3 research outputs found

    WUE and CO<sub>2</sub> Estimations by Eddy Covariance and Remote Sensing in Different Tropical Biomes

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    The analysis of gross primary production (GPP) is crucial to better understand CO2 exchanges between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere, while the quantification of water-use efficiency (WUE) allows for the estimation of the compensation between carbon gained and water lost by the ecosystem. Understanding these dynamics is essential to better comprehend the responses of environments to ongoing climatic changes. The objective of the present study was to analyze, through AMERIFLUX and LBA network measurements, the variability of GPP and WUE in four distinct tropical biomes in Brazil: Pantanal, Amazonia, Caatinga and Cerrado (savanna). Furthermore, data measured by eddy covariance systems were used to assess remotely sensed GPP products (MOD17). We found a distinct seasonality of meteorological variables and energy fluxes with different latent heat controls regarding available energy in each site. Remotely sensed GPP was satisfactorily related with observed data, despite weak correlations in interannual estimates and consistent overestimations and underestimations during certain months. WUE was strongly dependent on water availability, with values of 0.95 gC kg−1 H2O (5.79 gC kg−1 H2O) in the wetter (drier) sites. These values reveal new thresholds that had not been previously reported in the literature. Our findings have crucial implications for ecosystem management and the design of climate policies regarding the conservation of tropical biomes, since WUE is expected to change in the ongoing climate change scenario that indicates an increase in frequency and severity of dry periods

    Regime térmico e hídrico do solo para área de floresta tropical em anos de El Niño e La Niña, Caxiuanã-PA: estudo de caso Thermal and hydrologic regime to soil at tropical forest area inyear of El Niño and La Niña, Caxiuanã-PA: a case study

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    Os regimes térmicos e hídricos do solo se comportam de maneiras diferentes em anos de ocorrência dos fenômenos El Niño, La niña e ano de não ocorrência de nenhum dos dois fenômenos. Para estudar estes comportamentos utilizou-se dados de totais horários e mensais da precipitação pluviométrica, dados médios horários e mensais da temperatura do solo nas profundidades de 2cm e 10cm e umidade do solo nas profundidades de 5cm e 20cm, para os anos representativos dos eventos pesquisados. Os resultados mostram que o ano sob a influência do fenômeno El Niño, apresentou maiores valores de temperatura e menores valores de umidade do solo, quando comparado com o ano que esteve sob a influência do fenômeno La Niña. Por outro lado, o ano em que não houve ocorrência dos fenômenos La Niña e El Niño, apresentou valores de temperatura (umidade) do solo maiores (menores) do que o ano de La Niña, porém menores (maiores) do que no ano de El Niño.<br>The thermal and hydrologic regime to soil if behave differently in years of occurrence of El Niño, La Niña and that non-occurrence about both (El Niño and La Niña). To study these behaviors, we used data of the hourly total and monthly of rainfall, average hourly and monthly data of soil temperature at depths of 2 cm and 10 cm and soil moisture at depths of 5cm and 20cm, for years the events searched. The results show that the year was about the influence of El Niño had higher temperature and lower values of soil moisture when compared with the year that was on the influence of La Niña. On the other hand the years that there is no occurrence of the phenomena El Niño and La Niña, showed values of soil temperature (moisture) higher (smaller) than the La Niña year, but smaller (higher) than the year of El Niñ