009 ohne Einschränkung als innerstaatliches deutsches Recht in Kraft. Sich mit diesen vielschichtigen Themenkomplexen auseinanderzusetzen war das Ziel der Tagung „Herausforderung Inklusion: Schule – Unterricht – Profession“, die am 27. und 28. März 2014 an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität in Bamberg stattfand und sowohl betroffene Eltern, als auch Praktikerinnen und Praktiker und Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler zur Diskussion einlud. Der vorliegende Band geht auf diese Tagung zurück und möchte die vielfältigen Facetten der theoretischen, konzeptuellen und didaktisch-methodischen Zugänge im Kontext der derzeit geführten Debatten und Argumentationsmuster um ein inklusives Bildungswesen abbilden und neue Perspektiven für Forschung, Disziplin und Profession anregen. Demzufolge liegt der Fokus der Beiträge zum einen auf der Auseinandersetzung mit theoretischen Zugängen zur Inklusion sowie der Diskussion von nationalen und internationalen empirischen Erkenntnissen aus Studien der Inklusionsforschung, zum anderen auf der Präsentation von inklusiven Konzepten einer Schulentwicklung, (fach)didaktisch-methodischen Überlegungen und Modellprojekten aus der Praxis

    Garnet Jewellery in Early Medieval Sweden

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    Deutsche Version | Team Present-day Sweden has a large and varied garnet material from the Iron Age. Even if there are finds dating back to the Late Roman Period most objects derive from the 5th to 8th centuries. In Sweden this time period is called the Migration and Vendel Period, and it is characterised by its regional power structures, wealthy burials and far-reaching networks of contacts. Most of the garnets are part of jewellery such as brooches but also adorning high status weaponry etc..

    Evaluation of the quality of dried mint in pharmaceutical and food products.

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    Praca obejmuje badania prowadzone w celu porównania jakościowego i ilościowego produktów farmaceutycznych i spożywczych, zawierających susz mięty pieprzowej. Badaniom poddane zostały preparaty dostępne na polskim rynku. Destylacja olejku miętowego odbyła się z wykorzystaniem aparatu Derynga oraz aparatu Clevengera, celem porównania obydwu metod. Przeprowadzono również chromatografię cienkowarstwową TLC wszystkich otrzymanych olejków. W wyniku prowadzonych doświadczeń określono, które produkty spełniają wymogi farmakopealne oraz które są poniżej tych wymogów. Dzięki chromatografii cienkowarstwowej zaobserwowano różnice w składzie jakościowym uzyskanych olejków. Badania dowiodły, że niektóre z wyrobów zarejestrowanych jako suplementy diety, bądź będące produktami spożywczymi, miały nawet dwukrotnie większą zawartość olejku miętowego niż preparaty zarejestrowane jako produkt leczniczy, dostępny w aptece. Dzięki doświadczeniom udało się wytypować produkty, zawierające surowiec o dużej przydatności leczniczej i korzystnym profilu jakościowym.The study was aimed to qualitative and quantitative comparison of pharmaceutical and food products containing dried peppermint leaves. Distillation of peppermint essential oil was conducted using the Deryng and the Clevenger apparatus, to compare both methods. TLC thin layer chromatography of all the obtained essential oils was also carried out. As a results of the experiments, it was possible to determine which of the products tested fulfilled the pharmacopoeial requirements. Thin layer chromatography indicated some qualitative differences in the composition of all the obtained essential oils. The results of the study indicated that some of the products, registered as food supplements or food products, contained more essential oil than preparations registered as a medicinal product, available at the pharmacy. Due to the obtained results it was possible to select products with high therapeutic suitability and a favorable quality profile

    International Framework / Weltweites Zellwerk

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    Deutsche Version | Team Changes in the cultural significance of early medieval gemstone jewellery considered against the background of economic history and the transfer of ideas and technologies In large parts of 5th- to 8th-century Europe, thousands of items of jewellery were decorated all over in a red gemstone: garnet. As characteristic as this style is for these centuries, closer inspection nonetheless reveals not only regional variations but also differences in its social relevance. At t..

    Garnet on the North-western Periphery of the Merovingian Empire during the 7th Century

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    Deutsche Version | Team The objective of this subproject is the archaeological and scientific analysis of garnet objects from England, Scotland and Scandinavia. The question is, why objects decorated with garnet went out of fashion on the Continent during the last third of the 6th century, while the style experienced a notable floruit in 7th-century England and Scandinavia. Starting point for the study is 6th- and 7th-century Anglo-Saxon England. Despite the large number of finds from the for..

    Mehrfachstreuung mittelschneller Elektronen in Folien

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    Spin polarization of low-energy electrons scattered from molecules

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