62 research outputs found

    Kompendium der Hüftendoprothetik

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    Der künstliche Hüftgelenksersatz wird in vielen Kliniken heute als Routineeingriff durchgeführt. Die mit diesem operativen Eingriff verbunden Probleme sind jedoch längst nicht beseitigt. Besonders die aseptische Prothesenlockerung macht in ca. 15% der Fälle nach 10 bis 15 Jahren eine erneute sog. Revisionsoperation erforderlich . Neueste Langzeitbeobachtungen haben gezeigt, daß die aseptischen Prothesenlockerungen zu den Hauptproblemen der Endoprothetik zählen (Malchau et al. 2002). Bortz (1984) stellte fest, daß in modernen Gelenken bei Metall–Metall Paarungen pro Jahr ca. 500 Milliarden kleinster Verschleißpartikel oder 500.000 Partikel mit jedem Schritt entstehen. Diese Partikel werden von speziellen Körperzellen – eine Art dieser Zellen sind die Makrophagen, eingefangen und abtransportiert. Übersteigt die Partikelbelastung das Makrophagensystem, dekompensiert das zelluläre Abtransportsystem. Das knochenabbauende System erlangt Übergewicht zu Lasten des knochenaufbauenden Systems. Dem zufolge kommt es zum Knochenabbau um die Prothesenkomponenten und damit zu deren Lockerung. Die Lebensdauer künstlicher Gelenke bleibt somit weiterhin begrenzt. Es stellt sich bei Revisionsoperationen oftmals die Problematik der Modellerkennung einer Prothese dar. Bis dato existiert keine gesicherte Studie, in der primär belegt wurde, wie oft das Problem der Erkennung von „Altprothesen“ auftritt. Bei dieser Fragestellung wurde deshalb bisher auf den Endoprothesen-Atlas „Hüfte“ zurückgegriffen (Bläsius 1995). Dieser Atlas ist jedoch nicht vollständig, auch sind die Zugriffssysteme mangelhaft

    Mapas estratégicos de ruido 2ª fase. Estudio comparativo

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    El presente proyecto tiene el objeto de realizar, analizar y evaluar un estudio comparativo de los Mapas Estratégicos de Ruido (MER), 2a Fase, de España y el resto de países europeos. Los objetivos principales del proyecto son: 1. Revisión de los mapas estratégicos de ruido realizados en España correspondientes a la segunda fase de la Directiva 2002/49/EC. Análisis comparativo de las metodologías y resultados obtenidos. 2. Revisión de los mapas estratégicos de ruido realizados en países europeos. 3. Evaluación de la población afectada por el ruido ambiental, tanto en España como en países europeos.Ingeniería de TelecomunicaciónTelekomunikazio Ingeniaritz

    Behavior of Protein-Inspired Synthetic Random Heteropolymers

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    Random heteropolymers (RHPs) are an interesting class of materials useful in many theories and applications. While previous studies typically focused on simplified RHP systems, here we explore a more complex scenario inspired by highly heterogeneous molecules like proteins. Our system consists of four monomers mimicking different classes of amino acids. Using Molecular Dynamics simulations and Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering, we explore dynamical and structural features of these RHPs in solution. Our results show the RHPs assemble with heterogeneous interfaces reminiscent of protein surfaces. The polymer backbones appear frozen at room temperature on the nano- to micro-second timescale with molten globule morphology, albeit their conformational space has multiple metastable conformations for a given sequence, drawing comparison to Intrinsically Disordered Proteins. Local connectivity and chemistry are also shown to have substantial impact on polymer solvation. The work presented here indicates that RHPs share similarities with proteins to be leveraged in bio-mimetic and bio-inspired applications

    Caracterización rápida y en tiempo de ejecución de grandes despliegues de aplicaciones

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, leída el 19/01/2021Data centers are one of the most power hungry sections of the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) sector. In the U.S. in 2014, data centers consumed around the 1.8% of the total U.S. electricity consumption. Worldwide data centers consumed in 2015 around 200 TWh of the global electricity usage. This electricity consumption is expected to increase to around 1200 TWh in 2025, which would represent 4.% of the global electricity usage. One of the mejor contributors to the overall data center power is the IT or computing power, therefore there is a special interest to imporve its energy efficiency. Scientific community has developed energy efficient techniques to reduce the energy consumption of IT equipment, such as resource management, power budgeting or power capping...Los centros de datos son una de las secciones del sector de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones (TIC) que tienen mayor consumo energético. Durante el año 2014 en EE.UU., los centros de datos consumieron alrededor del 1.8% del consumo eléctrico total en dicho país. A nivel mundial, los centros de datos representaron en el añó 2015 alrededor de 200TWh respecto al consumo eléctrico mundial. Según estimaciones, este consumo eléctrico puede aumentar hasta unos 1200 TWh en año 2025, lo que representaría el 4.5% del consumo eléctrico global. Uno de los mayores contribuidores al consumo global en los centros de datos es el representado por los equipos de computación o consumo de IT. A nivel computacional, se han desarrollado diversas técnicas para reducir el consumo de IT como pueden ser, la gestión de recursos, presupuestos de potencia y la limitación de consumo de los servidores ubicados en los centros de datos...Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Energy-aware task scheduling in data centers using an application signature

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    Data centers are power hungry facilities. Energy-aware task scheduling approaches are of utmost importance to improve energy savings in data centers, although they need to know beforehand the energy consumption of the applications that will run in the servers. This is usually done through a full profiling of the applications, which is not feasible in long-running application scenarios due to the long execution times. In the present work we use an application signature that allows to estimate the energy without the need to execute the application completely. We use different scheduling approaches together with the information of the application signature to improve the makespan of the scheduling process and therefore improve the energy savings in data centers. We evaluate the accuracy of using the application signature by means of comparing against an oracle method obtaining an error below 1.5%, and Compression Ratios around 39.7 to 45.8

    Sandy and the City: The Need for Coastal Policy Reform

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    After tropical storm Sandy battered the East Coast in October 2012, New York City was damaged extensively by flooding, high-intensity winds and the resultant flames. The resultant flooding rendered many underground subway lines unusable along the southern coasts for an extended period of time, as well as damaging buried electrical wiring. These outages were compounded by the hi-strength winds in the upper areas that also brought down above ground wiring. The lack of electricity for use in traffic lights, care facilities, emergency services and mass transit had a staggeringly adverse impact on public health. In the upcoming effort to rebuild the affected portions of New York City, considerations will have to be taken as to the cost of hardening the infrastructure in preparation for future events, and what types of remediation and preventative actions will be necessary in dealing with the resultant public health issues. The flooding that occurred in the low-lying areas of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island and Long Island brought ashore water contaminated with heavy metals and disease, which have inundated houses and apartment buildings. Any related policies should then be subject to a set of guidelines which would bring about the most resilient engineering changes at the most economically effective cost. Tokyo, Miami, Mumbai and many more “mega-cities” currently exist below sea level. With its unique status as one of the wealthiest and most politically powerful cities in the world, New York is perfectly situated to act as a template for other coastal cities in regards to future storm preparation policy implementation