393 research outputs found


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    La revista Ciencias Sociales y Educación, en su versión séptima, ofrece a la comunidad académica y al público en general, siguiendo la propuesta y línea editorial que ha sido implementada desde su primer número en el 2012, una serie de artículos resultados de investigación, ensayos diversos, traducciones y reseñas de libros. La revista conmemora los cien años de publicación del libro de Franz Kafka La metamorfosis, y para ello ha seleccionado algunas imágenes elaboradas por Juan Camilo Gil Suárez las cuales evocan pasajes oníricos de la obra kafkiana, que han sido ubicadas en la carátula y al inicio de cada sección de la revista; además, Óscar Jairo González formuló dos preguntas a escritores, artistas, poetas y profesores sobre esta obra que per­mitieron abrir panoramas interpretativos e intersubjetivos sobre el encuentro de Kafka en sus experiencias estéticas, existenciales y literarias. Cada una de las respuestas compone parte de la sección de reseñas de la revist

    La trompeta de mercurio De la lectura y el libro

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    Óscar Jairo González en su libro La trompeta de Mercurio. De la lectura y el libro, traza un juego de satánicos sortilegios y de chamanismos mágicos de la palabra. Para mostrar cómo el autor (de)construye esta poética de devenir intenso en la experiencia límite de un habla que se interroga entre Él y Ella cuando se leen a sí mismos, he elegido algunos apartes del libro La trompeta de Mercurio junto con algunos fragmento del último capítulo del Diálogo inconcluso de Maurice Blanchot llamado “La ausencia del libro”. Comencemos.“No hay Lectura solitaria. O Lees con el Otro o ya no podrás Leer, le dice ella a él y se precipita entre ambos un mar de palabras huecas y los apresa la lava del silencio. Leían para lavarse de la tiniebla” (González, 2013, p. 21


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    La revista Ciencias Sociales y Educación del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas de la Universidad de Medellín, proyecto editorial que comenzó en el segundo semestre de 2011 y que entregó su primer número en enero-junio de 2012, ofrece a la comunidad académica y al público en general su octava versión. Siete artículos resultado de investigación, dos ensayos, una serie de artículos relacionados con la obra del antropológo francés René Girard (1923-2015), un homenaje a la propuesta teatral de Farley Velásquez (1966-2015) y una reseña literaria integran la revista

    Effects of a progressive resistance exercise program on movement time

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    Weather Information Communication Technologies for Increased Safety and Mobility in the National Airspace System

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    The purpose of the NASA Glenn Research Center Weather Information Communications (WINCOMM) project was to develop advanced communications and information technologies to enable the high-quality and timely dissemination of strategic weather information between the flight deck and ground users as well as tactical turbulence hazard information between relevant aircraft and to the ground. This report will document and reference accomplishments on the dissemination of weather information during the en route phase of flight from ground-based weather information providers to the flight deck (ground-to-air), from airborne meteorological sensors to ground users (air-to-ground), and weather turbulence and icing hazard information between relevant aircraft (air-to-air). In addition, references in this report will demonstrate the architecture necessary to implement and perform successful transmission and reception of weather information to the cockpit, show that weather information flow does not impact "normal" traffic, demonstrate the feasibility of operational implementation, and lay foundation for future data link development

    Net percolation as a function of topographic variation in a reclamation cover over a saline-sodic overburden dump

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    Surface mining of oil sands in northern Alberta requires stripping of saline-sodic shale overburden, which is typically placed in large upland overburden dumps. Due to the chemical nature of this shale, engineered soil covers must be constructed over the shale to support the growth of forest vegetation. A research site on South Bison Hill (SBH), a shale overburden dump at the Syncrude Canada Ltd. Mildred Lake Mine, has been used by researchers over the past decade to study the performance of a reclamation cover. This study was undertaken to improve the understanding of salt and moisture dynamics in the cover-shale system. In particular, the objective of this study was to develop an estimate of the net percolation rate through the cover soil and into the shale overburden. Stable isotope (ä2H and ä18O) measurements obtained from the pore water of soil samples were used to develop stable isotope profiles at various sampling locations along the slope and plateau of the SBH. Simulated profiles were then generated using 2D, finite element numerical modelling software and compared to the measured profiles. Model parameters were obtained from testing and the work of previous researchers. The model results revealed that the net percolation is greatest (32-50 mm/yr) for the plateau and mid-slope bench sample locations. Net percolation rates for sample locations on the slope were lower at 0-12 mm/yr. The results from the stable isotope modelling were utilized in a SO42- transport model to ascertain if calculated net percolation rates could explain measured salinity profiles. This modelling exercise revealed that calculated SO42- profiles are highly dependent on the assumed SO42- production rates in the shale, which is primarily attributed to pyrite oxidation. The model results showed the isotope-based net percolation rates could explain the measured SO42-profiles for a reasonable range SO42- production rates. The SO42- production rates calculated in the model were greatest for the plateau and mid-slope bench locations and lesser for the sloped locations. The model also showed that the mass of SO42- removed by interflow was minimal compared to the mass generated by pyrite oxidation and that net percolation is the dominant flushing mechanism at net percolation rates of 8 mm/yr or more

    Homofobia y agresiones verbales. La sanción por transgredir la masculinidad hegemónica. Colombia 1936-1980

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    El texto que a continuación se analiza hace un recorrido por la situación social, médica y jurídica de las personas homoeróticamente inclinadas en Colombia, en un período histórico que abarca desde el año 1936 hasta el 1980, delimitación que es acogida por el autor, Walter Alonso Bustamante, con base en una ley que se añade por proyecto al Código Penal colombiano de 1936, la misma que es derogada en el año de 1980, la cual criminalizaba el comportamiento homosexual. Sin embargo, aunque esta sea la delimitación temporal escogida por el autor, a lo largo de la obra se experimenta un juego táctico con el tiempo que justifica las premisas utilizadas para elaborar dicha ley o para entender las categorías y nominaciones a los que son sometidos los sujetos homoeróticos y los orígenes o mejor las raíces de los discursos medicalizadores del homosexualismo, además de diversas premisas de análisis de que se vale Bustamante para desarrollar su argumentación

    Cuerpos degenerados y conductas anormales: la transgresión a las sexualidades legitimadas en Medellín entre 1957 y 1966

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    A partir de cinco artículos descritos en el periódico Sucesos Sensacionales respecto al travestismo y al homosexualismo en Medellín, el texto hace una aproximación al rol desempeñado por la prensa sensacionalista en la regulación de ciertas conductas y comportamientos de tipo erótico, consideradas como anormales e inmorales. En este sentido, el homosexualismo representa el cuerpo utilizado como instrumento de placer, lo que deja como consecuencia una transgresión al orden establecido el cual dicta que el cuerpo se degenera cuando el erotismo se desvía, es decir, cuando el individuo se entrega a los “placeres prohibidosde la carne”

    Sobre dedos secos se tiende un lienzo

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    Las obras que integran la revista, todas realizadas en 2018, presentan una perspectiva corporeal donde el acontecimiento pintado narra el devenir de la experiencia estética en seis piezas: Contemplación; Memoria; Territorios de violencia; Tramas; Otras miradas y Recorridos a partir de la técnica del óleo sobre lienzo. Cada una de ellas integra una serie donde la intensidad del color se hace palpable al proyectar figuras de carne intensa que dejan la sensación de desplegar movimientos semióticos y corporales en el flâneur urbano y rural, además de sus procesos plásticos de creación artística. He aquí esa imagensíntoma que late en el corazón mismo de cada obra

    The cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway and heart rate variability with special reference to dialysis and renal denervation

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    Background: The Cholinergic Anti-inflammatory Pathway (CAP) is a nerve-mediated circuit through which the vagus nerve regulates the activity of the inflammatory immune response. Injury, ischemia or infection activate the afferent vagus. In the medulla oblongata. a response is subsequently returned via the efferent vagus, referred to as the inflammatory reflex. The signal is propagated to the spleen where specialized T-cells (ChAT) synthesize acetylcholine that binds to α-7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on macrophages leading to a down- regulation of inflammatory cytokines. CAP is modified with drugs or by vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) in animal models of sepsis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Clinical VNS pilot studies have demonstrated reduced inflammation and improvement in clinical symptoms in RA and IBD. Chronic kidney disease (CKD), characterized by autonomic dysfunction (AD), is linked to chronic inflammation and associated with excessive morbidity and mortality mainly from cardiovascular disease. The aims of this thesis were to study CAP and VNS in dialysis patients, and to investigate if renal denervation (RDN), in patients with resistant hypertension, could influence CAP. A final objective was to identify the optimal length of ECG for heart rate variability (HRV), a noninvasive tool to assess the cardiac autonomic nervous system, and correlates to inflammatory markers. Methods and subjects: In study I-III we analyzed LPS stimulated cytokine levels ex vivo and the effect of GTS-21, a cholinergic analogue. Study I. Twenty dialysis patients and 8 healthy controls provided blood samples which were analyzed in the LPS-model. ECG was recorded for HRV in some patients and in all controls. Study II. Ten patients scheduled for RDN and 4 disease controls (DC) for elective coronary angiography (CA) were included. Bloods were drawn and ECG recorded before procedures, 1 day after, and in RND patients at follow-up after 3 and 6 months. Study III. Twelve dialysis patients underwent VNS treatment with a minimally invasive oscillating device before dialysis for 4 weeks. Bloods were drawn and ECG was recorded at baseline, after 2 and 4 weeks of treatment, and at 8- and 12-weeks follow-up. Study IV. The database HeartBEAT contains inflammatory markers and nocturnal ECG recordings from 318 subjects at baseline and 301 at follow-up. The data was used to analyze correlations between inflammatory markers, HRV indices, and different lengths of ECG recording. Results and conclusion: In study I we found that the LPS-induced cytokine response was stronger in patients, where reduced HRV confirmed autonomic dysfunvtion, than in controls. Adding GTS-21 decreased cytokines in both groups, suggesting that dialysis patients also have a functional CAP. Study II showed that RDN had a strong effect on inflammatory markers 1 day after RDN, which disappeared during follow-up. With VNS in hemodialysis patients (study III) trends in cytokine response appeared but did not reach statistical significance. There is a negative correlation between inflammatory markers and HRV indices, but CRP alone is not a reliable predictor of autonomic dysfunction. ECG recording length of 60 minutes secured reliable HRV analysis. Outside of the protocol, in study III, we found that 3 out of 4 diabetics could reduce insulin doses with 25 % during the study suggesting a potential benefit regarding insulin resistance. Furthermore GTS-21 strengthened the cytokine response in study III suggesting a potential additional capacity for VNS. Dialysis and CKD patients may be suitable for non-invasive VNS with daily or prolonged treatment in future trials. It appears as longer ECG recordings may be useful, but HRV as prognostic tool for anti-inflammatory interventions require further studies