335 research outputs found

    Upper bound on the Andreev states induced second harmonic in the Josephson coupling of YBa2Cu3O7-δ/Nb junctions from experiment and numerical simulations

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    Theory predicts that d-wave superconductivity induces a significant second harmonic J2 in the Josephson current, as a result of zero-energy Andreev states ZES formed at the junction interface. Consequently, anomalies such as half-integer Shapiro steps and signatures of period doubling of the dc Josephson current versus magnetic field should be observed. We performed experiments on junctions between untwinned d-wave YBa2Cu3O7-δ and Nb and found no trace of such anomalies although clear evidence of Andreev states formation is provided. These findings do not lead to an observable J2. This result combined with extensive numerical simulations put an upper bound on the ZES-induced J2 of about 0.1% from the first harmonic in the Josephson current for tunneling into the 010 direction and of about 2% for tunneling close to the 110 direction. Our results suggest strong J2 suppression by diffusive scattering, which is possibly due to nanoscale interface roughness. This is important for proposed quantum-electronic device concepts based on the expectance of J2

    Novel transport phenomena at complex oxide interfaces

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    Novel electronic and magnetic phases are being observed at interfaces between insulating, non-magnetic oxide compounds, with the most notable example being the interface between SrTiO3 and LaAlO3. The basic properties of these interfaces will be discussed, as well as prospects for applications and possible future developments

    Conductance anisotropy and linear magnetoresistance in La2-xSrxCuO4 thin films

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    We have performed a detailed study of conductance anisotropy and magnetoresistance (MR) of La2-xSrxCuO4 (LSCO) thin films (0.10 < x < 0.25). These two observables are promising for the detection of stripes. Subtle features of the conductance anisotropy are revealed by measuring the transverse resistance Rxy in zero magnetic field. It is demonstrated that the sign of Rxy depends on the orientation of the LSCO Hall bar with respect to the terrace structure of the substrate. Unit-cell-high substrate step edges must therefore be a dominant nucleation source for antiphase boundaries during film growth. We show that the measurement of Rxy is sensitive enough to detect the cubic-tetragonal phase transition of the SrTiO3(100) (STO) substrate at 105 K. The MR of LSCO thin films shows for 0.10 < x < 0.25 a non-monotonic temperature dependence, resulting from the onset of a linear term in the MR above 90 K. We show that the linear MR scales with the absolute Hall resistivity, with the constant of proportionality independent of temperature. Such scaling suggests that the linear MR originates from current distortions induced by structural or electronic inhomogeneities. The possible role of stripes for both the MR and the conductance anisotropy is discussed throughout the paper

    Monolithic flux transformer-coupled high-Tc dc SQUID magnetometers

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    YBa/sub 2/Cu/sub 3/O/sub 7-x/ based monolithic flux transformer-coupled high-T/sub c/ DC SQUID magnetometers operating up to 73 K have been realized. The devices are characterized by high values of the modulation voltage, up to 32 /spl mu/V at 40 K. A minimal white noise level of 0.10 pT//spl radic/Hz was obtained above 200 Hz, and 0.64 pT//spl radic/Hz at 1 Hz and 55 K. The temperature dependence of the modulation voltage, the effective sensing area and the field sensitivity are discussed. Model-calculations have been performed to investigate high frequency resonances in the washer-input coil structure. Methods for damping are considered

    TEM investigation of YBa2Cu3O7 thin films on SrTiO3 bicrystals

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    YBa2Cu3O7 films in c-axis orientation on bicrystalline SrTiO3 substrates are investigated by TEM. The films and the substrates are examined in cross-section and in plane view. The grain boundary of the bicrystal substrate contains (110) faceted voids, but is otherwise straight on a nanometer scale. Contrary to this, the film grain boundary is not straight grain boundary can be up to 100 nm for a 100 nm thick film. The deviation from the intended position of the YBCO grain boundary can already occur at the film/substrate interface where it can be as much as ±50 nm

    Superconducting Mg-B films by pulsed laser deposition in an in-situ two-step process using multi-component targets

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    Superconducting thin films have been prepared in a two-step in-situ process, using the Mg-B plasma generated by pulsed laser ablation. The target was composed of a mixture of Mg and MgB2 powders to compensate for the volatility of Mg and therefore to ensure a high Mg content in the film. The films were deposited at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 300 degrees C followed by a low-pressure in-situ annealing procedure. Various substrates have been used and diverse ways to increase the Mg content into the film were applied. The films show a sharp transition in the resistance and have a zero resistance transition temperature of 22-24 K.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Materials aspects of integrated high-Tc dc-SQUID magnetometer fabrication

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    An integrated high Tc dc-SQUID magnetometer is being developed. It has in total 10 layers of five different materials. Various materials aspects of the fabrication process will be discussed, especially the smoothness of the films and the techniques to obtain smooth edges. Cross-overs and superconducting window contacts were fabricated. The critical temperature of the window-contact is 84K (jc(77K)=2·105 A/cm2) and the resistivity of the insulating SrTiO3 layer in the cross-over is 6·105 Ωcm at 77K. The complete coil often shows a small resistive component down to about 50K. Ramp type and bi-epitaxial grain boundary dc-SQUIDs show voltage modulation up to 65K and 79K, respectively. Efforts to fabricate an integrated high Tc dc-SQUID magnetometer will be discussed