87 research outputs found

    Untangling the hedge: Genetic diversity in clonally and sexually transmitted genomes of European wild roses, Rosa L.

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    While European wild roses are abundant and widely distributed, their morphological taxonomy is complicated and ambiguous. In particular, the polyploid Rosa section Caninae (dogroses) is characterised by its unusual meiosis, causing simultaneous clonal and sexual transmission of sub-genomes. This hemisexual reproduction, which often co-occurs with vegetative reproduction, defies the standard definition of species boundaries. We analysed seven highly polymorphic microsatellite loci, scored for over 2 600 Rosa samples of differing ploidy, collected across Europe within three independent research projects. Based on their morphology, these samples had been identified as belonging to 21 dogrose and five other native rose species. We quantified the degree of clonality within species and at individual sampling sites. We then compared the genetic structure within our data to current rose morpho-systematics and searched for hemisexually co-inherited sets of alleles at individual loci. We found considerably fewer copies of identical multi-locus genotypes in dogroses than in roses with regular meiosis, with some variation recorded among species. While clonality showed no detectable geographic pattern, some genotypes appeared to be more widespread. Microsatellite data confirmed the current classification of subsections, but they did not support most of the generally accepted dogrose microspecies. Under canina meiosis, we found co-inherited sets of alleles as expected, but could not distinguish between sexually and clonally inherited sub-genomes, with only some of the detected allele combinations being lineage-specific

    Recent Large-Scale Genotyping and Phenotyping of Plant Genetic Resources of Vegetatively Propagated Crops

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    Several recent national and international projects have focused on large-scale genotyping of plant genetic resources in vegetatively propagated crops like fruit and berries, potatoes and woody ornamentals. The primary goal is usually to identify true-to-type plant material, detect possible synonyms, and investigate genetic diversity and relatedness among accessions. A secondary goal may be to create sustainable databases that can be utilized in research and breeding for several years ahead. Commonly applied DNA markers (like microsatellite DNA and SNPs) and next-generation sequencing each have their pros and cons for these purposes. Methods for large-scale phenotyping have lagged behind, which is unfortunate since many commercially important traits (yield, growth habit, storability, and disease resistance) are difficult to score. Nevertheless, the analysis of gene action and development of robust DNA markers depends on environmentally controlled screening of very large sets of plant material. Although more time-consuming, co-operative projects with broad-scale data collection are likely to produce more reliable results. In this review, we will describe some of the approaches taken in genotyping and/or phenotyping projects concerning a wide variety of vegetatively propagated crops

    Fyra nya Àpplesorter frÄn BalsgÄrd

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    Fakulteten för landskapsarkitektur, trÀdgÄrds- och vÀxtproduktionsvetenskap 2014 För SLU Àr frukt och bÀrförÀdling en viktig verksamhet som bedrivs pÄ BalsgÄrd, 10 km norr om Kristianstad i nordöstra SkÄne (Nybom 2006, 2010). Innan SLU kom in i bilden 1970, hade ÀppleförÀdling bedrivits pÄ BalsgÄrd genom Föreningen för vÀxtförÀdling av frukt och bÀr sedan 40-talet. BalsgÄrd Àr belÀget i ett av landets Àldsta frukt- odlingsdistrikt, vilket lÀmpar sig utmÀrkt för ÀppletrÀd. HÀr finns lÀtta och varma jordar samt gynnsamma odlingslÀgen pÄ sluttningar ner mot sjöarna som ligger tÀtt i det mjukt böljande landskapet. Den första Àpplesorten frÄn BalsgÄrd blev Alice, som lanserades i slutet av 60-talet (Nybom 2012c). Denna följdes snart av storsÀljare som Aroma och Katja, samt den synnerligen vinterhÀrdiga Rödluvan. PÄ senare tid Àr det frÀmst de vÀlsmakande och sjukdomsresistenta syskonsorterna Frida och Fredrik som lÄtit tala om si

    The Systematics, Reproductive Biology, Biochemistry, and Breeding of Sea Buckthorn—A Review

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    Both the fruit flesh and seeds of sea buckthorn have multiple uses for medicinal and culinary purposes, including the valuable market for supplementary health foods. Bioactive compounds, such as essential amino acids, vitamins B, C, and E, carotenoids, polyphenols, ursolic acid, unsaturated fatty acids, and other active substances, are now being analyzed in detail for their medicinal properties. Domestication with commercial orchards and processing plants is undertaken in many countries, but there is a large need for improved plant material with high yield, tolerance to environmental stress, diseases, and pests, suitability for efficient harvesting methods, and high contents of compounds that have medicinal and/or culinary values. Applied breeding is based mainly on directed crosses between different subspecies of Hippophae rhamnoides. DNA markers have been applied to analyses of systematics and population genetics as well as for the discrimination of cultivars, but very few DNA markers have as yet been developed for use in selection and breeding. Several key genes in important metabolic pathways have, however, been identified, and four genomes have recently been sequenced

    Flera nya utlÀndska Àppelsorter har bra kvalitet men Àr kÀnsliga för sjukdomar

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    Odlarna vill ha nya sorter med bÀttre egenskaper, som gör det möjligt att bedriva hÄllbar och konkurrenskraftig odling av kvalitetsfrukt i Sverige. I detta faktablad sammanfattas resultat frÄn tvÄ projekt med syftet att utvÀrdera odlings- och kvalitetsegenskaper hos nÄgra dessert- och mustÀpplesorter, som nyligen tagits fram genom vÀxtförÀdling

    MÄnga ciderÀppelsorter Àr kÀnsliga för skorv men ger unik arom

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    I Sverige finns ingen tradition av att odla ciderÀpplen men intresset för att tillverka lokal cider har ökat markant under senare Är. I detta faktablad sammanfattas resultat frÄn tvÄ projekt som genomförts för att utvÀrdera och introducera nya ciderÀpplesorter för odling och vidareförÀdling i Sverige

    Review of the Impact of Apple Fruit Ripening, Texture and Chemical Contents on Genetically Determined Susceptibility to Storage Rots

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    Fungal storage rots like blue mould, grey mould, bull's eye rot, bitter rot and brown rot destroy large amounts of the harvested apple crop around the world. Application of fungicides is nowadays severely restricted in many countries and production systems, and these problems are therefore likely to increase. Considerable variation among apple cultivars in resistance/susceptibility has been reported, suggesting that efficient defence mechanisms can be selected for and used in plant breeding. These are, however, likely to vary between pathogens, since some fungi are mainly wound-mediated while others attack through lenticels or by infecting blossoms. Since mature fruits are considerably more susceptible than immature fruits, mechanisms involving fruit-ripening processes are likely to play an important role. Significant associations have been detected between the susceptibility to rots in harvested fruit and various fruit maturation-related traits like ripening time, fruit firmness at harvest and rate of fruit softening during storage, as well as fruit biochemical contents like acidity, sugars and polyphenols. Some sources of resistance to blue mould have been described, but more research is needed on the development of spore inoculation methods that produce reproducible data and can be used for large screenings, especially for lenticel-infecting fungi

    DNA fingerprinting demonstrates extremely low levels of genetic variation among blackberry cultivars grown in Finland

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    Most blackberry plants cultivated in Finland closely resemble the American species Rubus allegheniensis. Thirty nine such blackberry accessions in the University of Helsinki clone collection were studied by hybridization-based DNA fingerprinting and compared with some known cultivars of R. allegheniensis derivation. ‘lmperial’ appears to be identical to the old cultivar ‘MajestĂ€t’, but ‘Earliest of All’ differs considerably. In addition, 37 of the accessions analysed also have DNA fingerprints that appear to be completely identical to that of ‘MajestĂ€t’! The remaining two accessions, although identical to each other, exhibit one band not found in ‘MajestĂ€t’ that is probably caused by a somatic mutation

    'Svenska' plommon pÄ BalsgÄrd

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    Om vi sĂ€ger ’Viktoria’ sĂ„ tĂ€nker du kanske inte bara pĂ„ en prinsessa utan Ă€ven pĂ„ ett mycket omtyckt plommon? Vackert och vĂ€lsmakande, precis som mĂ„nga andra plommonsorter hĂ€r i landet. En del av de Ă€ldre plommonsorterna Ă„terfinns fortfarande i mĂ„nga hemtrĂ€dgĂ„rdar medan de nyare sorterna frĂ€mst förekommer i yrkesodlingar
